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Konohana Farm
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Konohana Farm

Konohana Farm 0%

This is your farm right at the beginning of the game if you choose to live in Konohana Village. Its not that big right when you start but there are plenty of expansions you can get to enlarge your fields for more pace to plant crops.

1. Your House: Ina will show you how to get to it on your 1st day. Inside you will find your bed, a kitchen, your bookshelf and a calander.

2. Animal Barn: Since Konohana is more concentrated on growing crops you will only be allowed to have a very limited amount of animals. The maximum amount you can have is 4 live stock and 2 chickens. There are no upgrades for the animal barn in Konohana.

3. Crop Fields: These are the available places you can plant crops and flowers, and eventually trees. These areas are available from day 1 of the game. If you choose to live in Bluebell you can still come here and cultivate the available space, and grow crops, but you will not be able to expand them unless you are living in Konohana.

4. Watering Hole: This is where you can refill your Watering Can.

5. Exit to Konohana Village: Follow this path to leave your farm and go to Upper Konohana village.

Konohana Farm 100%

After you have gotten all of your expansions available for your farm it will look like this. as you can see there is ALOT of new crop space that has been opened up and a path leading off to the right of your house. Info on where that leads is in the map below this one. Info for this map however are directly below.

1. Your House: This is your house after you have gotten the expansion. It adds on a little room to the left that has a sitting area, a bathroom and a toilet. Using these can restore a small bit of stamina.

2. Animal Barn: Same as I listed above since there aren't any upgrade in Konohana.

3. Watering Hole: This is where you can refill your Watering Can

4. Exit to Konohana Village: Follow this path to go to Konohana Village.

5. Crop Areas: These are all the available areas to plant your crops,flowers and trees once you fully upgrade your farm.

6. 2nd Watering Hole: Once you get enough field expansions you get another watering hole so you dont have to walk so far to refill your watering can.

7. Fish Pond: Eileen will eventually post the request to build the Fish Pond. You can place fish you catch in here, and eventually they will multiply. Raul will eventually also sell fish food. All the fishfood does is increase the Star Quality of the fish. You dont have to feed them for them to multiply. You can only place 1 fish in the pond, but it somehow breeds by itself.

8. Path to Rice Paddies and Waterwheel: Another expansion Eileen builds for you, she builds you a Waterwheel and a rice paddy. Once that is completed this path will appear. The details and map of the expansion are in the map below.

Konohana Farm Rice Paddy & Waterwheel

The Waterwheel comes fully equipped with a mill to make different flours and also a seed maker. we do not yet have images of the inside of the waterwheel house. But once your inside theres instructions on what to do built in the game.

1. Exit to Farm: Follow this path to return to the rest of your farm.

2. Rice Paddy: At first when you get the waterwheel and rice paddy you will only have the top left square. But there will be 3 other opertunities to get more rice paddy's built. Each request after that adds one more rice paddy until you have a maximum of 4. Each Rice paddy is a 4x4 sqaure with room for 16 rice seedlings which Gombe will sell in Year 2. You have to plant them in spring and then you harvest them in fall with the sickle.

3. Waterwheel House: This is the building spoken of earlier with the mill for making flour and a seed maker.

4. Sluice gate: This is very important. You can only open the Sluice gate in Spring and it floods the rice paddy(s) so you can plant the seedlings. You can also use the fertilizer bottle like you would with normal crops. Keep in mind too, if you do a farm expansion after you already plant some rice, sometimes it makes the rice paddy look dry, but do not panic, they rice will continue to grow as normal.