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Biography: Mako lives in the southern most house in Konohana Village and runs the orchard. You can’t buy any seeds from him though, you will have to wait until Year 2 to get some from Gombe. But sometimes if your lucky, Mako occasionally posts requests that he rewards you with a type of tree seed. He lives with his niece, Reina who is a botanist. If you want to marry Reina, you will have to get Mako to 4 Flowers before she will accept your proposal.


Birthday: Spring 6th


Family: His Niece Reina


Favorite Wild Animal: None


Hated Wild Animal: All Wild Animals


Tips: Once you get some tree’s growing on your farm Mako likes all the different kinds of fruit. But until then, he likes lots of simple salad recipes such as Cucumber Namul, which takes only Cucumber and Oil. Cucumber seeds aren’t available until year 2 unless you lose a cooking festival in spring, then you will receive a bag as a consolation prize and thus, unlocks them. But if you win them all and don’t unlock that you can give him Blue Magic Flowers, which can be found year round in the mountain.


Also, Mako likes a few of the fireflies you can find in the evening during summer and some of the dragonflies in Fall and winter.



Special Gift: +800FP


Chop Suey [Oil + Cabbage + Cabbage + Shiitake + Carrot + Pan]


Liked Gifts: +300FP


Regular Items: Apple, Banana, Blue Bouquet, Cherry, Ginseng Tea Can, Grape, Magic Blue Flower, Mandarin, Oolong Tea Can, Peach, Puer Tea Can, Pineapple, Sencha Tea Can, Sunflower Bouquet, Watermelon


Critters: Ancient Dragonfly, Crimson Dragonfly, Emperor Dragonfly, Emperor Firefly, Lantern Firefly, Mustache Firefly


Fish: Char, Crab, Large Char, Large Sea Bass, Sea Bass, Small Char, Small Crab, Small Sea Bass


Cooked Stuff: Onion Salad, Potato Salad, Herb Salad, Caprese Salad, Mimosa Salad, Boiled Spinach, Asazuke, Cucumber Namul, Daikon Salad, Gazpacho, Bouillabaisse, Corn Soup, Onion Soup, Pumpkin Soup, Asparagus Soup, Radish Soup, Soybean Soup, Sautéed Turnips, French Fries, Potato Pancakes, Hash Browns, Cabbage Roll, Fruit Sandwich, Boiled Potato, Roasted Corn, Miso Eggplant, Roasted Eggplant, Baked Yam, Vegetable Stir Fry, Simmered Potato, Boiled Pumpkin, Ganmodoki, Boiled Daikon, Shredded Daikon, Vegetable Curry, Yam Dessert, Chocolate Banana, Stewed Apple, Apple Pie, Pineapple Pie, Strawberry Pie, Strawberry Ice Cream, Sencha Tea, Puer Tea, Oolong Tea, Ginseng Tea



Neutral Gifts: +50FP


Anything not listed above or below


Hated Gifts: -300FP


Regular Items: Animal Medicine, Apricot Wine, Beer, Branch, Butter, Cheese, Chestnut Wine, Chicha, Chicken Feed, Egg, Fall Wine, Fish Bones, Fish Food, Fish Treat, Four Seasons Wine, Fruit Wine, Fruit Yogurt, Golden Milk, Good Butter, Good Cheese, Good Fruit Yogurt, Good Herb Butter, Good Herb Mayo, Good Herb Cheese, Good Mayonnaise, Good Yogurt, Grain Treat, Great Butter, Great Cheese, Great Fruit Yogurt, Great Herb Butter, Great Herb Mayo, Great Herb Cheese, Great Mayonnaise, Great Yogurt, Herb Butter, Herb Cheese, Herb Mayonnaise, Honey Wine, Horse Treat, Jersey Milk, Lumber, Material Stone, Mayonnaise, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Owl Food, Pet Food, Plum Wine, Poison Mushroom, Red Wine, Rose Wine, Sangria, Scrap Metal, Snowball, Spring Wine, Stone, Summer Wine, Treat, Weed, Vegetable Treat, Yogurt


Critters: None


Fish: None


Cooked Stuff: Failed Dish, Cheese Dumpling, Omelet, Omelet Rice, Cheese Fondue, Meuniere, Macaroni & Cheese, Milk Curry, Cheese Croquette, Pudding, Cheesecake, Pancake, Donuts, Cake, Party Cheesecake, Trifle, Scone, Pumpkin Pudding, Milk Tea, Royal Milk Tea, Café au Lait, Cappuccino, Hot Milk, Red Wine Glass, Chicha Glass, Beer Glass, Honey Wine Glass, Chestnut Wine Glass, Spring Wine Glass, Summer Wine Glass, Fall Wine Glass, 4 Seasons Wine Glass, Fruit Wine Glass, Rose Wine Glass



Horror Gift: -1000FP




Location Schedule


Days: Monday to Thursday and Sunday

Weather: Sunny, Snowy or ½ day Rain

Time & Location:

6am to 8am- Mako’s House

8am to 6:30pm- In is orchard next to his house

6:30pm to 9pm- Konohana Town Hall

9pm to 9:30pm- Walking home

9:30pm to Midnight- Mako’s House


Days: Friday or Saturday

Weather: Sunny, Snowy or ½ day Rain

Time & Location:

6am to 10am- Mako’s House

10am to 10:30am- Walking to Yun’s Tea House

10:30am to 2pm- Yun’s tea House

2pm to 4pm- Walking to mid Konohana Mountain

4pm to 10pm- Southern side of Mod Konohana Mountain

10pm to Midnight- Walking home


Days: Sunday to Saturday

Weather: Typhoon, Blizzard or All day Rain

Time & Location:

6am- Midnight- Mako’s House