Day 26: Ice is Slippery!

Howdy everybody,

Well Day 26 already, man time flies. I have only 9 days left before my time here at the farm is up. I started the day as normally as I have done the last while. Its been so great not having to shovel any snow. Although some is forcasted for Saturday..but Im keeping my fingers crossed that it stays clear.

After letting the dogs out I went and fed the horses their breakfast and had to refill the water for Mack, Starz and Koko. But for some reason the self draining hose didnt drain last night and froze solid! So I got to haul water to the trough in buckets. After 8 trips it was finally full. Which is definatly enough for them 3 horses until tomorrow morning. And I checked it before just coming inside for the night and its still half full so thats good.

I gave the dogs their rice and then did a quick tidy of the house before having breakfast. After playing some videogames and watching some TV I got a call that my Dad’s truck was fixed. So he came to pick my up and take me home to get my truck back, and then I drove back up to the farm. Later this afternoon Mike showed up to bring some Chicken Feed and some wood shavings for the chicken coop. In a way he is kind of like Takakaura, I order farm supplies and he brings them haha.

After unloading the truck and Mike left I went to go refill the food in the chicken coop. What I forgot to do was be careful of the sheet of ice on the step and of course my feet went out right from under me and down I went, cracking my back like an xylophone. Which felt AWESOME!. After that I just laid low for the rest of the ay because my back is killing me. I just got back from taking off the dogs collars and putting them to bed and feeding the horses their dinner. Its going to be cold tonight. Its only 9:25pm and its already well below freezing, clear sky too which makes it even colder.

Tomorrow I’m hoping to take some pictures of Turk, Curly and Red as I havent been able to get that many good pics of them the last few times I tried.

Thanks for reading,
and until tomorrow,
Stay Frosty

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