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More Guides and other News
We are happy to announce that we now have complete sections finished and up on our site covering information on Harvest Moon The Tale of Two Towns.
We are happy to announce that we now have complete sections finished and up on our site covering information on Harvest Moon The Tale of Two Towns. The new sections are a complete guide on cooking, including the recipes for all 273 dishes you can make. Along with a complete section on every villager in each town. So be sure to check them out. If you need help still or have any questions, feel free to post in our forum on the Two Towns board.

Two Towns Guide

Two Towns Message Board

While we are on the subject of Two Towns, Natsume finally has revealed the final and set release date for the 3DS version of the game, for November 1st in North America!

hylianknightmare has also given us an update to his glitch guide under the Animal Parade section. It has a few corrects from the previous guide. So be sure to check it out if your having problems with the game.

Lastly, the current Poll, will be ending on the 25th. So if you havent voted yet, be sure to vote for your favorite bachelor/ette before the 25th!

Posted by Owen on Saturday 22 October 2011 - 15:35:49 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
yet another Update! and News of new HM game!
Things sure are getting busy this time of year with all the new releases!
Things sure are getting busy this time of year with all the new releases!

1st off, we are happy to say that thanks to one of our newest members, hylianknightmare, we have a guide outlining how to avoid the disappearing children glitch in Harvest Moon: Animal Parade! You can find it under the "Glitch Guide" menu option on the Animal Parade main page. Here is a direct link to the new info: Glitch Guide by hylianknightmare Be sure to check it out!
If you have any info you think would be helpful to the guide be sure to email him at his personal email: hylianknightmare@aol.com. [Keep in mind, because of our websites software, it changes the "at symbol" into the copyright symbol for some reason. So if you copy and paste his email, be sure to change the symbol because it won't send properly]

Also, we will be adding to the Tale of Two towns guide. I will be typing out the info when I get time so eventually we will have a full guide. The next section will deal with all the cooking recipes to help you win the cooking contests!

And last but not least! There has been an announcment for another brand new HM game which is going to be released in Japan early in 2012. It's called Harvest Moon: Land of Beginning. It looks like it will be for the 3DS only at this point. Here is a link to the official Japanese website. All the words are in Japanese, but at least its got pictures lol.

Official Website

Posted by Owen on Thursday 06 October 2011 - 00:18:09 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Website Updates: Forum and New Guide!!
We now have a board section on our forum for topics about Harvest Moon Tale of Two Towns.
We now have a board section on our forum for topics about Harvest Moon Tale of Two Towns. So if you have any questions you can post them there and we can help you.

Here is the link to that board: Harvest Moon: Two Towns Board

Also, we are happy to announce that the Marriage Guide and info on all 12 of the marriage candidates on Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns is complete! Be sure to check it out. Since it has just been submitted we ask that if you find any typos or some info that may not be quite correct that you can let us know by posting a topic on the Two Towns board on the forum, the link of which is posted above.

Here is a quick link to the Guides main page, you can also find the link on the main menu sidebar to the left of this news post, or in the buttons above. Click here to go to the Two Towns Menu page!

Posted by Owen on Friday 30 September 2011 - 01:57:16 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Monthly News
Hello to our users of Harvest Moon Paradise.
Hello to our users of Harvest Moon Paradise. Its that time of the month again for news updates and Poll results.

1st things 1st. Harvest Moon Tale of Two Towns was released in North America on Sept 20th. Canada did not receive it until the 22nd. The 3ds version will be released sometime in October 2011.

on our 2nd order of business, it is time for our poll to be tallied. The poll question we've had for the last month was "Who is your Favorite Special Bachelorette? [HM:DS]"

The results: 64 votes overall

Leia the mermaid won by a landslide with 28 votes and 47% overall of all votes.
The runner up was The Harvest Goddess with 13 votes and 22% overall
3rd place was The Witch Princess with 11 votes and 18% overall
Last but not least, well, in this case least, was Keira with only 8 votes and only 13% overall.

Thanks to everybody who voted!

Our next poll is gonna be a good 1 folks. In relation to the new release of Tale of Two Towns, the next poll will be
"Who are you going to marry on HM: Two Towns?" All the bachelorettes and bachelors will be listed and you will be able to choose 2 options. So you can vote for either your fav bachelorette and bachelor, or for both of your favorite girls or boys. So be sure to vote!

Also we have a new banner up which features the 6 bachelorettes and the male main character for Two Towns. We hope everybody likes it!

We also will be adding a partial guide for Harvest Moon Tale of Two Towns within the next couple weeks outlining how to get married, the likes and dislikes of each marriage canidate along with their events! So keep an eye out for it and we will post a news item announcing it as well once it is up.

So, until next time, thank you for choosing HMP for all your Harvestmoon needs!

HMP Staff

Posted by Owen on Sunday 25 September 2011 - 12:47:44 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Release date!
Natsume has now officially announced the release date of Harvestmoon: Tale of the Two Towns in North America for Sept 20th 2011.
Natsume has now officially announced the release date of Harvestmoon: Tale of the Two Towns in North America for Sept 20th 2011. This date is only for the regular DS and DSi systems. The 3DS version will be at a later date. The release date for the 3DS version will be posted here when it is confirmed.

