Owen    20 Jun 2011 : 15:30
 None    Misc

We are happy to announce that 3 major updates to the Harevst Moon 64 guide are comeplete thanks to Kirbyarm.

We are happy to announce that 3 major updates to the Harevst Moon 64 guide are comeplete thanks to Kirbyarm. The links are below!

GameShark Codes


Photo Album

Also there was a small update in the marriage section where it was confirmed that you can have 2 kids. Heres the link, the picture and description is at the bottom: Marriage & Babies

Also, Anthony has a Magical Melody plush sheep that he got as a pre-order gift that he is going to be selling on ebay if anybody is interested. The Bid starts at 9:15pm est Tuesday June 21 2011.
The Auction!

And for Poll Results:

Whats your favorite Accessory you can find in the mines? [HM:DS/CUTE]

1st: All of the Above: Votes: 25 | 49.02%
2nd: Time Ring: Votes: 9 | 17.65%
3rd: Friend Broach: Votes: 5 | 9.8%

The next poll will run [naturally] from tonight June 25th to July 25th. The poll topic will be Who is your favorite Bachelorette?[ [FoMT/HM:DS] Be sure to vote for your favorite girl!

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This news item is from Harvest Moon Paradise