Day 14: I give up

Well, it snowed today. I got up early to go and shovel. As I was on my way to the top of the driveway to get picked up by my Dad I heard the ever so familiar clip clop of horse hooves on hard ground. Sure enough there was Mack following me, out of his pen. I didn’t even bother getting him back in because I was in a rush and if I shut the gate to the farm on the driveway he would be ok.

After shoveling I was coming back down the driveway and I noticed Mack was back in his pen. Rachel came outside and she had managed to get him into his pen in under 5 mins. So alot less work for me to deal with when I got back around 7:30am. We went and let the dogs out around 8:30 and fed the horses. Then I called Mike to ask him what I should do about the stupid horse. So he said there were some spare metal fences I could line up across where he was getting out and tie them to the fence, which would add another foot to the hight of the fence. I did this and I was quite confident that this would keep him in. Until about 20 mins ago when i went to put the dogs in for the night and feed the horses. Mack wasnt in his pen and then I saw the fence…


If you look closely he literally broke the wood pole of the original fence and completly bent the top rail of the metal fence. This marks the 9th..or is it the 10th? I cant remember hes escaped so many times I’ve lost count. So tomorrow Mike is going to come out and we are going to take down the metal fence and fix the broken post and just give up. Because we dont want Mack to end up hurting himself jumping over the fence. If he is that determined to be out of his pen, then fine, he wins.

All the horse crap aside. I got to use the tractor today to clear the lower driveway. Here are 2 videos my sister took while I was clearing the driveway

It snowed another 3 inches like 2 hours later so it was pretty pointless in the long run.

Got 14 eggs today from the chickens. And topped up their food. No other crazy happenings to report on the farm for tonight. But Im sure there will be more tomorrow, gueranteed…

Until tomorrow,

Stay Frosty

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