Day 22: Just another day on the Farm

Howdy everybody. Well today started just like any other day except for the fact that I didn’t have to get up to shovel snow, which is just so awesome. Its nice when 8:30am feels like sleeping in lol. I got up to start the…

Day 21: The end of the snow…for now

Howdy everybody. Well today was a day and a half. t started snowing in the night as it was forcasted so I knew I would have to get up to shovel snow. I set my alarm for 5:15am and looked out widow when i…

Day 20: A Slow Recovery

Howdy everyone, Well unfortunatly today was alot like yesterday. Not alot of ambition to do stuff when your feeling like crap. I didn’t do much today again besides the regular farm chores. mack is such a push over. He keeps letting Koko and Starz…

Day 19: A Sick Day

Hello everyone, Yesteday [Thursday] Was a pretty short day farm wise that is. As I am really sick with a cold I didnt get around to doing anything productive. I had got up early to go and shovel now, which definatly isnt helping me…

Day 18: The

So i got up this morning at 5:15am to go shovel snow. I actually had hopes that Turk had found his way home during the night and was sleeping inside the barn. But no luck. I wasn’t sure what to do at all. How…

Day 17: If you want to have a farm, don’t get animals

As my title for Day 17 states. Don’t get animals. If you want to try your hand at farming do it with crops. Their much quieter, less annoying and they don’t escape. Woke up this morning with intentions to have a good day. And…

Day 16: Just Another Day

Well what can I say? Today was just another day on the farm. Not alot seemed to happen that was out of the ordinary. Mack is still in his pen. New record. 3 days without any escapes. The farm owners came up to the…

Day 15: I Win

Mack has been defeated! Finally, victory! I will get to that in a bit though. Had to get up early to shovel the snow. Well it wasn’t snow really. It came down light yesterday and partially melted, and then froze over night. So it…

Day 14: I give up

Well, it snowed today. I got up early to go and shovel. As I was on my way to the top of the driveway to get picked up by my Dad I heard the ever so familiar clip clop of horse hooves on hard…

Day 13: The animals [a.k.a Mack] have gone crazy

This is the account of yesterdays happenings, I was busy and I didnt get a chance to do the blog last night. So the day started out as the last few have. I woke up to find Mack out of his pen. After getting…