Posted by Owen on Thursday 15 September 2011 - 02:02:55 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
August Poll Results & Breaking News!
Well another mont has rolled around and its time to post the results to the poll.
Well another mont has rolled around and its time to post the results to the poll. The poll question was:

What do you like to do most when playing Harvest Moon?

The results were just a little bit one sided haha

So here are the top 3 of the poll:

1st: Befriending Villagers Votes: 64 | 48.48%
2nd:Looking after Livestock Votes: 17 | 12.88%
3rd: Other Votes: 15 | 11.36%

So our new polls, is similar to the one the month before last. we had realized that after we put the poll up for Favorite bachelorette on Harvest Moon: DS that we forgot a few of the special bachelorettes. So this poll will be for the next month: Who is your favorite special Bachelorette? [HM:DS]

Be sure to vote!

Also in side news, we have our latest banner up featuring the main playable characters from the upcoming new Harvest Moon release for the DS and 3DS, Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns, due to be released late September or early October 2011 in North America

And a special announcment from our affiliate: 150:
Our lowest prices ever on PS3 and Nintendo 3DS systems.

PlayStation 3 160GB now just $249
PlayStation 3 40GB (Refurb) now just $199
Nintendo 3DS now just $169.99

Plus, breaking news, Natsume has announced its 1st game to be released on the Playstation 3!! Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny!! As you can see from the picture of the box art, it is Playstation Move compatible!!

It will also be available for the Nintendo Wii. This also means that the Harvest Moon series of games is now available on all current videogame systems except xbox! Get with the program Microsoft!

Posted by Owen on Thursday 25 August 2011 - 23:35:19 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
New Major Affiliates!
Harvest Moon Paradise is now affiliated with: Gamestop, Prima Games and Brady Games!
Harvest Moon Paradise is now affiliated with: Gamestop, Prima Games and Brady Games! This helps keep the site active as it brings in more traffic, and by going through the ads which you have no doubt noticed on the right hand side of this main page, you can get deals on different products from each major affiliate. Just as an example, by clicking the Gamestop ad, you can find a special deal each day which you can only get through that ad. Deals include % off game purches etc.

Be sure to check out our new major affiliates!


The HMP Staff

Posted by Owen on Sunday 07 August 2011 - 15:22:00 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Monthy Poll Results
So another month has rolled by and its time to post the final standings of the poll, and to announce the next poll.
So another month has rolled by and its time to post the final standings of the poll, and to announce the next poll.

So it was a simpler poll question, but we got a record breaking [For HMP] 264 votes!

Usually we only just post the top 3 results, but we didnt really want to leave out the other girls who didnt get as many votes.

So the final standings are

1st- Ann 36 Votes!
2nd- Karen 35 votes
3rd- Nami 31 votes
4th- Popuri & Elli 29 votes each
5th- Celia 25 votes
6th- Muffy 19 votes
7th- Witch Princess & Harvest Goddess 16 votes each
8th- Lumina 12 votes
9th- Mary & Flora 8 votes each

We were suprised that Ann won the poll, Anthony and I totally expected Karen to take top prize, but wonders never cease.

Our next poll will run from tonight to the 25th of August.

The poll question will be What do you like to do most when playing Harvest Moon?

Posted by Owen on Monday 25 July 2011 - 22:10:04 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Mobile phone
The Hmp staff would like to know if the site works on your mobile phone or not if so is it useable or does it take too long to load.
The Hmp staff would like to know if the site works on your mobile phone or not if so is it useable or does it take too long to load. Please comment with answers and type of device you're using. Yes I consider iPads and xoom tablets mobile phones too

Posted by Anthony on Thursday 14 July 2011 - 06:02:11 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
HM:64 updates! & Monthly Poll Results
We are happy to announce that 3 major updates to the Harevst Moon 64 guide are comeplete thanks to Kirbyarm.
We are happy to announce that 3 major updates to the Harevst Moon 64 guide are comeplete thanks to Kirbyarm. The links are below!

GameShark Codes


Photo Album

Also there was a small update in the marriage section where it was confirmed that you can have 2 kids. Heres the link, the picture and description is at the bottom: Marriage & Babies

Also, Anthony has a Magical Melody plush sheep that he got as a pre-order gift that he is going to be selling on ebay if anybody is interested. The Bid starts at 9:15pm est Tuesday June 21 2011.
The Auction!

And for Poll Results:

Whats your favorite Accessory you can find in the mines? [HM:DS/CUTE]

1st: All of the Above: Votes: 25 | 49.02%
2nd: Time Ring: Votes: 9 | 17.65%
3rd: Friend Broach: Votes: 5 | 9.8%

The next poll will run [naturally] from tonight June 25th to July 25th. The poll topic will be Who is your favorite Bachelorette?[ [FoMT/HM:DS] Be sure to vote for your favorite girl!

Posted by Owen on Monday 20 June 2011 - 16:30:00 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
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