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Witch Princess

Birthday: 29 Winter
Most Favourite Affection Point Gift: Rainbow Curry (+800 AP +9 FP)
Affection Point Gifts: Poisonous Mushroom, Red Grass, Gold Lumber, all
Grasses, all Gems, all Ores, Fish Bone, Empty Can (+500 AP +9 FP)
Detests: Boot (-800 AP - 9 FP)

The Witch Princess lives in a little hut to the left of Romana's visit, in the
Northwest corner of the Valley. She will be there at all times, unless you
experience a special event with her elsewhere. Whenever you fulfill a
requirement for marriage to her, she will give you a little gift of rubbish.
Her gift is an item on your Shipping List, so even if you are not interested
in courting her, you need to acquire at least one of her 'gifts' to complete
your Shipping List.

Show her your Cat for +1 FP.

Recipe for Rainbow Curry:

Blue Curry
Green Curry
Red Curry
Yellow Curry
Orange Curry
Purple Curry
Indigo Curry
Curry Rice

Cook in Pot.

N.B. Each of the above individual Curries is made using Rice Ball, Curry
Powder and the Grass of that specific colour.

For Fishbone: 'You're thoughtful. Thank you. (+300 AP +3 FP)

For Rainbow Curry: 'Wow! It's Rainbow Curry, isn't it!! Thank you.' (+800
AP +9 FP)

For Toadstool: 'I was just thinking how I wanted to have some. Way to go.'
(+500 AP and +9 FP)

If you give her jewelry, she will say: 'I have a choker of skulls so... maybe
I'll experiment with it.' (-300 AP -3 FP)

Her conversation:
At purple heart: 'Freyr, is something the matter?' Then: 'Well... I'm
At yellow heart: Freyr, you look well. I enjoy seeing you and having your
energetic presence here.
At orange heart: Freyr, thank you for coming. If you die let me know. I'll
bring you back to life with my tonic.
At red heart: Freyr... Wel... welcome. Recently... I can't focus on my
magic. I wonder why...