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Gameshark Codes
<>-<> Copyright to Dedrick Suddenly© 2011 (Kirbyarm) All rights reserved. <>-<>
<>-<>-<> Contact information: dedrick@live.ca <>-<>-<>
<>-<>-<>-<> Current Version: 1.0 <>-<>-<>-<>
<>-<>-<>-<>-<> Harvest Moon 64 Game Shark Codes <>-<>-<>-<>-<>

_ _ ___ ___ ____ _____ _______
|X| |X| /XXX\ /XXX\ _ _ |XXXX| /XXXXX| |XXXXXXX|
|X| |X| |X|¯|X| |X|¯|X| \X\() ()/X/ |X|¯¯ |X|¯¯¯ ¯¯|X|¯¯
|X|_|X| |X|_|X| |X| |X| \X\() ()/X/ |X|__ |X|___ |X|
|X|¯|X| |X|¯|X| |X|¯\X\ \X\_/X/ |X|¯¯ ¯¯¯|X| |X|
|X| |X| |X| |X| |X| \X\ \XXX/ |X|__ ___|X| |X|
|X| |X| |X| |X| |X| \X\ \X/ |XXXX| |XXXXX/ |X|
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯
___ ___ ___ _
|XXX\ () /XXX| .;:;. ( ) .;:;. |XXX\ () |X|
|X|\X\ /X/|X| ,:;;:;:; ,:;;:;:; |X|\X\ |X|
|X| \X\/X/ |X| ;;:;;:;:; ;;:;;:;:; |X| \X\ |X|
|X| \XX/ |X| ;;:| |;:; ;;:| |;:; |X| \X\ |X|
|X| \/ |X| ;;:;;:;:; ;;:;;:;:; |X| \X |X|
|X| () () |X| ':;;:;:; ':;;:;:; |X| \XXX|
|X| () |X| ':::' ( ) ':::' |X| \XX|
¯ ¯ ___ ___ ¯ ¯¯
ASCII art by |X|¯¯ /X/|X|
|X| /X/ |X|
Kirbyarm |X|___ /X/__|X|
|X| |X|¯¯¯¯¯¯|X|
|X\_|X| |X|
\XXX/ |X|
¯¯¯ ¯

& Introduction &

In this comprehensive list of Game Shark codes, you will be able to edit,
modify and manipulate basically everything you can possibly think of, or could
possibly want, even on command at the touch of a button if you choose to
understand how to utilize the Dual Activator codes to their maximum potential.

There is a stand-alone Hard Mode Code, which makes the game more challenging,
for those who are tired and bored of the regular routine and are beginning to
find the gameplay elements of the game too easy.

& Version History &

Version 1.00 - June 7th, 2011

This document was long started before any of my other HM64 work, as I needed
to be inside the game to determine all of the other information documents I
have provided to the world wide web. There is no way to tell exactly how long
it took, but I do know just converting the raw codes I found into Game Shark
format took several days of hard work.

If there are codes you wish to see made, or think it would be really cool if
something were possible through the use of Game Shark codes, please e-mail me
at dedrick@live.ca with any suggestions or additions I could test an implement
in this document.

Enjoy your hacking!

& Table Of Contents &

1) Introduction...................................................[Intro]
2) Version History................................................[Versi]
3) Harvest Moon 64 Game Shark Codes...............................[Shark]

a) Dual Activator Codes..........................................[GSDua]

b) Chicken Codes.................................................[GSChi]
c) Cow & Sheep Codes.............................................[GSC&S]
d) Horse & Dog Codes.............................................[GSH&D]
e) Animal Digits.................................................[GSAnD]
f) Super Animal Codes............................................[GSSAC]

g) Time Manipulation Codes.......................................[GSTim]
h) Statistic Codes...............................................[GSSta]
i) Weather Manipulation Codes....................................[GSWea]

j) Stock & Supply Codes..........................................[GSSto]
k) Total Achievement Codes.......................................[GSTot]
l) Tool EXP Codes................................................[GSToo]
m) Race Odds Codes...............................................[GSRac]

n) Life Codes....................................................[GSLif]
o) Inventory Codes...............................................[GSInv]
p) NPC Affection Codes...........................................[GSAff]
q) NPC Location Codes............................................[GSLoc]
r) Crop Codes....................................................[GSCro]

s) Event Codes...................................................[GSEve]
t) Prize Codes...................................................[GSPri]
u) Accomplishment Codes..........................................[GSAcc]

v) Name Codes....................................................[GSNam]
w) Mountain Forage Codes.........................................[GSFor]

x) Kirbyarm's Elite Codes........................................[GSKir]

4) Hard Mode Codes................................................[GSHar]
5) Credits........................................................[Credi]
6) Copyright......................................................[Copyr]

& Harvest Moon 64 Game Shark Codes &

$ Dual Activator Codes $

What is Dual Activator? Simply put, it is a line of code you can put before any
other single code line, that will tell the Game Shark not to activate the 2nd
line of code until a certain button is pressed (or combination of buttons).

How is this useful? Only activating codes at select times, when you want, at
the push of a button. Releasing the button causes the Game Shark to stop
injecting the code into the game.


Dual Activator Modifier

D1170404 ????

0000 - No Buttons
0001 - C Right Button
0002 - C Left Button
0004 - C Down Button
0008 - C Up Button
0010 - R Button
0020 - L Button
0100 - Right Directional Pad
0200 - Left Directional Pad
0400 - Down Directional Pad
0800 - Up Directional Pad
1000 - Start Button
2000 - Z Button
4000 - B Button
8000 - A Button

For button combinations, you must add the buttons you wish to be pressed to
activate the code, together, using the hexidecimal format. For example:

D1170404 2030
8016FD52 00D4

"2030" is a combination of three buttons, 2000 + 0010 + 0020 (Z + R + L).
Therefore when these three buttons are pressed at the same time, the Game Shark
will activate the line of code directly below it, until the buttons have been
released. In this example, when you wake up say... Winter 4th. You press L + R
+ Z, then let go. You just forced the game to make the fullmoon berry plant in
the mountain summit screen appear and it will stay there until you pick it!
(Unless you sleep) How cool is that? After you pick it, you can always press
the buttons to make it appear a second time etc etc etc. The possibilities are

$ Chicken Codes $

Condition Modifiers [00 - 01]

Chicken 1 - 801C3C0D 000?
Chicken 2 - 801C3C31 000?
Chicken 3 - 801C3C55 000?
Chicken 4 - 801C3C79 000?
Chicken 5 - 801C3C9D 000?
Chicken 6 - 801C3CC1 000?

Presence / Location Modifiers [52 or 59]

Chicken 1 - 801C3C06 00??
Chicken 2 - 801C3C2A 00??
Chicken 3 - 801C3C4E 00??
Chicken 4 - 801C3C72 00??
Chicken 5 - 801C3C96 00??
Chicken 6 - 801C3CBA 00??

Presence / Upkeep Modifiers [07 or 17]

Chicken 1 - 801C3C11 00??
Chicken 2 - 801C3C35 00??
Chicken 3 - 801C3C59 00??
Chicken 4 - 801C3C7D 00??
Chicken 5 - 801C3CA1 00??
Chicken 6 - 801C3CC5 00??

Starved Counter Modifiers [00 - 02]

Chicken 1 - 801C3C0F 000?
Chicken 2 - 801C3C33 000?
Chicken 3 - 801C3C57 000?
Chicken 4 - 801C3C7B 000?
Chicken 5 - 801C3C9F 000?
Chicken 6 - 801C3CC3 000?

Type Modifiers [00 - 02]

Chicken 1 - 801C3C0C 000?
Chicken 2 - 801C3C30 000?
Chicken 3 - 801C3C54 000?
Chicken 4 - 801C3C78 000?
Chicken 5 - 801C3C9C 000?
Chicken 6 - 801C3CC0 000?

Name Modifiers [00 - FF]

Chicken 1

Digit 1 - 801C3BF0 00??
Digit 2 - 801C3BF1 00??
Digit 3 - 801C3BF2 00??
Digit 4 - 801C3BF3 00??
Digit 5 - 801C3BF4 00??
Digit 6 - 801C3BF5 00??

Chicken 2

Digit 1 - 801C3C14 00??
Digit 2 - 801C3C15 00??
Digit 3 - 801C3C16 00??
Digit 4 - 801C3C17 00??
Digit 5 - 801C3C18 00??
Digit 6 - 801C3C19 00??

Chicken 3

Digit 1 - 801C3C38 00??
Digit 2 - 801C3C39 00??
Digit 3 - 801C3C3A 00??
Digit 4 - 801C3C3B 00??
Digit 5 - 801C3C3C 00??
Digit 6 - 801C3C3D 00??

Chicken 4

Digit 1 - 801C3C5C 00??
Digit 2 - 801C3C5D 00??
Digit 3 - 801C3C5E 00??
Digit 4 - 801C3C5F 00??
Digit 5 - 801C3C60 00??
Digit 6 - 801C3C61 00??

Chicken 5

Digit 1 - 801C3C80 00??
Digit 2 - 801C3C81 00??
Digit 3 - 801C3C82 00??
Digit 4 - 801C3C83 00??
Digit 5 - 801C3C84 00??
Digit 6 - 801C3C85 00??

Chicken 6

Digit 1 - 801C3CA4 00??
Digit 2 - 801C3CA5 00??
Digit 3 - 801C3CA6 00??
Digit 4 - 801C3CA7 00??
Digit 5 - 801C3CA8 00??
Digit 6 - 801C3CA9 00??

$ Cow & Sheep Codes $

Affection Modifiers [00 - FF]

Animal 1 - 80170280 00??
Animal 2 - 801702B0 00??
Animal 3 - 801702E0 00??
Animal 4 - 80170310 00??
Animal 5 - 80170340 00??
Animal 6 - 80170370 00??
Animal 7 - 801703A0 00??
Animal 8 - 801703D0 00??

