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New Poll and results of Old poll
Which Harvest Moon game has your favorite festivals?
Which Harvest Moon game has your favorite festivals?

Harvest Moon: 64

Votes: 41 | 20%

Harvest Moon: BTN

Votes: 56 | 27.32%

Harvest Moon: Fomt/ MFoMT

Votes: 42 | 20.49%

Harvest Moon: DS/ Cute

Votes: 21 | 10.24%

Harvest Moon: AWL/AnWL/AWLSE

Votes: 15 | 7.32%

Harvest Moon: Magical Melody

Votes: 27 | 13.17%

Other Game: Post in Comments which one

Votes: 3 | 1.46%

1st place - BTN

2nd Place- HM:64

3rd place- Hm:Fomt/ Mfomt

The new poll will be which harvestmoon game has your favorite background music, in general, not specific season, but feel free to post in the comments why you enjoy the games background music that you voted for

Posted by Owen on Sunday 27 July 2008 - 02:19:34 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Hm Ds Cute Added!!!
Thanks to Yunakitty we have added Hm Ds cute be sure to check it out!
Thanks to Yunakitty we have added Hm Ds cute be sure to check it out!!!!!

Posted by Anthony on Saturday 26 July 2008 - 22:36:41 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
New Updates
We have recently added more guides to HMP!
We have recently added more guides to HMP!

We Now have guides on Save the Homeland
Credit to rikimarubomber

Harvest Moon GBC 2
Credit to superluigi


Harvest Moon GBC 3 [ Boy Meets Girl ]
Credit to Crazydude426@hotmail.com

Soon we will also be adding a few more guides and expanding further to help you with your Harvest Moon gaming experience!
Many thanks to the people who allowed us to use their info on the games!

Posted by Owen on Friday 18 July 2008 - 18:36:32 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Forum Rules Updated
As we have been getting many topics asking about ROM's of different Harvest Moon games we have decided to make these topics against the rules, due to the illegal nature of ROM's.
As we have been getting many topics asking about ROM's of different Harvest Moon games we have decided to make these topics against the rules, due to the illegal nature of ROM's. Any topics now made about ROM's or Emulators will be locked immediatly.

We advise that all current members to please review the rules under the Forum Rules Board.

The link below will take you to the rules

Forum Rules

Thank you for your co-operation,

Harvest Moon Paradise Staff

Posted by Owen on Thursday 17 July 2008 - 17:51:43 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
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Posted by Anthony on Thursday 17 July 2008 - 01:55:25 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Harvest Moon Ds Added!!!
Thanks to freyashawk we finally have a harvest moon ds section her full guide can be found here in one piece and is broken up through out the site
Thanks to freyashawk we finally have a harvest moon ds section her full guide can be found here in one piece and is broken up through out the site

Freyashawk guide at IGN

Posted by Anthony on Tuesday 15 July 2008 - 19:53:40 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
New Guide Layout
As you may have noticed we ,The Staff of HMP, have changed the layout of the Harvest Moon guides for your benefit as we have added many games the list was getting pretty long to have all the links listed on the side bar.
As you may have noticed we ,The Staff of HMP, have changed the layout of the Harvest Moon guides for your benefit as we have added many games the list was getting pretty long to have all the links listed on the side bar. To navigate through our guides now you can either click on the side bar under the specifed game you wish and scan through the guides there, or you can also click the buttons along the top row of the web page which will take you to the same pages as the links on the side bar.

We hope you find this layout more convenient then before!

Harvest Moon Paradise Staff

Posted by Owen on Friday 11 July 2008 - 18:17:31 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Results on "Who is your favorite girl in Harvest Moon?" Poll
Votes: 12 | 21.82%

Votes: 8 | 14.55%

Votes: 15 | 27.27%

Votes: 0 | 0%

Votes: 14 | 25.45%

Votes: 2 | 3.64%

Votes: 1 | 1.82%

Votes: 0 | 0%

Votes: 3 | 5.45%

Also the new Poll is up!
This time its the question "What Harvest Moon game has your favorite festivals?" The poll will run from June 25th to July 25th! So make sure to vote for your game of choice

Posted by Owen on Wednesday 25 June 2008 - 03:24:04 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Harvest Moon Awl SE Added
With the help of Blitzgal Awl Se has been added remember the game has many similarities to Awl so the guide will only cover the things exclusive to SE.
With the help of Blitzgal Awl Se has been added remember the game has many similarities to Awl so the guide will only cover the things exclusive to SE.

Posted by Anthony on Saturday 21 June 2008 - 00:04:41 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Harvest Moon More Friends of Mineral Town Added
Harvest Moon more friends of mineral town has been added thanks to hm_gwendy for some of the info.
Harvest Moon more friends of mineral town has been added thanks to hm_gwendy for some of the info. WE REALLY NEED Harvest Moon DS if anyone could provide any info please tell us!!!

Posted by Anthony on Wednesday 18 June 2008 - 17:50:32 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
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