Owen    30 Sep 2011 : 01:57
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We now have a board section on our forum for topics about Harvest Moon Tale of Two Towns.

We now have a board section on our forum for topics about Harvest Moon Tale of Two Towns. So if you have any questions you can post them there and we can help you.

Here is the link to that board: Harvest Moon: Two Towns Board

Also, we are happy to announce that the Marriage Guide and info on all 12 of the marriage candidates on Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns is complete! Be sure to check it out. Since it has just been submitted we ask that if you find any typos or some info that may not be quite correct that you can let us know by posting a topic on the Two Towns board on the forum, the link of which is posted above.

Here is a quick link to the Guides main page, you can also find the link on the main menu sidebar to the left of this news post, or in the buttons above. Click here to go to the Two Towns Menu page!

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This news item is from Harvest Moon Paradise