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Guide Updates & Contest Report
So, we recently re-vamped the bachelor/ettes sections in a few of our guides that were missing the pictures and didnt match the layout of our other guides.
So, we recently re-vamped the bachelor/ettes sections in a few of our guides that were missing the pictures and didnt match the layout of our other guides. If you are interested in checking these out, the guides we worked on were for Animal Parade, Harvest Moon DS and DS Cute and Rune Factory. The marriage candidate sections are now easy to navigate and easier to read then before!

We recently added a detailed Map and Info section for Tale of Two Towns along with a section about the expansions! The map section has detailed maps of every area of the Two Towns world. Each main point of interest in each area is labeled and then below the picture is a detailed description of what the number has labeled on the map! To check them out, Click here for the Maps section! or Click here for the Expansions section!

We also have a new upload from Hylianknightmare. This contains a save file from Animal Parade, and the link to the upload is in his Glitch Guide in the Animal Parade Section. There is a link to the guide below

Missing Child Glitch Guide

In a progress report for the contest, we have got a total of....4 entries so far! Not that much yet but we are going in the right direction! But still make sure, if you havent already done so to enter! Just as a reminder to all who may be thinking of entering. Please let us know if you are going to enter BEFORE you have your drawing finished and asap. This way we will know how many people we will have entered in the contest. So simply, if right now, you are wanting to enter the contest, email us to let us know. Then work on your drawing. Remember, if we can't get enough entries, we can't do the give away. We will still see the contest to the finish, but there just wont be a prize for 1st place. So if you want a chance at getting a copy of Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns, be sure to let us know asap by emailing us.

There is more information on the News Post below. The email to send your entry to is also located at the bottom of the news post below.

And as you no doubt noticed, we changed the site's link and menu headers from green to blue for something different. Hope you like the new look

Make sure to visit Mr.FailGame's channel on youtube with excellent Lets Play videos for harvestmoon games! Click the logo to visit him on Youtube!! 2wgvoy0

Posted by Owen on Thursday 15 December 2011 - 12:19:27 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Big News! Give-Away Contest!
For the 1st time in HMP history.
For the 1st time in HMP history. We are holding a contest with a free give-away prize for the winner in celebration of getting 100 subscribers to our Youtube Channel! We will be giving away a copy of Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns to the person who submits the best fan art of a Harvestmoon Character of your choice! The Winner can choose to get either the 3DS version, or the regular DS version of the game, once they are chosen as the winner. If you are overseas from North America, and the fact that the 3DS version is region locked we will give the winner (provided they do not live in North America) an Amazon Gift Card worth $30 US dollars for you to purchase the game yourself or just the regular DS version. Though you will have to pay shipping.This applies for overseas contestants only. Canada and US residents will not have to pay shipping. To enter our contest you can email your art entry under the email subject "HMP Fan Art Contest" to the email listed at the bottom of this news post. You can enter the contest before you actually have your artwork finished. Simply just email us still and let us know you would like to participate as soon as you can. We also forgot to mention, you must be 13 years of age or older to participate. The criteria for your artwork to qualify for the contest is as follows: - The artwork must have character(s) that are based on an HM game no older then Harvestmoon 64 and BTN to present. This includes all games for all systems up until the present that had the title "Harvest Moon" excluding the Innocent Life and Rune Factory games. - The artwork can be any character(s) seen in the games, be it a main character, bachelorette, bachelor or regular villager, Harvest Sprites, or even farm animals and crops as well. However, if you draw the Main Character, we would like to see entries with the Main Character with another one of the game characters for variety. - We will be paying close attention to detail and originality. The more interesting and detailed your entry is, the better chance you will have at winning. - You must make sure there is some way you can prove to us that the artwork you submit is authentic and done by you only. - Your submission can be in any medium you wish. Be it hand drawn, sketched, painted, done on a picture editing program or even make a Mii on your Wii console. Just take a picture of your entry and email it to us - Entries must be appropriate for all ages. No nudity, or vulgarity please. Any submissions we recieve that fit into that description will be immediatly disqualified The contest will run for the next 2 months starting this Sunday December 11th 2011 to Feburary 11th 2012. Unfortunatly though, we will only have a prize for the 1st place winner since this is our 1st contest and have no idea what kind of a turn out we will get. If though we find that we do not get enough submissions for the contest we will not be doing the giveaway! So make sure to submit so we can give this oppertunity to you! We need to get at least 50 submissions to hold a fair contest, so be sure to do your part to enter! Be sure to tell your friends to come check out the contest and to enter. There will be a special topic in the fanart board of our forum for the contest. If you wish to talk about your entries your welcome to post there. However, you must be a member of HMP to use the forum, so by all means, sign up! Here is a link to the fan art board: Fan Art Forum The topic is in the sticky section called "Fanart Contest! After the contests ends on Febuary 11th, the staff here at HMP will need time to go through the entries and decide which one is best. The winner will be posted on March 1st of 2012! During the duration of the contest, we will post news bullitens notifying how the contest is going, such as how many entries we have and how much longer we have left. On MArch 1st 2012 we will post a news bulletin with the name of the contest winner and the artwork they submitted. All other entries will be added to our fanart section with credit to the artists so everybody can enjoy all of the hardwork everybody put in! So be sure to enter! Remember, the contest starts Sunday December 11th. Send your artwork to the HMP email which is hmp_staff@harvestmoonparadise.com Be sure to include your name, nickname or username in your email so we can give you credit to your artwork when it is posted! **Special Note** Due to strange software problems, when an email is posted the "at symbol" typed by pressing "shift key" and "2" is displayed as a copyright symbol instead "©" If you copy the email direct from this news post, remember to replace the © with the "at symbol" If you would like to watch the information video for this contest which basicaly coveres what is in this news post you can watch our information video below

