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Birthday: 26 Winter

Keira is a Princess who lives on 255th floor of the 3rd Mine. She is a
classical 'Sleeping Beauty' who only awakes on special occasions or if you are
able to visit her on the 255th floor. She will appear on the 255th floor of
the 2nd mine if you defeat all Dark Creatures (without cheating) and enter the
concealed chamber after the barrier crumbles. She will give you the Legendary
Sword that allows you to destroy the huge boulders on either side of the
Secret Field. After this, however, she will be found only in the 3rd Mine
on the 255th floor. Again, you must defeat all Dark Creatures on that floor
(without cheating) before the barrier will crumble, allowing access to her

When you first meet Keira at the 255th floor of the Third Mine, where she
sleeps in her bed, she may request 'Curry Rice.' If you bring her Curry Rice,
the notice will say that 'Regular curry rice won't satisfy her.' When you
bring 'Finest Curry Rice', she will be satisfied. She then will tell you that
she is happy and ask for gifts that she 'likes'. This is your cue to give her
gems or Suns to raise her AP and FP in order to reach the level where she will
request another specific item.

Most Favourite Affection Point Gift: Golden Lumber (+800 AP +9 FP)
Affection Point Gifts: Mythic Stone, Diamond, Pink Diamond, Alexandrite,
Mystrile, Orihalcon, Adamantite, Moonstone, Sand Rose, Emerald, Ruby (all cut
Gems), all four Suns (+500 AP +9 FP)

For Rainbow Curry: 'She looks uncertain.' (+100 AP +1 FP)

For any ore: (-300 AP - 3 FP)

Likes: Gems
Hates: all flowers, lumber