Condition Modifiers [00-03]

Animal 1 - 801702A0 000?
Animal 2 - 801702D0 000?
Animal 3 - 80170300 000?
Animal 4 - 80170330 000?
Animal 5 - 80170360 000?
Animal 6 - 80170390 000?
Animal 7 - 801703C0 000?
Animal 8 - 801703F0 000?

Condition Counter Modifiers [00 - 06]

Animal 1 - 801702A2 000?
Animal 2 - 801702D2 000?
Animal 3 - 80170302 000?
Animal 4 - 80170332 000?
Animal 5 - 80170362 000?
Animal 6 - 80170392 000?
Animal 7 - 801703C2 000?
Animal 8 - 801703F2 000?

Presence / Location Modifiers [52 or 58]

Animal 1 - 8017029A 00??
Animal 2 - 801702CA 00??
Animal 3 - 801702FA 00??
Animal 4 - 8017032A 00??
Animal 5 - 8017035A 00??
Animal 6 - 8017038A 00??
Animal 7 - 801703BA 00??
Animal 8 - 801703EA 00??

Presence / Upkeep Modifiers [07 - 6F]

Animal 1 - 801702AD 00??
Animal 2 - 801702DD 00??
Animal 3 - 8017030D 00??
Animal 4 - 8017033D 00??
Animal 5 - 8017036D 00??
Animal 6 - 8017039D 00??
Animal 7 - 801703CD 00??
Animal 8 - 801703FD 00??

Talked To Flag Modifiers [00 or 10]

Animal 1 - 801702AC 00??
Animal 2 - 801702DC 00??
Animal 3 - 8017030C 00??
Animal 4 - 8017033C 00??
Animal 5 - 8017036C 00??
Animal 6 - 8017039C 00??
Animal 7 - 801703CC 00??
Animal 8 - 801703FC 00??

Golden Milk Flag Modifiers [00 or FF]

Animal 1 - 801702AB 00??
Animal 2 - 801702DB 00??
Animal 3 - 8017030B 00??
Animal 4 - 8017033B 00??
Animal 5 - 8017036B 00??
Animal 6 - 8017039B 00??
Animal 7 - 801703CB 00??
Animal 8 - 801703FB 00??

Type Modifiers [01 - 06]

Animal 1 - 8017029F 000?
Animal 2 - 801702CF 000?
Animal 3 - 801702FF 000?
Animal 4 - 8017032F 000?
Animal 5 - 8017035F 000?
Animal 6 - 8017038F 000?
Animal 7 - 801703BF 000?
Animal 8 - 801703EF 000?

Age Modifiers [00 - 14]

Animal 1 - 801702A1 00??
Animal 2 - 801702D1 00??
Animal 3 - 80170301 00??
Animal 4 - 80170331 00??
Animal 5 - 80170361 00??
Animal 6 - 80170391 00??
Animal 7 - 801703C1 00??
Animal 8 - 801703F1 00??

Day of the Month Birthday Modifiers [01 - 1E]

Animal 1 - 801702AA 00??
Animal 2 - 801702DA 00??
Animal 3 - 8017030A 00??
Animal 4 - 8017033A 00??
Animal 5 - 8017036A 00??
Animal 6 - 8017039A 00??
Animal 7 - 801703CA 00??
Animal 8 - 801703FA 00??

Season Birthday Modifiers [01 - 04]

Animal 1 - 801702A9 000?
Animal 2 - 801702D9 000?
Animal 3 - 80170309 000?
Animal 4 - 80170339 000?
Animal 5 - 80170369 000?
Animal 6 - 80170399 000?
Animal 7 - 801703C9 000?
Animal 8 - 801703F9 000?

Name Modifiers [00 - FF]

Animal 1

Digit 1 - 80170281 00??
Digit 2 - 80170282 00??
Digit 3 - 80170283 00??
Digit 4 - 80170284 00??
Digit 5 - 80170285 00??
Digit 6 - 80170286 00??

Animal 2

Digit 1 - 801702B1 00??
Digit 2 - 801702B2 00??
Digit 3 - 801702B3 00??
Digit 4 - 801702B4 00??
Digit 5 - 801702B5 00??
Digit 6 - 801702B6 00??

Animal 3

Digit 1 - 801702E1 00??
Digit 2 - 801702E2 00??
Digit 3 - 801702E3 00??
Digit 4 - 801702E4 00??
Digit 5 - 801702E5 00??
Digit 6 - 801702E6 00??

Animal 4

Digit 1 - 80170311 00??
Digit 2 - 80170312 00??
Digit 3 - 80170313 00??
Digit 4 - 80170314 00??
Digit 5 - 80170315 00??
Digit 6 - 80170316 00??

Animal 5

Digit 1 - 80170341 00??
Digit 2 - 80170342 00??
Digit 3 - 80170343 00??
Digit 4 - 80170344 00??
Digit 5 - 80170345 00??
Digit 6 - 80170346 00??

Animal 6

Digit 1 - 80170371 00??
Digit 2 - 80170372 00??
Digit 3 - 80170373 00??
Digit 4 - 80170374 00??
Digit 5 - 80170375 00??
Digit 6 - 80170376 00??

Animal 7

Digit 1 - 801703A1 00??
Digit 2 - 801703A2 00??
Digit 3 - 801703A3 00??
Digit 4 - 801703A4 00??
Digit 5 - 801703A5 00??
Digit 6 - 801703A6 00??

Animal 8

Digit 1 - 801703D1 00??
Digit 2 - 801703D2 00??
Digit 3 - 801703D3 00??
Digit 4 - 801703D4 00??
Digit 5 - 801703D5 00??
Digit 6 - 801703D6 00??

Existence Modifiers [F6 or FF]

Animal 1

A - 801702A3 00??
B - 801702A4 00??
C - 801702A5 00??
D - 801702A6 00??
E - 801702A7 00??
F - 801702A8 00??

Animal 2

A - 801702D3 00??
B - 801702D4 00??
C - 801702D5 00??
D - 801702D6 00??
E - 801702D7 00??
F - 801702D8 00??

Animal 3

A - 80170303 00??
B - 80170304 00??
C - 80170305 00??
D - 80170306 00??
E - 80170307 00??
F - 80170308 00??

Animal 4

A - 80170333 00??
B - 80170334 00??
C - 80170335 00??
D - 80170336 00??
E - 80170337 00??
F - 80170338 00??

Animal 5

A - 80170363 00??
B - 80170364 00??
C - 80170365 00??
D - 80170366 00??
E - 80170367 00??
F - 80170368 00??

Animal 6

A - 80170393 00??
B - 80170394 00??
C - 80170395 00??
D - 80170396 00??
E - 80170397 00??
F - 80170398 00??

Animal 7

A - 801703C3 00??
B - 801703C4 00??
C - 801703C5 00??
D - 801703C6 00??
E - 801703C7 00??
F - 801703C8 00??

Animal 8

A - 801703F3 00??
B - 801703F4 00??
C - 801703F5 00??
D - 801703F6 00??
E - 801703F7 00??
F - 801703F8 00??

$ Horse & Dog Codes $

Horse Age [00 - 13]

8016FDED 00??

Horse Affection / Stamina [00 - FF]

8016FDD0 00??

Dog Affection / Stamina [00 - FF]

801886B0 00??

| Animal Digits |

Condition Digits

00 - Normal (All Chickens)
01 - Starved (Adult Chickens)
02 - Dead (All Chickens)

00 - Normal (Adult Cows / Adult Sheep)
01 - Happy (Adult Cows)
02 - Mad (Adult Cows)
03 - Sick (Adult Cows / Adult Sheep)
04 - Dead (Adult Cows / Adult Sheep)

Presence / Location Digits

52 - Outdoors (Chicks / Adults Chickens)
59 - Inside Coop (Chicks / Adult Chickens)

52 - Outdoors (All types of barn animals)
58 - Inside Animal Barn (All types of barn animals)

Presence / Upkeep Digits

01 - Animal Exists (All)


03 - Animal Exists (All)

08 - Fed / Fodder In Trough (Barn Animals)
10 - Fed / Chicken Feed In Trough (Chicks / Adult Chickens)
20 - Brushed Today (Barn Animals)
40 - Milked Today (Adult Cows)

Note: Make sure you add the 03 to any of the Upkeep Modifiers.

Talked To Flag Digits

10 - Talked To Today (Barn Animals)

Type Digits

00 - None
01 - Chick
02 - Adult Chicken

00 - None
01 - Infant Calf
02 - Adult Cow
03 - None
04 - Infant Sheep
05 - Adult Sheep
06 - Sheared Adult Sheep

Golden Milk Flag Digits

00 - Produces Golden Milk
FF - Does Not Produce Golden Milk

Existence Digits

F6 - Exists
FF - Does Not Exist

Animal Codes Notes:

For barn animals, you must have all 6 lines of code PER ANIMAL set to exist,
otherwise the game will not properly detect their existence. For Presence /
Location, make sure it is one of the two allowed numbers for either the
chickens or the barn animals otherwise they will not exist. Read up on
Kirbyarm's Animal Mechanics guide for details on how long condition counters
last for each condition amongst other specific details, shoul you wish to
utilize the codes here that you are not sure of.

