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Lower Konohana Mountain
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Lower Konohana Mountain

This is the other lowest side of the mountain before you get to Konohana Village. Here you can find another handfishing area along with a zipline and a couple item hotspots. Locations are listed below.

1. Path to Konohana Village Upper: If you keep going West, you will finally reach upper Konohana Village.

2. Path to Mid Konohana Mountain: If you want to go back to the previous area then go east to return to mid Konohana mountain area.

3. Zipline: This is the other zipline on the mountain. You can use it by pressing A when you get to it. Sometimes as you are riding it, just before you get to the end you will see the image of the A button for just a split second. If you time it right, you can jump off of the zipline instead of smashing into the tree and falling down. If you miss it however, you do not lose stamina for hitting the tree. In the area where it takes you, you can find a number of items and an iem hotspot. To return to the main road take the dirt slide.

4. Item Hot-spot: If you press A at this patch of young bamboo you can find a variety of different items depending on the season and weather.

5. Item Hot-spot: If you press A at this old stump you can find a variety of different items depending on the season and weather.

6. Hand Fishing Area: At the beginning of the game you don't have a fishing rod, but that doesnt mean you can't catch fish! Pretty early in the game you will find a request teaching you how to hand fish. It is common, however, to get alot of garbage as you handfish. Therefore I have named the different handfishing areas the following just for fun. Bottom left we have Old Ball Pond, the top we have Old Ball Spring and then bottom right we have Fish Bone Creek. Good luck at handfishing!