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New Page 2


Birthday: Fall 15

Karen has had a big improvement
over Harvest Moon 64. This time she won't leave the village and her
parents actually like her. She goes from being very snoody and rude to
being a nice person. She still is a major alcoholic and likes to have a
good time. Like in Harvest Moon 64 she likes to wander around the
village. Her rival is the outright nerd Rick

This is how Karen reacts to all different kind of gifts:

Special Likes: Jewelry

Really Likes:

Likes: French Fries, Flowers, Pizza, Truffle, Egg, Failures

Neutral: Milk

Dislikes: Ore, Wine,
Lumber, Chocolate, Cake, anything sweet, Got to love how you get the same
reaction from a piece of chocolate as you do from a piece of lumber.

Hates: Weed,
Fish, Grape Juice (but she likes wine WTF)

Friendship Events:

1. Same event as Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. You walk in the supermarket and people are telling Jeff to put it on their tab. Duke walks in and looks at you, you tell him you should pay and Karen will come out and yell at him. Can be seen below:

2. Karen will come to your farm in the second spring
and give you a packet of moon drop flowers.
Plant them and when they bloom shell come and notice.