$ Super Animal Codes $

Have 6 Adult Chickens

801C3C06 0059
801C3C2A 0059
801C3C4E 0059
801C3C72 0059
801C3C96 0059
801C3CBA 0059
801C3C11 0007
801C3C35 0007
801C3C59 0007
801C3C7D 0007
801C3CA1 0007
801C3CC5 0007
801C3C0C 0002
801C3C30 0002
801C3C54 0002
801C3C78 0002
801C3C9C 0002
801C3CC0 0002
801C3BF0 00D5
801C3C14 00D6
801C3C38 00D7
801C3C5C 00D8
801C3C80 00D9
801C3CA4 00DA

Have 4 Adult Cows and 1 Adult Sheep in top quality condition

80170280 00FF
801702B0 00FF
801702E0 00FF
80170310 00FF
80170340 00FF
8017029A 0058
801702CA 0058
801702FA 0058
8017032A 0058
8017035A 0058
801702AD 0007
801702DD 0007
8017030D 0007
8017033D 0007
8017036D 0007
801702AB 0000
801702DB 0000
8017030B 0000
8017033B 0000
8017029F 0002
801702CF 0002
801702FF 0002
8017032F 0002
8017035F 0005
801702AA 0003
801702DA 0003
8017030A 0003
8017033A 0003
8017036A 0003
801702A9 0001
801702D9 0001
80170309 0001
80170339 0001
80170369 0001
80170281 00D5
801702B1 00D6
801702E1 00D7
80170311 00D8
80170341 00D9
801702A3 00F6
801702A4 00F6
801702A5 00F6
801702A6 00F6
801702A7 00F6
801702A8 00F6
801702D3 00F6
801702D4 00F6
801702D5 00F6
801702D6 00F6
801702D7 00F6
801702D8 00F6
80170303 00F6
80170304 00F6
80170305 00F6
80170306 00F6
80170307 00F6
80170308 00F6
80170333 00F6
80170334 00F6
80170335 00F6
80170336 00F6
80170337 00F6
80170338 00F6
80170363 00F6
80170364 00F6
80170365 00F6
80170366 00F6
80170367 00F6
80170368 00F6

Horse Grows up after 1 sleep

8016FDED 0013

Max Horse Affection / Stamina

8016FDD0 00FF

Max Dog Affection / Stamina

801886B0 00FF

$ Time Manipulation Codes $

Hour Modifier [00 - 17]

801FB5CA 00??

Note: Keep in mind that the day will reset over and over every hour if you set
it to 05 or 06.

Minute Modifier [00 - 3B]

8017027F 00??

Note: Time will stand still if the value is from 00 - 3A. At 3B, the hour will
advanced every in game minute, which concludes the entire day within 10 real
life seconds.

Year Modifier [00 - 63]

801F6F30 00??

Season Modifier [1 - 4]

80182DB1 000?

1 - Spring
2 - Summer
3 - Fall
4 - Winter

Day of the Month Modifier [00 - 1E]

80158260 00??

Weekday Modifier [0 - 6]

801FAD90 000?

0 - Sunday
1 - Monday
2 - Tuesday
3 - Wednesday
4 - Thursday
5 - Friday
6 - Saturday

$ Statistic Codes $

Current Fatigue Modifier [00 - 64]

801890D1 00??

Current Stamina Modifier [00 - FA]

80189060 00??

Maximum Stamina Modifier [00 - FA]

8020563F 00??

Watering Can Uses Modifier [00 - 50]

8016FBCD 00??

Alcohol Tolerance Modifier [00 - FF]

80189E52 00??

Happiness Meter Modifier [00 - FF]

80182FB8 00??

Sick Day Total Modifier [00 - FF]

8016F8F5 00??

$ Weather Manipulation Codes $

Weather Today Modifier [01, 02, 03, 05]

802373A9 00??

Weather Forecast For Tomorrow Modifier [01, 02, 03, 05]

80205238 00??

01 - Sunny
02 - Rainy
03 - Snowy
05 - Typhoon

$ Stock & Supply Codes $

Have 999,999G (Max)

811FD60E 003F (1 = 1)
811FD60F 0F42 (1 = 256)

Have 999,999G Worth Of Goods In Shipping Box (Max)

8123738A 003F (1 = 1)
8123738B 0F42 (1 = 256)

Have 999 Fodder (Max)

81180714 03E7

Have 999 Lumber (Max)

81189E50 03E7

Have 999 Chicken Feed (Max, must have the Chicken Feed Bag tool to use it,
still recommended to buy 1 Chicken Feed first)

81237410 03E7

Have 9,999 Race Medals (Max)

81205206 270F

Have 20 Turnip Seeds (Max, must have the Turnip Seeds Bag tool)

801FC154 0014

Have 20 Potato Seeds (Max, must have the Potato Seeds Bag tool)

80204DF4 0014

Have 20 Cabbage Seeds (Max, must have the Cabbage Seeds Bag tool)

8018A725 0014

Have 20 Tomato Seeds (Max, must have the Tomato Seeds Bag tool)

8013DC2C 0014

Have 20 Corn Seeds (Max, must have the Corn Seeds Bag tool)

801FAD91 0014

Have 20 Eggplant Seeds (Max, must have the Eggplant Seeds Bag tool)

80237458 0014

Have 20 Strawberry Seeds (Max, must have the Strawberry Seeds Bag tool)

802373E8 0014

Have 20 Grass Seeds (Max, must have the Grass Seeds Bag tool)

801C3E28 0014

Have 20 Moondrop Flower Seeds (Max, must have the Mondrop Flower Seeds Bag

801C3F70 0014

Have 20 Pink-Cat-Mint Flower Seeds (Max, must have the Pink-Cat-Mint Flower
Seeds Bag tool)

80205636 0014

Have 100 Points On Bakery Card (Max)

80181B10 0064

Have 100 Points On Flower Shop Card (Max)

802373F0 0064

$ Total Achievement Codes $

999 Total Shipper Cabbages (Max)

811C3F82 03E7

999 Total Shipped Corn (Max)

811FB5D2 03E7

999 Total Shipped Eggplants (Max)

811FB6FE 03E7

999 Total Shipped Potatoes (Max)

81237416 03E7

999 Total Shipped Strawberries (Max)

811806C2 03E7

999 Total Shipped Tomatoes (Max)

81188F62 03E7

999 Total Shipped Turnips (Max)

811654F6 03E7

9,999 Total Shipped Eggs (Max)

81204B46 270F

9,999 Total Shipped Milk (Max)

811C3F8A 270F

99,999 Total Shipped Everything (Max)

80215DFD 0001 (1 = 65,536)
81215DFE 869F (1 = 1)

999 Total Fish Caught (Max)

8118983A 03E7

$ Tool EXP Codes $

1 Swing For Gold Hoe (Press L + R + Z)

D1170404 2030
8118906C 01F3

1 Swing For Gold Axe (Press L + R + Z)

D1170404 2030
8118906E 0383

1 Swing For Gold Hammer (Press L + R + Z)

D1170404 2030
81189070 00C7

1 Swing For Gold Sickle (Press L + R + Z)

D1170404 2030
8118906A 018F

1 Use For Gold Watering Can (Press L + R + Z)

D1170404 2030
81189072 04AF

Super Tool EXP Code (Press L + R + Z, and all five tools will require only one
use before turning gold instantly)

D1170404 2030
8118906C 01F3
D1170404 2030
8118906E 0383
D1170404 2030
81189070 00C7
D1170404 2030
8118906A 018F
D1170404 2030
81189072 04AF

$ Race Odds Codes $

Racing Odds For Horse / Dog #1 Modifier [00 - 32]

801C3DA1 00??

Racing Odds For Horse / Dog #2 Modifier [00 - 32]

801C3DA3 00??

Racing Odds For Horse / Dog #3 Modifier [00 - 32]

801C3DA5 00??

Racing Odds For Horse / Dog #4 Modifier [00 - 32]

801C3DA7 00??

Racing Odds For Horse / Dog #5 Modifier [00 - 32]

801C3DA9 00??

Racing Odds For Horse / Dog #6 Modifier [00 - 32]

801C3DAB 00??

$ Life Codes $

Rival's Babies Fully Grown

8016F6E3 001E (Ann / Cliff)
801FC15C 001E (Elli / Jeff)
801FD618 001E (Karen / Kai)
80205201 001E (Maria / Harris)
801C3F36 001E (Popuri / Gray)

Wife Modifier

802373E9 00??

00 - Maria
01 - Popuri
02 - Elli
03 - Ann
04 - Karen
FF - No Wife

Note: This code will not only change your wife instantly the next time you
change a screen, but the pictures in the photo album will even change

Wife's Insemination Counter (Wife Gets Pregnant After 1 Sleep)

80182FB9 001E

Note: You still must have a baby bed and your Wife's affection at 250 or higher
for her to become pregnant.

Wife's Pregnancy Counter (Wife Has Birth To A Baby After 1 Sleep)

802055D0 003B

Your Baby's Age Modifier [00 - FF]

80189134 00??

00 - Baby Still In Bundle
1E - Baby Is Crawling
78 - Baby Is Walking

You Have Been Married (Ceremony And All) And Your Baby Is Already Born (Instant

8013D1CB 0003

Note: If you do not have the Wife Modifier set to one of the five girls, this
code is useless. I wouldn't leave this code on, just save your game with it on
then turn it off.

The Divorce Code

80189134 0000
802055D0 0000
80182FB9 0000
802373E9 00FF
8013D1CB 0000

Note: This resets all counters and event bytes making the game believe you were
never married or even proposed. Does not change girl's affection. I would not
leave this code on.

$ Inventory Codes $

Tool Slot Modifiers

Slot 1 - 80189075 00??
Slot 2 - 80189076 00??
Slot 3 - 80189077 00??
Slot 4 - 80189078 00??
Slot 5 - 80189079 00??
Slot 6 - 8018907A 00??
Slot 7 - 8018907B 00??
Slot 8 - 8018907C 00??

