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Saving the Vineyard:

So you ask why would I even want to bother with this? Karen is a real piece of work and hates me and is so rude. Well if you don't do this Karen may just leave the village and as stupid as it sounds Karen will also never find true love if you don't save the vineyard. That's right Kai will never propose to her if the vineyard isn't saved and he might leave the village too!!!!!! You don't want this to happen do you?? Of course not so here is what you do.

1. In the bar which is in the main town after the church for about 2 weeks give the bartender the berries you find on the ground in the forest. After about 2 weeks he will say your grandfather wanted you to have this and will give you something called the door to heaven.

2. During the two weeks grow any crop I recommend a turnip and give gifts to the elves in the cave behind the woodcutters house until he speaks English.

3. Once the two weeks runs up and you get the door to heaven talk to the elf and he will say to go to the goddess to find out more info.

4. Now this might be tricky to find. Go in front of the wood cutters house and turn left and you will be in a forest area with a pond, throw your crop in the pond that you grew and the goddess will come out. From the options select grape spirit, you will now see a cut scene.

5. ****VERY IMPORTANT******

Between Fall 6 night to Fall 7 morning you MUST see the following scene (with the goddess while you are sleeping)

If you do not see that first scene with the goddess the Karen scene will not happen.

6. If you have Karen at a yellow heart you should see the above two scenes and get a picture in your mailbox in the morning.

Photo Album:

Click Here

Bamboo Float/Full moon:

These are 2 secret marriage scenes. After getting married sometime in the summer and then another time in the fall your wife will be outside after 6pm. I have had this happen at all different times, but summer 7 seems to be the most likely summer day if if it not raining, the moon view has been various days though. Once you float the bamboo you will be asked what the wish is. The choices are animals family or weather. The choice will affect the selected thing in some way. The full moon is just an event nothing happens because of it other than a slight affection boost for your wife.

Pervert Sprites:

I actually just found this one recently. Get the 3 sprites to max affection which is gifts for about 50 days straight. Have Popuri at a yellow heart or higher and on Winter 24 she will invite you to the starry night festival. Go to the top of the mountain after 6pm and she will be there. After a minute or so she will ask to cuddle, say yes and you will see the 3 sprites as peeping toms behind a bush.

Power Berries:

There are 10 Power Berries as well as a blue berry

  1. Randomly find it while tilling the soil on your land using the hoe.
  2. Get a power berry by going to the Goddesses pond with full strength, and throwing a veggie into it and wishing for strength.
  3. Throw a large blue fish into the Fisherman's Pond and a Water Imp will give you a power berry.
  4. Smash the boulder behind the fisherman's pond during winter. It has to be winter and the hammer must be at its highest level which is a gold color.
  5. Buy a power berry at the Flower Festival from Sammy the Salesman, trust me its a legit sale for once. Cost: 1,000G

  6. In the mine after winter 8 you will randomly find it.
  7. Win the Egg Festival the first year.
  8. Fish off the pier at the beach and a power berry will be found eventually. (Winter Only)
  9. One day Stu will stop by your farm and give you a marble, if you have a lot of Pink Cat Mint flowers planted.. Go to the cave and give the marble to a sprite.

  10. Befriend Basil and Lillia and the next year Basil will give you a power berry. (Can happen any year)
  11. To get the blue one throw a small fish in the fisherman's pond.

Chicken Cheat:

After getting the stairs extension carry your chickens on the roof and they will never have to be fed, but are still vulnerable to weather

Music Box

1. Go up to the tree on your farm
2. If you check the tree by pressing A a treasure map should appear
3. Find where your dog house and tree line up exactly

4. You should uncover a music box, give it to Rick to fix

5. Once fixed give it to the girl of your choice

Karen to Red Heart in one night:

Simply show Karen you dog about 100 times, around every 20 times the heart level will raise.

Free Horse Race Bets:

1. Place your bet for the horse race

2. Press B

3. All your bets will be locked in without costing you a penny, however, if you talk to the mayor before the race starts this will not work.

If you have any more secrets to list please let me know via private message or Facebook.