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Birthday: Summer 17

Ann is the daughter of the Inn & Restaurants owner Doug. Her mother died years ago when Ann was a small child and Ann has virtually no memory of her.
Every Fall 5th she relives the memory of her mothers death. She is very
loud and screams a lot, she can be shy at times when it comes to guys, as she
doesn't want to admit her feelings that much, but she warms up as you get to
know her. She will marry cliff if you don't.

Special Likes: Jewelry

Really Likes:
Spa Boiled Eggs, Chocolate, Many different food dishes just not failures,

Likes: Bamboo, Egg, Grapes, rice ball , bread, apple, pineapple, milk, cheese

Neutral: Any kind of flower, mushroom, honey

Dislikes: Fish, Green
Herb, Blue Herb, Branch, Lumber

Hates: Red
Herb, Weed

Friendship Events:

Ann's Egg Sales:

Ann will come to your farm and ask you to
deliverer three eggs to the Inn for a week. You have to go between
11am-5pm and you must have the three eggs in your rucksack. You will be
paid for this, but if you forget a day the event ends early. To know the
event is over Ann will come over with an omelet on the last day this means you
successfully did the event.

Ann's Birthday-

If you are good friends with Ann you will be invited to her birthday on Summer 17. When you go be sure to bring the invitation and a gift.

Ann Married??-

If you are really good friends with Ann one day you will walk by the Inn and see Ann yelling at her father. She will tell you her father wants her to hurry up and get married, she argues she will never get married. If you agree with her she will get mad, but if you tell her you can see her married she will be happy.