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Lower Konohana Village
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Lower Konohana Village

This part of the village is the main area with the most shops and other homes in the village. The main points of interest are listed below.

1. Path to Upper Konohana Village: If you want to return to Upper Konohana, just follow this path by heading North.

2. Konohana Village Request Board: This is where you can take requests for different villagers that live in Konohana. On your 2nd say after choosing to live in konohana Mayor Ina will show you how it works. If you forget where it is, then check out the map.

3. Konohana Town Hall: Ina and her son Rahi live upstairs at the Town Hall. Once you walk in the main doors theres a desk where you can usually find Ina and a notebook you can look at to choose to move to Bluebell if you feel like switching towns. If you have any trouble finding a certain villager in Konohana you can talk to Ina and she will give you information on where to find them. Also on the main floor, is a large room used for a few of the festivals along with a room where Mikhail stays if your living in Konohana.

4. Gombe's Seeds: Gombe runs a seed shop with his grand-daughter Nori. If you need seeds for crops and tree then this is where to go. Once we get our "Shops" section completed we will list his shop inventory and hours of business.

5. Mako's Orchard: Mako lives here with his niece, Reina. For info on Reina you can check out our Bachelorettes page. And for info on Mako you can look at the Konohana Villagers page. Mako runs a small orchard next to his house and sometimes posts requests that reward you with tree seeds.

6. Yun's Tea House: Yun is a sweet old lady that lives with he grand-daughter Ying. She has a good variety of meals that she sells. What she sells depends on the season so once we get our "Shops" section complete we will have a list of what you can buy fromher.

7. Raul's General Store: Raul is the brother of the twins that live in Bluebell, Enrique and Diego. He also runs a General Store like they do, but in Konohana. You can buy a variety of items from him. These will be listed in our "Shops" section once it is completed.

8. Konohana Clinic: Dr. Ayame and he apprentice Hiro run the clinic. They don;t sell any health potions or anything and since nobody gets sick, they just sort of are...there. But when it comes time for your child to be born they will come to help.