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December Seasonal Greeting 2009
Holiday Greetings and Best Wishes for a New Year of Happiness in a world of peace.

Holiday Greetings and Best Wishes for a New Year of Happiness in a world of peace.




All the HMP Admins would like to wish you happy harvesting holidays and a bountiful new year!

Happy Harvesting Holiday!!!

Posted by Karrarin on Friday 25 December 2009 - 12:08:34 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
New Games Coming
Over the next month or so we plan to add the following games:
Over the next month or so we plan to add the following games:

Harvest Moon Animal Parade
Harvest Moon Sunshine Islands
Harvest Moon Frantic Farming

If you can contribute to any of these guides let us know.

Posted by Anthony on Monday 09 November 2009 - 18:50:05 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
New Poll
Well once again another month has rolled by.
Well once again another month has rolled by. Here are the current poll results

Would you marry Kate in AWL or HM:DS or Hugh in AnWL or HM:DS Cute when they grow up?

Of course!
Votes: 19 | 32.76%

Only Kate
Votes: 6 | 10.34%

Only Hugh
Votes: 12 | 20.69%

No Way! They are still too young
Votes: 21 | 36.21%

1st: No Way! They are still too young
2nd: Of Course
3rd: Only Hugh

Next poll topic will be:

On average..how long do you play harvestmoon a day?

Posted by Owen on Wednesday 07 October 2009 - 02:01:47 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Poll Results
IT's been a while since we changed the poll so I'm adding a new one.
IT's been a while since we changed the poll so I'm adding a new one. be sure to vote.

This poll's topic will be:

"Would you marry Kate in AWL or HM:DS or Hugh in AnWL or HM:DS Cute when they grow up?"

Also here are the poll results from the old poll:

Would you like to see MMV and Natsume remake Harvestmoon64 into a DS version?

Votes: 244 | 69.52%

Votes: 38 | 10.83%

Don't really care
Votes: 43 | 12.25%

Nope [because your obviously retarded]
Votes: 25 | 7.12%

1st: Yes!!
2nd:Don't Really Care
3rd: Maybe
4th: Nope

Posted by Owen on Tuesday 01 September 2009 - 00:55:23 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Game Reviews and new club!
As what we told you in the previous news entry, now we will reveal the review section!
As what we told you in the previous news entry, now we will reveal the review section!!
If you were confused whether to buy a certain series of HM, now you could see the ratings and comments about each game from the admins, and also an exclusive review.Not only that you could comments and give ratings of your own as well! So just make sure you check them out.


The next one is about the new HarvestmoonParadise club on facebook.
We just established a new fanclub on facebook for HMP, so come and join us, invite your friends as well. The club will be filled with fun games and also updated news about Harvest Moon and the related sequel series of it.Come and check it out.

Posted by Karrarin on Monday 24 August 2009 - 02:36:46 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Reviews Update
Getting close 5 more left to go till we can reveal the review section
Getting close 5 more left to go till we can reveal the review section

New Poll coming too

Posted by Anthony on Tuesday 04 August 2009 - 03:00:40 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
We are currently working a review section that will be added to the site i hope to have it done sometime in the next month.
We are currently working a review section that will be added to the site i hope to have it done sometime in the next month. It will have a review for each game as well as the score all of our admins gave it. The purpose of this is to hopefully answer questions on if you believe you should play the game.

Also the wanted post below i still need all that stuff if you got it.


Posted by Anthony on Tuesday 23 June 2009 - 03:47:33 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Heres a couple things the site needs that i havent been able to obtain since my videos got taken down from youtube:
Heres a couple things the site needs that i havent been able to obtain since my videos got taken down from youtube:

Hm 64:

Video of non married Birthday Event
Video of event when your married to ann and you eat dumplings on the mountain
Video of all the responses to the married birthday event

Hm Fomt:

Video of the glitch where Ann says Goo-Goo on your birthday

Hm Mfomt:

Video of Ann saying "She will be so happy" when you give her the blue feather

If anyone has these please send to anthonyd56@yahoo.com or post them in a comment to this post.

Also ANY screenshots of any of the games are helpful

Posted by Anthony on Thursday 21 May 2009 - 11:34:23 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Hm 64 Update
We have a new birthdays section for hm 64 be sure to check it out.
We have a new birthdays section for hm 64 be sure to check it out.

Posted by Anthony on Saturday 09 May 2009 - 02:37:46 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
New Affilate Meow Mix
We have a new affiliate called Meow Mix.
We have a new affiliate called Meow Mix. This site deals with Super Smash Brothers. They went and created a jack character and inserted him into the super smash brothers wii game. Heres an image:
You can view more at http://meowmix.xtreemhost.com/?p=717#more-717 Also discuss this in our forums in the general discussion section

Posted by Anthony on Thursday 16 April 2009 - 21:58:35 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
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