Tool Slot Digits

00 - Empty Slot
01 - Sickle
02 - Hoe
03 - Axe
04 - Hammer
05 - Watering Can
06 - Cow Milker
07 - Cow Bell
08 - Brush
09 - Clippers (Sheep Shears)
0A - Turnip Seeds Bag
0B - Potato Seeds Bag
0C - Cabbage Seeds Bag
0D - Tomato Seeds Bag
0E - Corn Seeds Bag
0F - Eggplant Seeds Bag
10 - Strawberry Seeds Bag
11 - Moondrop Flower Seeds Bag
12 - Pink-Cat-Mint Flowers Seeds Bag
13 - Blue-Mist Seed
14 - Chicken Feed Bag
16 - Baby Bottle
18 - Fishing Rod
19 - Miracle Potion
1A - Animal Medicine
1B - Grass Seeds Bag
1C - Blue Feather
1D - (Empty) Bottle

Empty Bottle Contents Modifier

8018907E 00??

00 - Empty Bottle
01 - Water
02 - Wine
03 - Cure-All Medicine
04 - Vitamin Preparation
05 - Vitamin Gold
06 - Milk
07 - Honey

Belonging Slot Modifiers

Slot 1 - 80189084 00??
Slot 2 - 80189085 00??
Slot 3 - 80189086 00??
Slot 4 - 80189087 00??
Slot 5 - 80189088 00??
Slot 6 - 80189089 00??
Slot 7 - 8018908A 00??
Slot 8 - 8018908B 00??

Belonging Slot Digits

00 - Empty Slot
01 - Weed / Bush
02 - Small Rock
03 - Log / Fence Post
04 - Moondrop Flower
05 - Pink-Cat-Mint Flower
07 - Cake
08 - Pie
09 - Cookies
0D - Turnip
0E - Potato
0F - Cabbage
10 - Tomato
11 - Corn
12 - Eggplant
13 - Strawberry
14 - Egg
15 - Small Milk
16 - Medium Milk
17 - Large Milk
18 - Golden Milk
19 - Regular Wool
1A - High-quality Wool
1B - Wild Grapes
1C - Veryberry
1D - Tropical Fruit
1E - Walnut
1F - Mushroom
20 - Poisonous Mushroom
22 - Berry of the Fullmoon Plant
23 - Medicinal Herb
24 - Edible Herb
25 - Small Fish
26 - Medium Fish
27 - Large Fish
28 - Dumpling
29 - Cotton Candy
2A - Fried Octopus
2B - Roasted Corn
2C - Candy
2D - Chocolate
2E - Iron Ore
2F - Blue Rock
30 - Rare Metal
31 - Moonlight Stone
32 - Pontata Root
39 - Fodder

Key Item Slots Modifiers

Slot 1 - 8018908E 00??
Slot 2 - 8018908F 00??
Slot 3 - 80189090 00??
Slot 4 - 80189091 00??
Slot 5 - 80189092 00??
Slot 6 - 80189093 00??
Slot 7 - 80189094 00??
Slot 8 - 80189095 00??

Slot 9 - 80189096 00??
Slot 10 - 80189097 00??
Slot 11 - 80189098 00??
Slot 12 - 80189099 00??
Slot 13 - 8018909A 00??
Slot 14 - 8018909B 00??
Slot 15 - 8018909C 00??
Slot 16 - 8018909D 00??

Slot 17 - 8018909E 00??
Slot 18 - 8018909F 00??
Slot 19 - 801890A0 00??
Slot 20 - 801890A1 00??
Slot 21 - 801890A2 00??
Slot 22 - 801890A3 00??
Slot 23 - 801890A4 00??
Slot 24 - 801890A5 00??

Key Item Slot Digits

00 - Empty Slot
01 - Ocarina
02 - Flower Card (Flower Shop Card)
03 - Cake Card (Bakery Card)
04 - Broken Music Box
05 - Fixed Music Box
06 - Old Wine "Door to Heaven"
07 - Kazadomori (Weather Vane)
08 - Gold Pendant
09 - Library Book
0A - Treasure Map
0B - Marbles
0C - Goodluck Charm
0D - Medal Bag
0E - Horse Race Ticket
0F - Dog Race Ticket
10 - Potpourri
11 - Embroidered Hankerchief
12 - Hand-knit Socks
13 - Lucky Bracelet
14 - Flower Bath Crystals
15 - Stamina Carrot

$ NPC Affection Codes [00 - FF] $

Marryable Girls

Maria - 801C3F90 00??
Elli - 801C3F91 00??
Popuri - 801C3F92 00??
Ann - 801C3F93 00??
Karen - 801C3F94 00??

Note: For these five marryable girls, a specifically colored heart icon appears
in their dialogue windows depending on how high their affection is. Here are
the digits.

Don't use the following five 3 digit numbers in the modifiers, as they are in
decimal format for easier understanding.

000 - 051 affection = White Heart
052 - 103 affection = Blue Heart
104 - 155 affection = Green Heart
156 - 207 affection = Yellow Heart
208 - 255 affection = Pink Heart

00 - 33 = White
34 - 67 = Blue
68 - 9B = Green
9C - CF = Yellow
D0 - FF = Pink

Your Baby

Affection - 801C3F95 00??


Harris - 801C3F96 00??
Gray - 801C3F97 00??
Jeff - 801C3F98 00??
Cliff - 801C3F99 00??
Kai - 801C3F9A 00??

Everyone Else

The Mayor - 801C3F9B 00??
Mayor's Wife - 801C3F9C 00??
Lillia - 801C3F9D 00??
Basil - 801C3F9E 00??
Ellen - 801C3F9F 00??
Doug - 801C3FA0 00??
Gotz - 801C3FA1 00??
Sasha - 801C3FA2 00??
Potion Shop Owner - 801C3FA3 00??
Kent - 801C3FA4 00??
Stu - 801C3FA5 00??
Midwife - 801C3FA6 00??
May - 801C3FA7 00??
Rick - 801C3FA8 00??
Pastor Brown - 801C3FA9 00??
The Shipper - 801C3FAA 00??
Saibara - 801C3FAB 00??
Duke - 801C3FAC 00??
Greg - 801C3FAD 00??
Carpenter #1 (Saw) - 801C3FAE 00??
Carpenter #2 (Axe) - 801C3FAF 00??
Head Carpenter - 801C3FB0 00??
Sprite #3 - 801C3FB1 00??
Sprite #2 - 801C3FB2 00??
Sprite #1 - 801C3FB3 00??
Sydney - 801C3FB4 00??
Barley - 801C3FB5 00??
The Gourmet Judge - 801C3FB8 00??
Mystery #1 - 801C3FB9 00??
Mystery #2 - 801C3FBA 00??
Mystery #3 - 801C3FBB 00??
Mystery #4 - 801C3FBC 00??
Mystery #5 - 801C3FBD 00??

Everyone Has Max Affection (GS v3.3 or higher)

50000501 00FF
801C3F90 00FF
50000501 00FF
801C3F95 00FF
50000501 00FF
801C3F9A 00FF
50000501 00FF
801C3F9F 00FF
50000501 00FF
801C3FA4 00FF
50000501 00FF
801C3FA9 00FF
50000501 00FF
801C3FAE 00FF
50000501 00FF
801C3FB3 00FF
50000501 00FF
801C3FB8 00FF
801C3FBD 00FF

$ NPC Location Codes $

Location Byte Modifiers [00 - 03]

Marryable Girls

Maria - 801FB9F3 00??
Popuri - 801FBA1B 00??
Elli - 801FBA43 00??
Ann - 801FBA6B 00??
Karen - 801FBA93 00??

Your Baby

Location - 801FBABB 00??


Harris - 801FBAE3 00??
Gray - 801FBB0B 00??
Jeff - 801FBB33 00??
Cliff - 801FBB5B 00??
Kai - 801FBB83 00??

Everyone Else

The Mayor - 801FBBAB 00??
Mayor's Wife - 801FBBD3 00??
Lillia - 801FBBFB 00??
Basil - 801FBC23 00??
Ellen - 801FBC4B 00??
Doug - 801FBC73 00??
Gotz - 801FBC9B 00??
Sasha - 801FBCC3 00??
Potion Shop Owner - 801FBCEB 00??
Kent - 801FBD13 00??
Stu - 801FBD3B 00??
Midwife - 801FBD63 00??
May - 801FBD8B 00??
Rick - 801FBDB3 00??
Pastor Brown - 801FBDDB 00??
The Shipper - 801FBE03 00??
Saibara - 801FBE2B 00??
Duke - 801FBE53 00??
Greg - 801FBE7B 00??
Carpenter #1 (Saw) - 801FBEA3 00??
Carpenter #2 (Axe) - 801FBECB 00??
Head Carpenter - 801FBEF3 00??
Sprite #1 - 801FBF1B 00??
Sprite #2 - 801FBF43 00??
Sprite #3 - 801FBF6B 00??
Barley - 801FBF93 00??
Sydney - 801FBFBB 00??

The Gourmet Judge - 801FC033 00?? [00 he shows up]

Kappa - 80189147 00?? [00 he shows up]

$ Crop Codes $

Outdoor Farm Field Modifiers

Note: These codes will be ordered starting from the top left and progressing
square by square as if you were reading a book.

Row 1

8016F500 00??
8016F501 00??
8016F502 00??
8016F503 00??
8016F504 00??
8016F505 00??
8016F506 00??
8016F507 00??
8016F508 00??
8016F509 00??

8016F50A 00??
8016F50B 00??
8016F50C 00??
8016F50D 00??
8016F50E 00??
8016F50F 00??
8016F510 00??
8016F511 00??
8016F512 00??
8016F513 00??

Row 2

8016F514 00??
8016F515 00??
8016F516 00??
8016F517 00??
8016F518 00??
8016F519 00??
8016F51A 00??
8016F51B 00??
8016F51C 00??
8016F51D 00??

