Day 25: 1 less egg each day

Howdy everyone,

well today started off normal enough. I got up around 9am to do my morning routine with the animals. As I was putting on the dog collars I realized I had forgot to put on the rice for the dogs last night and they would be quite disappointed to find out I didnt have any rice for them. I went inside right away and cooked some rice, although it wouldnt be ready and cooled down enough for them for almost an hour. So I gave them an apple…yes…an apple. I’ve never seen dogs before that would eat absolutly anything, its insane.

while the rice cooked I went to feed the horses. Its funny Staz, who at 1st was really nervous around me randomly started to let me pet her. Guess she finally got used to me. Im still having problems with the girls letting Mack eat though. usually things go smoothly if I can coax Mack into the stable and feed him in there where he is out of sight of the 2 other horses.

Around 11am I got a call from my Dad that his truck broke down. So since I dont really go anywhere when Im up here anyways I offered him my truck to borrow while his is at the mechanics. I drove to town and picked him up, then drove out here, and then my Dad took my truck back with him. Before he left I wanted to give him some eggs to take back with him. I took him to the coop so he could see the chickens and when i opened the door, I noticed one of the hens had died during the night. Im not sure if it was from old age or an accident or what, but it was just laying on the floor of the coop. this really bumbed me out. Mainly because Takakura didn’t come to comfort me and tell me it wasn’t my fault. I looked everywhere but couldnt find an incubator box to put one of the eggs to hatch a new chicken. Anyways, I got a garbage bag and bagged up the dead chicken and removed it from the coop.

After washing the 13 eggs I got I gave them to my Dad who then headed for home. Managing to make it out of the driveway first try.

Later on in the afternoon I cut up some apples to take to the horeses and hand feed them. I figured since I have less then 2 weeks left before I have to go home I should spend some extra time with the horses.

Not much else happened today that was too exciting. All that remains for the evening is to make rice for the dogs tomorrow and probably some videogames. I already fed the horses for tonight and put the dogs in as well for the night.

Be sure to check in for tomorrows post

Until then,
Stay Frosty

One Comment on “Day 25: 1 less egg each day

  1. Wow. That’s weird that a chicken turns up dead for no reason. Is to coop closed in tight so that weasels and other animals can’t get in? But I don’t even know if that would be it. hhmmmm….

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