Day 10: Yet Another Escape…

Howdy Y’all!

Well today started off slow and boring and then ended up having some excitement. And more of the panic excitement then the fun excitement. But We will get to that eventually.

To start the day off I got up and it didn’t snow for once so I got to sleep till 8:30am. I got up and put my vest on and my hat and walked outside to go let the dogs out. I went to breathe in and I went back inside. You know how when its really cold and you breathe in your nose hairs freeze together? [For those that don’t know, it happens when its really cold and it feels really weird] Anyways I went back in and looked at the temp. It was -10 C or 22 F. It can get way colder here, but this is the coldest its been this year. I put on my cowboy hat and duster coat with a vest on underneath and then went back outside. After letting out the dogs I went to feed the horses and check their water. The water trough in the male horses pen was frozen. The heater element stopped working. Thats one thing in HM I never thought of, how come the watering hole doesn’t freeze over in winter time? I dont see any extension cords going to the pond lol.

Anyways, I broke the ice so there was fresh water for Mack, Finn and Rusty. Then I went inside to make some breakfast. Which consisted of Left of Kraft Dinner and some chicken wings. Which was awesome. Then I watched some movies and relaxed, checking on things once an hour. I went to collect the eggs and washed them and put them in the fridge. Since its been colder the chickens are laying less and less eggs. Only got 10 today. Around 3pm I got a call that some packages I’ve been waiting for in the mail came today. So I got ready to leave to go and get them. There were some Batman throwing blades and a Die-cast model of the Enterprise D from Star Trek The Next Generation. Anyways, I went out to start my truck to get it warmed up while I put the dogs into the shed and make sure the wood pellet stove was going still. After that I brushed off my truck and went to leave, just as I got to the gate I looked and saw Mack had busted down a section of fence and was out eating some bails of hay we had stored outside because there was no room in the barn! So I thought “Seriously?! Again??…” Since he was already eating hay I couldn’t coax him with hay like I did with Starzie and Koko. So I went and got a bucket. Put some handfuls of grain and cut up some apples. After getting Finn and Rusty in the upper pasture I opened the gate to where Rusty should be with the stable. I got him to follow me by feeding him chunks of apple every few feet. After I got him in I nailed the fence back together. Its a good thing the horse on HM doesnt break fences lol. Although now that I think of it the adult horse can just jump over the’d think Jack know better and make a better fence.

After all that I went back to trying to get to town, it took me 3 tries to get out of the driveway. mainly because normally I just open the gate and take a run at it and make it out. But I thought in the back of my head, what if I leave the gate open and then Mack gets out again, then what? So I hade to close the gate, which gives me about 40 less feet to get up to speed. Finally I made it and got my stuff. After making it home I fed the dogs and horses for the evening. Mike showed up after I told him the horse got out and the water trough freezing over. We tried to see if we could fix the heating element inside but it was too dark so we put in a small heater light bulb to try and keep the water thawed till tomorrow when we can fix it when its lighter.

Since then I’ve been inside warming up. Before I finish this blog I am going to go outside and load the extra bails of hay into the barn now that there is room for them, since I’ve been feeding kok and Starzie with the hay in the barn. that way Mack or the other horses for that matter wont be tempted to escape again to get to it. Once I get back in I will conclude this blog.

25 mins later: Ok! Its good to get that out of the way. I wanted to move the extra hay because it was only about 10ft away from the horse pen and thats probbably what made Mack break the fence in the 1st place. So now thats loaded in the barn and I moved the wood that was covering it into the storage shed as well. Hopefully there wont be any break outs now. Their water was almost empty so I filled it up with another bucket, prob will put in another before bed just to make sure they have enough until its fixed tomorrow. As I filled the water Finn nodded a few times and nudged me with his nose and then drank some of the water, Id like to think he was probably thanking me.

While I was out there I could hear a bunch of cyotes howling not too far away from here. Hopefully they don;t come onto the farm. I don’t feel like chasing them around with one of my tools until they leave at 11pm. In an hour or so I will be going to put the dogs in for the night. As long as that goes well there will be nothing else to report on todays happenings. If something does happen I will let you know about it tomorrow, on Day 11’s blog!

Until then,
Stay Frosty [© 2012 Slypiper]

2 Comments on “Day 10: Yet Another Escape…

  1. No way! You’re a trekie? Me too. I’ve been watching through the original series on Netflix- almost done now. You’re just not having any luck with all the animals escaping, are you? Only one option left: amputate the legs. It sounds a little extreme, but I guarantee it’ll work. Horses, dogs, chickens, heck maybe even your own. jk. I guess I have a really sick sense of humor. See ya tomorrow (on the blog, that is)

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