8016F51E 00??
8016F51F 00??
8016F520 00??
8016F521 00??
8016F522 00??
8016F523 00??
8016F524 00??
8016F525 00??
8016F526 00??
8016F527 00??

Row 3

8016F528 00??
8016F529 00??
8016F52A 00??
8016F52B 00??
8016F52C 00??
8016F52D 00??
8016F52E 00??
8016F52F 00??
8016F530 00??
8016F531 00??

8016F532 00??
8016F533 00??
8016F534 00??
8016F535 00??
8016F536 00??
8016F537 00??
8016F538 00??
8016F539 00??
8016F53A 00??
8016F53B 00??

Row 4

8016F53C 00??
8016F53D 00??
8016F53E 00??
8016F53F 00??
8016F540 00??
8016F541 00??
8016F542 00??
8016F543 00??
8016F544 00??
8016F545 00??

8016F546 00??
8016F547 00??
8016F548 00??
8016F549 00??
8016F54A 00??
8016F54B 00??
8016F54C 00??
8016F54D 00??
8016F54E 00??
8016F54F 00??

Row 5

8016F550 00??
8016F551 00??
8016F552 00??
8016F553 00??
8016F554 00??
8016F555 00??
8016F556 00??
8016F557 00??
8016F558 00??
8016F559 00??

8016F55A 00??
8016F55B 00??
8016F55C 00??
8016F55D 00??
8016F55E 00??
8016F55F 00??
8016F560 00??
8016F561 00??
8016F562 00??
8016F563 00??

Row 6

8016F564 00??
8016F565 00??
8016F566 00??
8016F567 00??
8016F568 00??
8016F569 00??
8016F56A 00??
8016F56B 00??
8016F56C 00??
8016F56D 00??

8016F56E 00??
8016F56F 00??
8016F570 00??
8016F571 00??
8016F572 00??
8016F573 00??
8016F574 00??
8016F575 00??
8016F576 00??
8016F577 00??

Row 7

8016F578 00??
8016F579 00??
8016F57A 00??
8016F57B 00??
8016F57C 00??
8016F57D 00??
8016F57E 00??
8016F57F 00??
8016F580 00??
8016F581 00??

8016F582 00??
8016F583 00??
8016F584 00??
8016F585 00??
8016F586 00??
8016F587 00??
8016F588 00??
8016F589 00??
8016F58A 00??
8016F58B 00??

Row 8

8016F58C 00??
8016F58D 00??
8016F58E 00??
8016F58F 00??
8016F590 00??
8016F591 00??
8016F592 00??
8016F593 00??
8016F594 00??
8016F595 00??

8016F596 00??
8016F597 00??
8016F598 00??
8016F599 00??
8016F59A 00??
8016F59B 00??
8016F59C 00??
8016F59D 00??
8016F59E 00??
8016F59F 00??

Row 9

8016F5A0 00??
8016F5A1 00??
8016F5A2 00??
8016F5A3 00??
8016F5A4 00??
8016F5A5 00??
8016F5A6 00??
8016F5A7 00??
8016F5A8 00??
8016F5A9 00??

8016F5AA 00??
8016F5AB 00??
8016F5AC 00??
8016F5AD 00??
8016F5AE 00??
8016F5AF 00??
8016F5B0 00??
8016F5B1 00??
8016F5B2 00??
8016F5B3 00??

Row 10

8016F5B4 00??
8016F5B5 00??
8016F5B6 00??
8016F5B7 00??
8016F5B8 00??
8016F5B9 00??
8016F5BA 00??
8016F5BB 00??
8016F5BC 00??
8016F5BD 00??

8016F5BE 00??
8016F5BF 00??
8016F5C0 00??
8016F5C1 00??
8016F5C2 00??
8016F5C3 00??
8016F5C4 00??
8016F5C5 00??
8016F5C6 00??
8016F5C7 00??

Row 11

8016F5C8 00??
8016F5C9 00??
8016F5CA 00??
8016F5CB 00??
8016F5CC 00??
8016F5CD 00??
8016F5CE 00??
8016F5CF 00??
8016F5D0 00??
8016F5D1 00??

8016F5D2 00??
8016F5D3 00??
8016F5D4 00??
8016F5D5 00??
8016F5D6 00??
8016F5D7 00??
8016F5D8 00??
8016F5D9 00??
8016F5DA 00??
8016F5DB 00??

Row 12

8016F5DC 00??
8016F5DD 00??
8016F5DE 00??
8016F5DF 00??
8016F5E0 00??
8016F5E1 00??
8016F5E2 00??
8016F5E3 00??
8016F5E4 00??
8016F5E5 00??

8016F5E6 00??
8016F5E7 00??
8016F5E8 00??
8016F5E9 00??
8016F5EA 00??
8016F5EB 00??
8016F5EC 00??
8016F5ED 00??
8016F5EE 00??
8016F5EF 00??

Row 13

8016F5F0 00??
8016F5F1 00??
8016F5F2 00??
8016F5F3 00??
8016F5F4 00??
8016F5F5 00??
8016F5F6 00??
8016F5F7 00??
8016F5F8 00??
8016F5F9 00??

8016F5FA 00??
8016F5FB 00??
8016F5FC 00??
8016F5FD 00??
8016F5FE 00??
8016F5FF 00??
8016F600 00??
8016F601 00??
8016F602 00??
8016F603 00??

Row 14

8016F604 00??
8016F605 00??
8016F606 00??
8016F607 00??
8016F608 00??
8016F609 00??
8016F60A 00??
8016F60B 00??
8016F60C 00??
8016F60D 00??

8016F60E 00??
8016F60F 00??
8016F610 00??
8016F611 00??
8016F612 00??
8016F613 00??
8016F614 00??
8016F615 00??
8016F616 00??
8016F617 00??

Row 15

8016F618 00??
8016F619 00??
8016F61A 00??
8016F61B 00??
8016F61C 00??
8016F61D 00??
8016F61E 00??
8016F61F 00??
8016F620 00??
8016F621 00??

8016F622 00??
8016F623 00??
8016F624 00??
8016F625 00??
8016F626 00??
8016F627 00??
8016F628 00??
8016F629 00??
8016F62A 00??
8016F62B 00??

Row 16

8016F62C 00??
8016F62D 00??
8016F62E 00??
8016F62F 00??
8016F630 00??
8016F631 00??
8016F632 00??
8016F633 00??
8016F634 00??
8016F635 00??

8016F636 00??
8016F637 00??
8016F638 00??
8016F639 00??
8016F63A 00??
8016F63B 00??
8016F63C 00??
8016F63D 00??
8016F63E 00??
8016F63F 00??

Row 17

8016F640 00??
8016F641 00??
8016F642 00??
8016F643 00??
8016F644 00??
8016F645 00??
8016F646 00??
8016F647 00??
8016F648 00??
8016F649 00??

8016F64A 00??
8016F64B 00??
8016F64C 00??
8016F64D 00??
8016F64E 00??
8016F64F 00??
8016F650 00??
8016F651 00??
8016F652 00??
8016F653 00??

Row 18

8016F654 00??
8016F655 00??
8016F656 00??
8016F657 00??
8016F658 00??
8016F659 00??
8016F65A 00??
8016F65B 00??
8016F65C 00??
8016F65D 00??

8016F65E 00??
8016F65F 00??
8016F660 00??
8016F661 00??
8016F662 00??
8016F663 00??
8016F664 00??
8016F665 00??
8016F666 00??
8016F667 00??

Row 19

8016F668 00??
8016F669 00??
8016F66A 00??
8016F66B 00??
8016F66C 00??
8016F66D 00??
8016F66E 00??
8016F66F 00??
8016F670 00??
8016F671 00??

8016F672 00??
8016F673 00??
8016F674 00??
8016F675 00??
8016F676 00??
8016F677 00??
8016F678 00??
8016F679 00??
8016F67A 00??
8016F67B 00??

Row 20

8016F67C 00??
8016F67D 00??
8016F67E 00??
8016F67F 00??
8016F680 00??
8016F681 00??
8016F682 00??
8016F683 00??
8016F684 00??
8016F685 00??

8016F686 00??
8016F687 00??
8016F688 00??
8016F689 00??
8016F68A 00??
8016F68B 00??
8016F68C 00??
8016F68D 00??
8016F68E 00??
8016F68F 00??

Row 21

8016F690 00??
8016F691 00??
8016F692 00??
8016F693 00??
8016F694 00??
8016F695 00??
8016F696 00??
8016F697 00??
8016F698 00??
8016F699 00??

8016F69A 00??
8016F69B 00??
8016F69C 00??
8016F69D 00??
8016F69E 00??
8016F69F 00??
8016F6A0 00??
8016F6A1 00??
8016F6A2 00??
8016F6A3 00??

Row 22

8016F6A4 00??
8016F6A5 00??
8016F6A6 00??
8016F6A7 00??
8016F6A8 00??
8016F6A9 00??
8016F6AA 00??
8016F6AB 00??
8016F6AC 00??
8016F6AD 00??

8016F6AE 00??
8016F6AF 00??
8016F6B0 00??
8016F6B1 00??
8016F6B2 00??
8016F6B3 00??
8016F6B4 00??
8016F6B5 00??
8016F6B6 00??
8016F6B7 00??

Row 23

8016F6B8 00??
8016F6B9 00??
8016F6BA 00??
8016F6BB 00??
8016F6BC 00??
8016F6BD 00??
8016F6BE 00??
8016F6BF 00??
8016F6C0 00??
8016F6C1 00??

8016F6C2 00??
8016F6C3 00??
8016F6C4 00??
8016F6C5 00??
8016F6C6 00??
8016F6C7 00??
8016F6C8 00??
8016F6C9 00??
8016F6CA 00??
8016F6CB 00??