Posted by Owen on Friday 09 December 2011 - 02:16:54 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
November Poll results & News
Hello all!
Hello all! Its that time again for the montly news updates and Poll results!

In news, be sure sure to check out Slypipers Youtube channel! He is making a series of "lets Play" videos for harvestmoon Snes. You can visit his youtube channel by clicking the logo below:


Also we have our latest banner up, which outlines the history of HM games, showing a contrast of how far they have come with graphics. We hope you like it!

As for the monthly poll results. we asked:"If you could be a character on a HM game, what would you do?"

The results are as follows:

Unsurprisingly the #1 choice was
Be a Farmer Votes: 31 | 33.33%

2nd place was
Run an Animal Shop Votes: 12 | 12.9%

and 3rd place close behind 2nd was
Run the Inn Votes: 10 | 10.75%

Thank you to everybody who voted! Our next poll will run from November 26th [today] to December 31st. The poll will be closed on Jan 1st. And from then on all website updates will be on the 1st of each month instead of the 25th.

The Next poll question asks "Which Town is your Favorite?"

be sure to vote for your favorite village!

Posted by Owen on Saturday 26 November 2011 - 18:19:07 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Videos show off customization options in new HM game for 3DS.
Videos have surfaced showing character customization options for both genders, and even farm customization in the upcoming Harvest Moon game for 3DS, Land of Origin, or as some places call it, First Earth.
Videos have surfaced showing character customization options for both genders, and even farm customization in the upcoming Harvest Moon game for 3DS, Land of Origin, or as some places call it, First Earth.

Click here to see the New Videos!

Posted by Anthony on Wednesday 23 November 2011 - 16:54:49 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town
The guide is back up as we have finished updating it.
The guide is back up as we have finished updating it. We had found that the section for the bachelors was sub-par in comparison to our other guides on HMP. So we gave it a re-vamp. If you want to check it out the link is below.

MFoMT Bachelors

Remember that if you have any questions at all about your games or something you cant find in the guide, feel free to post on the forum! The link is below.

HMP Forums

Posted by Owen on Wednesday 16 November 2011 - 14:24:09 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Harvest Moon MFOMT
The Harvest Moon MFOMT section is currently down for repair and is being redone we will let u know when it is back up
The Harvest Moon MFOMT section is currently down for repair and is being redone we will let u know when it is back up

Posted by Anthony on Monday 07 November 2011 - 14:53:59 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Harvest Moon Paradise has a new Facebook page!
Harvest Moon Paradise has a new Facebook page! Click on the logo below to check it out!


