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Chat Box Disabled
Due to forum posts not being made im going to have to disable the chat box.
Due to forum posts not being made im going to have to disable the chat box. Too many people are posting random q's in there and not specifying the game they are asking about please post everything on the forum!!!!

Posted by Anthony on Thursday 12 June 2008 - 01:18:17 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
New affiliate

We have new affiliate called harvest moon wonder be sure to check them out.

Posted by Anthony on Monday 09 June 2008 - 21:17:14 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
AvatarCheck.com OFFICIAL LAUNCH!!!
My good friend Eric launched what is going to become one of the next coolest
My good friend Eric launched what is going to become one of the next coolest
websites on the internet. Here's your chance to be one of the first to
experience this awesome new website! CHECK IT OUT AvatarCheck.com NOW!!!!!

It's pretty addicting though, you've been warned : )

Posted by Anthony on Thursday 05 June 2008 - 03:39:50 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
New Poll
This poll will run from may 31st to june 30th as i expect alot of votes.
This poll will run from may 31st to june 30th as i expect alot of votes. The question is who is your favorite harvest moon girl?

Results of the last poll:

Which Non Harvest moon BTN/Fomt Marryable Character would you like to Marry?

3.33% [Votes: 1]
3.33% [Votes: 1]
6.67% [Votes: 2]
0% [Votes: 0]
0% [Votes: 0]
26.67% [Votes: 8]
13.33% [Votes: 4]
Grandma Ellen
0% [Votes: 0]
3.33% [Votes: 1]
0% [Votes: 0]
0% [Votes: 0]
16.67% [Votes: 5]
16.67% [Votes: 5]
10% [Votes: 3]

Posted by Anthony on Friday 30 May 2008 - 23:49:42 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Video Feature Added
I have added a feature to the site which will allow you to pick and choose from videos we have on each game.
I have added a feature to the site which will allow you to pick and choose from videos we have on each game. To use it just click videos under either harvest moon 64, btn, or fomt/mfomt and you will be directed to that games videos. You will see a box like the one below in which you can move from one video to the other by pressing the arrows or bringing up a selection box by pressing the square icon on the left side. Hope you enjoy it!

Posted by Anthony on Friday 30 May 2008 - 16:51:44 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Magical Melody and Ds To be added within the next week
By June 1st i hope to have Magical Melody and Ds added if you can contribute information about ds please let me know
By June 1st i hope to have Magical Melody and Ds added if you can contribute information about ds please let me know

Posted by Anthony on Wednesday 28 May 2008 - 05:38:05 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Forum confusion
ive gotten some emails saying that the forum is hard to follow so heres a short tutorial:
ive gotten some emails saying that the forum is hard to follow so heres a short tutorial:

1. First sign up for the site
2. After logging in click forum either up top or on the right
3. You will see a list of games, select the one you wanna talk about
4. Once your in the game section u can click any of the topics there and read them, but to create a new one hit new thread
5. For subject put the title of your question
6. For post put the question you want to ask.
7. Click submit new thread

I hope this clears things up comment on this post if u dont get it.

Posted by Anthony on Wednesday 21 May 2008 - 22:31:09 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Questions about Harvest Moon

Ive been getting quite a few questions in the contact forum lately. Sometimes when i get questions through there it cuts some of the words off so i cant see the whole question it would be alot easier if you asked them in our forum then not only me but other people can answer as well.

Posted by Anthony on Tuesday 20 May 2008 - 15:58:50 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
New Poll
Heres the results from the last poll:
Heres the results from the last poll:

Which is your favorite Harvest Moon Game:

Harvest Moon 64
16.95% [Votes: 20]
Harvest Moon BTN
18.64% [Votes: 22]
Harvest Moon BTN Girl
2.54% [Votes: 3]
Harvest Moon FOMT
13.56% [Votes: 16]
Harvest Moon MFOMT
10.17% [Votes: 12]
Harvest Moon AWL
4.24% [Votes: 5]
Harvest Moon MM
7.63% [Votes: 9]
Harvest Moon DS
16.1% [Votes: 19]
Harvest Moon SNES
1.69% [Votes: 2]
Harvest Moon Other
8.47% [Votes: 10]

Vote in the new poll on which non marryable character in HM BTN or FOMT that you want to marry

Posted by Anthony on Saturday 10 May 2008 - 00:27:20 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
Harvest Moon GBC Added!!!!
Thanks to Junogem we now have a harvest moon GBC section.
Thanks to Junogem we now have a harvest moon GBC section. If you want to view his entire guide go here http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/gbcolor/file/197527/7674

Posted by Anthony on Friday 09 May 2008 - 02:49:24 | Comments: OFF  |  printer friendly
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