Row 24

8016F6CC 00??
8016F6CD 00??
8016F6CE 00??
8016F6CF 00??
8016F6D0 00??
8016F6D1 00??
8016F6D2 00??
8016F6D3 00??
8016F6D4 00??
8016F6D5 00??

8016F6D6 00??
8016F6D7 00??
8016F6D8 00??
8016F6D9 00??
8016F6DA 00??
8016F6DB 00??
8016F6DC 00??
8016F6DD 00??
8016F6DE 00??
8016F6DF 00??

Indoor Greenhouse Field Modifiers

Note: These codes will be ordered starting from the top left and progressing
square by square as if you were reading a book.

Row 1

80182BA8 00??
80182BA9 00??
80182BAA 00??
80182BAB 00??
80182BAC 00??
80182BAD 00??
80182BAE 00??
80182BAF 00??

80182BB0 00??
80182BB1 00??
80182BB2 00??
80182BB3 00??
80182BB4 00??
80182BB5 00??
80182BB6 00??
80182BB7 00??

Row 2

80182BB8 00??
80182BB9 00??
80182BBA 00??
80182BBB 00??
80182BBC 00??
80182BBD 00??
80182BBE 00??
80182BBF 00??

80182BC0 00??
80182BC1 00??
80182BC2 00??
80182BC3 00??
80182BC4 00??
80182BC5 00??
80182BC6 00??
80182BC7 00??

Row 3

80182BC8 00??
80182BC9 00??
80182BCA 00??
80182BCB 00??
80182BCC 00??
80182BCD 00??
80182BCE 00??
80182BCF 00??

80182BD0 00??
80182BD1 00??
80182BD2 00??
80182BD3 00??
80182BD4 00??
80182BD5 00??
80182BD6 00??
80182BD7 00??

Row 4

80182BD8 00??
80182BD9 00??
80182BDA 00??
80182BDB 00??
80182BDC 00??
80182BDD 00??
80182BDE 00??
80182BDF 00??

80182BE0 00??
80182BE1 00??
80182BE2 00??
80182BE3 00??
80182BE4 00??
80182BE5 00??
80182BE6 00??
80182BE7 00??

Row 5

80182BE8 00??
80182BE9 00??
80182BEA 00??
80182BEB 00??
80182BEC 00??
80182BED 00??
80182BEE 00??
80182BEF 00??

80182BF0 00??
80182BF1 00??
80182BF2 00??
80182BF3 00??
80182BF4 00??
80182BF5 00??
80182BF6 00??
80182BF7 00??

Row 6

80182BF8 00??
80182BF9 00??
80182BFA 00??
80182BFB 00??
80182BFC 00??
80182BFD 00??
80182BFE 00??
80182BFF 00??

80182C00 00??
80182C01 00??
80182C02 00??
80182C03 00??
80182C04 00??
80182C05 00??
80182C06 00??
80182C07 00??

Row 7

80182C08 00??
80182C09 00??
80182C0A 00??
80182C0B 00??
80182C0C 00??
80182C0D 00??
80182C0E 00??
80182C0F 00??

80182C10 00??
80182C11 00??
80182C12 00??
80182C13 00??
80182C14 00??
80182C15 00??
80182C16 00??
80182C17 00??

Row 8

80182C18 00??
80182C19 00??
80182C1A 00??
80182C1B 00??
80182C1C 00??
80182C1D 00??
80182C1E 00??
80182C1F 00??

80182C20 00??
80182C21 00??
80182C22 00??
80182C23 00??
80182C24 00??
80182C25 00??
80182C26 00??
80182C27 00??

Row 9

80182C28 00??
80182C29 00??
80182C2A 00??
80182C2B 00??
80182C2C 00??
80182C2D 00??
80182C2E 00??
80182C2F 00??

80182C30 00??
80182C31 00??
80182C32 00??
80182C33 00??
80182C34 00??
80182C35 00??
80182C36 00??
80182C37 00??

Row 10

80182C38 00??
80182C39 00??
80182C3A 00??
80182C3B 00??
80182C3C 00??
80182C3D 00??
80182C3E 00??
80182C3F 00??

80182C40 00??
80182C41 00??
80182C42 00??
80182C43 00??
80182C44 00??
80182C45 00??
80182C46 00??
80182C47 00??

Row 11

80182C48 00??
80182C49 00??
80182C4A 00??
80182C4B 00??
80182C4C 00??
80182C4D 00??
80182C4E 00??
80182C4F 00??

80182C50 00??
80182C51 00??
80182C52 00??
80182C53 00??
80182C54 00??
80182C55 00??
80182C56 00??
80182C57 00??

Row 12

80182C58 00??
80182C59 00??
80182C5A 00??
80182C5B 00??
80182C5C 00??
80182C5D 00??
80182C5E 00??
80182C5F 00??

80182C60 00??
80182C61 00??
80182C62 00??
80182C63 00??
80182C64 00??
80182C65 00??
80182C66 00??
80182C67 00??

Row 13

80182C68 00??
80182C69 00??
80182C6A 00??
80182C6B 00??
80182C6C 00??
80182C6D 00??
80182C6E 00??
80182C6F 00??

80182C70 00??
80182C71 00??
80182C72 00??
80182C73 00??
80182C74 00??
80182C75 00??
80182C76 00??
80182C77 00??

Row 14

80182C78 00??
80182C79 00??
80182C7A 00??
80182C7B 00??
80182C7C 00??
80182C7D 00??
80182C7E 00??
80182C7F 00??

80182C80 00??
80182C81 00??
80182C82 00??
80182C83 00??
80182C84 00??
80182C85 00??
80182C86 00??
80182C87 00??

Row 15

80182C88 00??
80182C89 00??
80182C8A 00??
80182C8B 00??
80182C8C 00??
80182C8D 00??
80182C8E 00??
80182C8F 00??

80182C90 00??
80182C91 00??
80182C92 00??
80182C93 00??
80182C94 00??
80182C95 00??
80182C96 00??
80182C97 00??

Row 16

80182C98 00??
80182C99 00??
80182C9A 00??
80182C9B 00??
80182C9C 00??
80182C9D 00??
80182C9E 00??
80182C9F 00??

80182CA0 00??
80182CA1 00??
80182CA2 00??
80182CA3 00??
80182CA4 00??
80182CA5 00??
80182CA6 00??
80182CA7 00??

Field Digits

01 - Untilled Soil
02 - Tilled Soil
03 - Tilled Soil (Watered)
04 - Small Rock
05 - Weed / Bush
06 - Log / Fence Post
07 - Broken Log / Fence Post

0C - Turnip Stage 1
10 - Turnip Final Stage
12 - Turnip Dead Stage

19 - Potato Stage 1
1F - Potato Final Stage
21 - Potato Dead Stage

26 - Eggplant Stage 1
2A - Eggplant Stage 2
30 - Eggplant Final Stage
32 - Eggplant Dead Stage

39 - Cabbage Stage 1
3D - Cabbage Stage 2
41 - Cabbage Final Stage
43 - Cabbage Dead Stage

48 - Strawberry Stage 1
4C - Strawberry Stage 2
50 - Strawberry Final Stage
52 - Strawberry Dead Stage

57 - Tomato Stage 1
5B - Tomato Stage 2
5F - Tomato Stage 3
65 - Tomato Final Stage
67 - Tomato Dead Stage

6E - Corn Stage 1
74 - Corn Stage 2
7A - Corn Stage 3
82 - Corn Final Stage
84 - Corn Dead Stage

88 - Grass Stage 1
8B - Grass Stage 2
8E - Grass Final Stage
8F - Grass Cut / Eaten Stage

94 - Moondrop Flower Stage 1
98 - Moondrop Flower Stage 2
9C - Moondrop Flower Final Stage
9E - Moondrop Flower Dead Stage

A5 - Pink-Cat-Mint Flower Stage 1
AB - Pink-Cat-Mint Flower Stage 2
AF - Pink-Cat-Mint Flower Final Stage
B1 - Pink-Cat-Mint Flower Dead Stage

B8 - Blue-Mist Flower Stage 1
BE - Blue-Mist Flower Stage 2
C2 - Blue-Mist Flower Final Stage

C4 - Large Boulder
C8 - Tree Stump

CC - Medicinal Herb
CD - Edible Herb
CE - Veryberry
CF - Tropical Fruit
D0 - Walnut
D1 - Wild Grapes
D2 - Mushroom
D3 - Poisonous Mushroom
D4 - Berry of the Fullmoon Plant
D5 - Flower

$ Event Codes $

Always Get The Coin In The Cake At Harvest Festival (To Become Harvest King
Next Year)

80237409 0000

You Are Always Harvest King (Coin Does Not Do Anything)

80204FF8 0000

Always Win Egg Festival Contest [00 - 05]

801886D3 0005

Who You Voted For As Goddess For Flower Festival [0 - 4]

801C3F7E 000?

0 - Maria
1 - Popuri
2 - Elli
3 - Ann
4 - Karen

Who Is The Goddess For Flower Festival [0 - 4]


0 - Maria
1 - Popuri
2 - Elli
3 - Ann
4 - Karen

Spirit Festival Assistant #1 Modifier [00 - 0A]

801FD621 00??

Spirit Festival Assistant #2 Modifier [00 - 0A]

801FC150 00??

Spirit Festival Assistant #3 Modifier [00 - 0A]

80237412 00??

Assistant Digits

01 - Maria
02 - Popuri
03 - Elli
04 - Ann
05 - Karen
06 - Harris
07 - Gray
08 - Jeff
09 - Cliff
0A - Kai

Crop Submitted For Vegetable Festival Modifier [00 - 07]

801C3B60 00??