And be sure to Like us as well when your there, or clicking the Like button on the Facebook panel on the right side of this page!

Posted by Owen on Friday 04 November 2011 - 20:01:54 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Save the Homeland and Tale of Two Towns 3D
I was surprised to see this, but as it turns out, Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland will be coming to PSN November 1st, as a PS2 Classics release.
I was surprised to see this, but as it turns out, Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland will be coming to PSN November 1st, as a PS2 Classics release. Those of you who didn't get the chance to play the game the first time around, or those who have played the remake (Hero of Leaf Valley) may want to give this one a download.

PSN Store New Releases

Also coming on the 1st is Tale of Two Towns 3D, so get your wallets ready for a Harvest Moon double feature!

Posted by Anthony on Monday 31 October 2011 - 20:11:17 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Announcing new Staff Member & General Updates
We are happy to welcome hylianknightmare to the HMP Staff.
We are happy to welcome hylianknightmare to the HMP Staff. We signed him on as of today [October 26th] He will be helping us by making youtube videos and plenty of other things. So Welcome to the team hylianknightmare!

The most updated version of his glitch guide, v 1.5 is up on the AP section.

And if you like the Harvest Moon series, Natsume is releasing a new game in Europe. Here is a link to the Youtube Trailer for the release.

Gabrielle's Ghostly Groove: Monster Mix

Posted by Owen on Wednesday 26 October 2011 - 23:59:12 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Monthly Updates
Hello all, its that time again for the news update and poll results.
Hello all, its that time again for the news update and poll results.

1st off I do apologize for not having this done sooner but I just spent the last hour and 45 minutes deleting 125 spam posts in the comments of every news item on all 25 pages. Just wanted to let our members know if you see any spam posts such as the ones that were posted today in the comments to let either Anthony or myself know about them. There have also been times in the past where we got spam posts in the forums as well. Easiest way to identify a spam post is if they are advertising a product of some sort with random links in what they are saying, along with multple posts repeating the same thing, and so on and so forth. So we ask anybody who sees these to please click the report button on the post to notify us. It will be greatly appreciated.

2nd order of business, The poll results for the last month. Pretty standard but alwaays a popular poll to have. So the question was "Who are you going to marry on HM: Two Towns?"

We will tally up the winners in 3 categories, Bachelorettes, Bachelors and then over all.

So first, the Bachelorettes results were

Reina 1st place: 27 votes
Georgia 2nd Place: 21 votes
Laney 3rd: 6 Votes

Alisa Votes: 4 | 2.14%

Georgia Votes: 21 | 11.23%

Laney Votes: 6 | 3.21%

Nori Votes: 7 | 3.74%

Reina Votes: 27 | 14.44%

The Oracle Votes: 4 | 2.14%


Bachelors Reults:

1st place [By a landslide] Cam: 51 votes
2nd place Mikhail: 22 votes
3rd place Kanna: 17 votes

Ash Votes: 15 | 8.02%

Cam Votes: 51 | 27.27%

Dirk Votes: 7 | 3.74%

Hiro Votes: 6 | 3.21%

Kana Votes: 17 | 9.09%

Mikhail Votes: 22 | 11.76%


Overall standings

1st place: Cam with 51 votes
2nd place: Reina with 27 votes
3rd place: Mikhail 22 votes

The next poll should be interesting. Ever wish you could be your own character on a Harvest Moon game? Ever think of what you would like to do for work if you could? Well thats the topic of this months poll. The question would be: "If you could be a character on a HM game, what would you do?" So be sure to vote, voting will run until November 25th!

Lastly, we have a new banner up featuring the bachelors on Two Towns, hope you like it! And the next section that Im working on for the Two Towns guide that will be up soon is comeplete maps of the entire game world, with info on each place. So keep an eye out for the announcment for its upload!

Until next time,

The HMP Staff

Posted by Owen on Tuesday 25 October 2011 - 23:39:17 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
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