00 - None Submitted
01 - Turnip Submitted
02 - Potato Submitted
03 - Cabbage Submitted
04 - Tomato Submitted
05 - Corn Submitted
06 - Eggplant Submitted
07 - Strawberrry Submitted

Won The Cow Festival

8013D1CD 0001

NPCs Return To The Game (Cliff, Kai, Karen)

8013D1CE 0000

20 - Cliff Is Gone Forever
40 - Kai Is Gone Forever
80 - Karen Is Gone Forever

Note: Add the values together in hexidecimal to make 2 or 3 of them gone
forever, just don't leave the code on or Basil will never come / leave.
Example, having all three of them gone is 20 + 40 + 80 which in hex is E0.

Your Baby Never Gets Sick & Your Wife Never Leaves You

8013D1E0 0001

Bridge / Hot Springs Built Modifier

8013D1D2 00??

01 - Bridge Built
D0 - Hot Springs Built

Note: For both, combine the values (D1).

$ Prize Codes $

House Extensions Modifier

8013D1C9 00??

01 - Kitchen
02 - Bathroom
04 - Stairway
08 - Greenhouse
10 - Log Terrance
20 - Baby Bed
40 - Cabinet
80 - Tablecloth
FF - All Of The Above

Note: Add any of the above values in hexidecimal to mix and match having only
specific extensions.

Potion Shop / Souvenir Shop Modifier

8013D1CA 00??

01 - Have Purchased Blue Pot From Saibara
02 - Have Unlocked Best Potion In Potion Shop (No Need To Give Pontata Root)

Have The Carpet In Your House

8013D1C8 0001

WARNING: Use this code early in your game save. It will break up the rival's
marriages and make your wife no longer pregnant if she is. Do not leave on.

Have The Painting You Get As A Better Birthday Gift From Maria

8013D1CC 00C0

Stable / Dog House Upgrade Modifiers

8013D1D1 00??

40 - New Stable
80 - Awesome House (Dog House)
C0 - Both

Note: Do not leave on. Save and disable as soon as possible.

Misc. Prize #1 Modifiers

8013D1D0 00??

01 - Stuffed Horse
02 - Cute Clock (Cow Design Clock)
04 - Cushion
08 - Five Extra Calendar Stickers
10 - Mug
20 - Luncheon Placemats
3F - All Of The Above

Note: Not recommended to leave on.

Misc. Prize #2 Modifiers

8013D1D3 00??

40 - Turtle Figurine
80 - Invincible Katori
C0 - Both

$ Accomplishment Codes $

Have Recipe Modifiers

Page 1

8016FAFF 00??

01 - Crem of Turnip Stew
02 - Tomato crem Soup
04 - Tomato Rice
08 - Simple Tomato Soup
10 - Corn Fritter
20 - Corn Pasta
40 - Mashed Potato
80 - Fried Potatoes & Bacon
FF - All Of The Above

Page 2

8016FAFE 00??

01 - Twice-cooked Tomatoes & Greens
02 - Garlic Potato Beef
04 - Eggplant with Misopaste
08 - Rolled Cabbage
10 - Stuffed Omelet
20 - Spa-poached Egg
40 - Handmade Butter
80 - Mushroom Rice
FF - All Of The Above

Page 3

8016FAFD 00??

01 - Fried Char
02 - Grilled Trout with Cheese
04 - Char Stuffed with Mushrooms
08 - Steam Clams with Wine
10 - Miso Soup with Sprouts
20 - Sesame Dandelion Greens
40 - Mushroom Salsa
80 - Strawberry Dog
FF - All Of The Above

Page 4

8016FAFC 00??

01 - Herb Rice Cake
02 - Bread Pudding
04 - Herb Rice Cake
08 - Potato Pancake
10 - Strawberry Jam
20 - Strawberry Champagne
40 - Veryberry Wine
80 - Spice Tea
FF - All Of The Above

Page 5

8016FB03 00??

01 - Hot Spicy Wine
02 - Cinnamon Milk Tea
04 - Turnip & Cabbage Preserves
07 - All Of The Above

Have ALL Recipes

8016FAFF 00FF
8016FAFE 00FF
8016FAFD 00FF
8016FAFC 00FF
8016FB03 0007

Have Power Nut Modifiers

Modifier #1

80215EBB 00??

01 - Dig up randomly on outdoor farm fields using Hoe
02 - Trade the Marbles to the befriended Harvest Sprites
04 - Catch randomly while fishing from the dock on the beach screen
08 - From Kappa the water imp
10 - Smash the giant boulder on the frozen pond in Winter with gold hammer
20 - Dig up randomly in the mines during Winter
40 - Wish for Strength from the Goddess when Fatigue is 0 and Current Stamina
is 100% full
80 - Shady Salesman from Flower Festival for 1,000G
FF - All 8 Of These Power Nuts

Modifier #2

80215EBA 00??

01 - Win Egg Festival contest the first time
02 - Given from Basil on one of his return trips
03 - Both Of These Power Nuts

Have ALL Power Nuts

80215EBB 00FF
80215EBA 0003

Photo Album Modifier (Have Photos)

8118905A ????

0001 - "A picture taken together with grandpa."
0002 - "At the Seed Planting Festival"
0004 - "A photo commemorating victory at the local horse race"
0008 - "With a sightseer"
0010 - "Winner at the Swim Meet"
0020 - "Celebrating completion of the hot springs"
0040 - "Winner at the dog race"
0080 - "Wedding ceremony in front of the church."
0100 - "After the baby was born."
0200 - "Firefly night"
0400 - "Blue-mist flower"
0800 - "Essence of moondrop"
1000 - "A rabbit in winter"
2000 - "Dance of the Kifu Fairy"
4000 - "Commemorating the completion of home extension."
8000 - "Let's have a party together"
FFFF - Have ALL Photos

Have ALL Photos

8118905A FFFF
802373E9 00??

00 - Maria
01 - Popuri
02 - Elli
03 - Ann
04 - Karen

Note: The second line in this code adjusts the Wife Modifier so the marriage
and baby born photos are not invisible. This does not make you married if you
weren't before, just make sure not to leave the code on, otherwise when you DO
marry, (or if you already are) your wife will change to the girl you chose in
this code!

$ Name Codes $

Main Character Name

Digit 1 - 80189061 00??
Digit 2 - 80189062 00??
Digit 3 - 80189063 00??
Digit 4 - 80189064 00??
Digit 5 - 80189065 00??
Digit 6 - 80189066 00??

Farm Name

Digit 1 - 8021E6D2 00??
Digit 2 - 8021E6D3 00??
Digit 3 - 8021E6D4 00??
Digit 4 - 8021E6D5 00??
Digit 5 - 8021E6D6 00??
Digit 6 - 8021E6D7 00??

Dog's Name

Digit 1 - 801886B1 00??
Digit 2 - 801886B2 00??
Digit 3 - 801886B3 00??
Digit 4 - 801886B4 00??
Digit 5 - 801886B5 00??
Digit 6 - 801886B6 00??

Horse's Name

Digit 1 - 8016FDD1 00??
Digit 2 - 8016FDD2 00??
Digit 3 - 8016FDD3 00??
Digit 4 - 8016FDD4 00??
Digit 5 - 8016FDD5 00??
Digit 6 - 8016FDD6 00??

Name Digits

A1 - A
A2 - B
A3 - C
A4 - D
A5 - E
A6 - F
A7 - G
A8 - H
A9 - I
AA - J
AB - K
AC - L
AD - M
AE - N
AF - O
B0 - P
B1 - Q
B2 - R
B3 - S
B4 - T
B5 - U
B6 - V
B7 - W
B8 - X
B9 - Y
BA - Z

BB - a
BC - b
BD - c
BE - d
BF - e
C0 - f
C1 - g
C2 - h
C3 - i
C4 - j
C5 - k
C6 - l
C7 - m
C8 - n
C9 - o
CA - p
CB - q
CC - r
CD - s
CE - t
CF - u
D0 - v
D1 - w
D2 - x
D3 - y
D4 - z

D5 - 1
D6 - 2
D7 - 3
D8 - 4
D9 - 5
DA - 6
DB - 7
DC - 8
DD - 9
DE - 0

DF - ? (Question Mark)
E0 - !
E1 - High Horizontal Line
E2 - ~
E3 - Middle Dot
E4 - ,
E5 - .
E6 - /
E7 - Empty Star
E8 - Filled Star
E9 - &
EA - Empty Heart
EB - Filled Heart
EC - Fish Hook
ED - Paw Print
EE - Blank Space
EF - X with 4 dots
F0 - Empty Circle
F1 - Degrees Celcius
F6 - - (Subtraction)
F7 - X (Multiplication)
F8 - :
F9 - ;
FA - Three Horizontal Middle Dots
FB - Two Horizontal Middle Dots
FC - Left Quotations
FD - Right Quotations
FF - Blank Space

$ Mountain Forage Codes $

Stump Modifiers (Available All Seasons)

80183011 00??
80183010 00??
80183025 00??
80183024 00??

8013D2AF 00??
8013D2AE 00??
8013D2C3 00??
8013D2C2 00??

8013D2C7 00??
8013D2C6 00??
8013D2DB 00??
8013D2DA 00??

8013D2EB 00??
8013D2EC 00??
8013D2FF 00??
8013D300 00??

80189A01 00??
80189A00 00??
80189A15 00??
80189A14 00??

8016FE65 00??
8016FE64 00??
8016FE79 00??
8016FE78 00??

80189923 00??
80189922 00??
80189937 00??
80189936 00??
8018994B 00??
8018994A 00??

Bush Modifiers (Only Available In Spring, Summer & Fall)

80183175 00??
80183194 00??
8018319C 00??
8013D29B 00??
80189A39 00??

Edible Herb Modifiers (Only Available In Spring, Summer & Fall)

80183139 00??
8016F93D 00??

Medicinal Herb Modifiers (Only Available In Spring, Summer & Fall)

8016FE49 00??
8016F923 00??
8016F938 00??

Flower Modifiers (Only Available In Spring & Summer)

801830D2 00??
8013D2A2 00??
80189A3A 00??
8016FE31 00??
8016FE48 00??
8016FE4E 00??
8016FEAE 00??
8016FEB1 00??

Veryberry Modifiers (Only Available In Spring)

801830FF 00??
8013D31C 00??
801899A9 00??
8016FE66 00??

Tropical Fruit Modifiers (Only Available In Summer)

8013D2A3 00??
801898F6 00??

Walnut Modifiers (Only Available In Summer)

80183118 00??
80189965 00??

Mushroom Modifiers (Only Available In Fall)

8018318A 00??
8013D297 00??
80189A40 00??
8016FE6D 00??

Poisonous Mushroom Modifiers (Only Available In Fall)

80189996 00??
8016F93C 00??

Wild Grapes Modifiers (Only Available In Fall)

8013D2DF 00??
80189932 00??

Berry of the Fullmoon Plant Modifier (Only Available On Fall 10th, Fall 11th &
Fall 12th)

8016FD52 00??

Note: By using these forage codes, you will be able to modify what item is
laying on the ground using the digits just below this, and they can be picked
unlimited times. To re-spawn them without leaving the screen, simply pause and
unpause. As a last note, in brackets you'll see when these foragables are
NORMALLY available. Using these codes can indeed, allow them to be presetn all
year, all seasons.

Forage Digits

04 - Small Rock
05 - Weed / Bush
06 - Log / Fence Post
07 - Broken Log / Fence Post

0C - Turnip Stage 1
10 - Turnip Final Stage
12 - Turnip Dead Stage

19 - Potato Stage 1
1F - Potato Final Stage
21 - Potato Dead Stage

26 - Eggplant Stage 1
2A - Eggplant Stage 2
30 - Eggplant Final Stage
32 - Eggplant Dead Stage

39 - Cabbage Stage 1
3D - Cabbage Stage 2
41 - Cabbage Final Stage
43 - Cabbage Dead Stage

48 - Strawberry Stage 1
4C - Strawberry Stage 2
50 - Strawberry Final Stage
52 - Strawberry Dead Stage

57 - Tomato Stage 1
5B - Tomato Stage 2
5F - Tomato Stage 3
65 - Tomato Final Stage
67 - Tomato Dead Stage

6E - Corn Stage 1
74 - Corn Stage 2
7A - Corn Stage 3
82 - Corn Final Stage
84 - Corn Dead Stage

88 - Grass Stage 1
8B - Grass Stage 2
8E - Grass Final Stage
8F - Grass Cut / Eaten Stage

94 - Moondrop Flower Stage 1
98 - Moondrop Flower Stage 2
9C - Moondrop Flower Final Stage
9E - Moondrop Flower Dead Stage

A5 - Pink-Cat-Mint Flower Stage 1
AB - Pink-Cat-Mint Flower Stage 2
AF - Pink-Cat-Mint Flower Final Stage
B1 - Pink-Cat-Mint Flower Dead Stage

B8 - Blue-Mist Flower Stage 1
BE - Blue-Mist Flower Stage 2
C2 - Blue-Mist Flower Final Stage

C4 - Large Boulder
C8 - Tree Stump

CC - Medicinal Herb
CD - Edible Herb
CE - Veryberry
CF - Tropical Fruit
D0 - Walnut
D1 - Wild Grapes
D2 - Mushroom
D3 - Poisonous Mushroom
D4 - Berry of the Fullmoon Plant
D5 - Flower

$ Kirbyarm's Elite Codes $

Never Typhoons (But weather is still random!)

D0205238 0005
80205238 0002

Super Optimal Barn Animal Pen Built (Do Not Leave On!)

8016F500 0006
8016F501 0006
8016F502 0006
8016F514 0006
8016F515 0001
8016F516 0006
8016F528 0006
8016F529 0006
8016F52A 0006
8016F503 0001
8016F517 0001
8016F52B 0001
8016F53C 0001
8016F53D 0001
8016F53E 0001
8016F53F 0001

Rollerskate Shoes Mode

801FC1B4 0002
801FC1B6 0002

& Hard Mode Codes &

Note: Make sure you add these as DIFFERENT codes, as they need to be separated
appropriately. So create a new code for every code number, and make sure the
code lines are in exact order for this awesome Hard Mode to take effect! You
must activate ALL of the Hard Mode codes and have them turned on throughout the
entire game to say you've beaten the game on Hard Mode, or even more amazingly,
completed a Hard Mode Perfect / Full Album run! Good luck!

Oh, one more thing. Do not use any other Game Shark codes with these Hard Mode
Codes as that is not only cheating, but could crash the game for overlapping
already listed codes for specific difficulty purposes.

Code #1 - Time

D017027F 002C
8017027F 003B

Code #2 - Fatigue

D01890D1 0063
801890D1 0064

Code #3 - Fatigue

D01890D1 0062
801890D1 0064

Code #4 - Fatigue

D01890D1 0061
801890D1 0064

Code #5 - Rain Blizzards

D0205238 0003
80205238 0002

Code #6 - Insemination Reset

D0182FB9 001F
80182FB9 0000

Code #7 - No Honey For You

D018907E 0007
8018907E 0006

Code #8 - Girl On Period 1

D016FD52 00D4
801C3F90 0096

Code #9 - Girl On Period 2

D016FD52 00D4
801C3F91 0096

Code #10 - Girl On Period 3

D016FD52 00D4
801C3F92 0096

Code #11 - Girl On Period 4

D016FD52 00D4
801C3F93 0096

Code #12 - Girl On Period 5

D016FD52 00D4
801C3F94 0096

Code #13 - Super Special Code

8016F5D9 0088
80183011 0006
80183010 0007
80183025 0006
80183024 0007
8013D2AF 0006
8013D2AE 0007
8013D2C3 0006
8013D2C2 0007
8013D2C7 0006
8013D2C6 0007
8013D2DB 0006
8013D2DA 0007
8013D2EB 0006
8013D2EC 0007
8013D2FF 0006
8013D300 0007
80189A01 0006
80189A00 0007
80189A15 0006
80189A14 0007
8016FE65 0006
8016FE64 0007
8016FE79 0006
8016FE78 0007
80189923 0006
80189922 0007
80189937 0006
80189936 0007
8018994B 0000
8018994A 0000
80183175 0004
80183194 0004
8018319C 0004
8013D29B 0004
80189A39 0004
8016F923 0000
8016F938 0000

What's so hard about Hard Mode?

-Every hour is now 45 game minutes long instead of 60, which makes days go by

-To eliminate the Medicinal Herb trick, whenever you have 97, 98, or 99
Fatigue, it jumps to 100 Fatigue!

-Snowy days will now be rainy days instead, as animals cannot find food
outdoors in the rain (including chickens)!

-If you do not meet the requirements for your wife to become pregnant on the
day Insemination Counter reaches 31, it resets to 0!

-If you ever have Honey in a bottle, it instantly turns to milk!

-Every year, Fall 10th, Fall 11th, and Fall 12th... the girls go on their
periods (for a major affection drop)! This doesn't interfere with a Full
Album run if you do it right! ;)

-The square where you would normally be able to dig up a Broken Music Box is
now permanently a Grass square in stage 1 of growth, never can be moved or

-You must manually carry Lumber back to your Lumber bin to harvest Lumber from
the mountain! The logs re-spawn instantly!

-Medicinal Herbs are rarer now. There were three locations to find them. Now
there is one!

-The bushes in the mountains have been replaced with re-spawning small rocks,
to legitimately level your hammer up!

& Credits &

Firstly, I'd like to credit Rift for his initial work in the first generation
of hacking HM64. And for the second generation of hacking HM64, SomeCrazyGuy,
this shout-out goes to you! With the knowledge of these previous hacking
attempts at understanding the game and its many mechanical mysteries, I was
able to make an outline of what types of arrays and bytes I had to search for
in order to make the codes in this document and share the many possibilities
with the rest of the world!

Sam Van Dam, this shout-out is for you, sir. Thank you!

Next, I must thank Victor Interactive Software, the developer team that created
this wonderful game for us all to play and enjoy however we see fit without
having to worry about things like if the next boss will kill us or anything
like that!

Finally, I credit myself for the hard work put into the data collection. I'm
only satisfied when I do all of this number crunching myself, as it seems in
the past when verifying someone else's work I ALWAYS seem to find errors..
and of course for writing this document.

<-> <--> <-> <---> <----><--> <--><---> <---> <---> <--->
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<-> <--> <-> <-> <--->/X/ <> <-> <-> <-> <--><-> <->

& Copyright &

<>-<>-<> Copyright to Dedrick Suddenly© 2011 (Kirbyarm) All rights reserved.

<>-<> Permission to host this guide unedited on your website may be
requested, and if permission is not given, you do not have the right
to host it. Duplication, distribution, or editing is allowed for
personal use ONLY for your own benefit. Information in this guide
isn't to be taken for your own work of similar nature. Tactics,
strategies, lists, and ASCII art that is solely created by Kirbyarm
are not to be ripped, stolen, copied to your own work, or otherwise
taken credit for in some form of work of your own.

<> Contact information for reporting errors or bugs in-game, or
otherwise errors in this guide, positive feedback, criticism,
suggestions, typos, or to express your gratitude.. use this e-mail:


<> Lastly, the Boards on GameFAQs are used frequently. Should you ask
questions there, I'll do my best to answer them in a timely fashion.
Thank you for reading, and I hope the information in this guide was
both helpful and enjoyable to you.