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Biography: Gombe is the owner of the seed shop in Konohana Village. Even though he is very old he is still a kid at heart and loves you to tell him jokes and teaches you how to catch the different critters though requests. He lives with his grand-daughter, Nori who helps him out as much as she can working the crops.


He knows quite a bit about growing crops and you can always ask him for help and information on crops. His store is open from 10am to 5pm, but is closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and festivals.


Birthday: Winter 22


Family: His Granddaughter Nori


Favorite Wild Animal: None


Hated Wild Animal: None


Tips: Gombe is one of the easier people to befriend. He likes every critter you can catch In the mountains, so you can catch anything and give it to him and he will be ever so appreciative.



Special Gift: +800FP


Sushi Bowl [Recipe: Sashimi + Cooked Rice + [Egg, Black Egg or Golden Egg]


Liked Gifts: +300FP


Regular Items: Apricot Wine, Asparagus, Bok Choy, Cabbage, Carrot, Chestnut Wine, Cocoa, Cocoa Pack, Corn, Cucumber, Daikon, Eggplant, Fruit Wine, Green Pepper, Honey Wine, Magic Water, Moondrop Flower, Onion, Plum Wine, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin, Radish, Spinach, Stamina Booster, Stamina Saver, Strawberry, Tomato, Turnip, Watermelon, Yam


Critters: All of them


Fish: None


Cooked Stuff: Vichyssoise, Bouillabaisse, Gazpacho, Corn Soup, Onion Soup, Pumpkin Soup, Croquette, Cream Croquette, Cheese Croquette, Chinese Dumpling, Curry Dumpling, Cheese Dumpling, Omelet, Omelet Rice, Gratin, Pizza, Macaroni & Cheese, Dry Curry, Curry Rice, Vegetable Curry, Spicy Curry, Seaweed Curry, Milk Curry, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry, Supreme Curry, Tofu Burger, Fried Rice, Honey Tea, Honey Shake, Yogurt Shake, Peach Juice, Banana Juice, Apple Juice, Mandarin Juice, Mixed Juice, Mixed Smoothie, Plum Juice, Honey Wine Glass, Chestnut Wine Glass


Neutral Gifts: +50FP


Anything not listed above or below


Hated Gifts: -300FP


Regular Items: Animal Medicine, Branch, Chicken Feed, Fish Bones, Fish Food, Fish Fossil, Fish Treat, Grain Treat, Horse Treat, Legendary Treasure, Letter in a Bottle, Lumber, Material Stone, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Owl Food, Pet Food, Poison Mushroom, Scrap Metal, Snowball, Stone, Treat, Vegetable Treat, Weed


Critters: None


Fish: Carp, Bluegill, Bonito, Dogfish Shark, Flounder, Funa, Icefish, Killifish, Large Black Bass, Large Bluegill, Large Funa, Large Icefish, Large Killifish, Large Snakehead, Mackerel, Moray Eel, Ocean Sunfish, Small Black Bass, Small Bluegill, Small Carp, Small Funa, Small Icefish, Small Killifish, Small Snakehead, Smelt, Snakehead, Tuna


Cooked Stuff: Failed Dish, Boiled Spinach, Cucumber Namul, Tofu Salad, Daikon Salad, Miso Eggplant, Roasted Eggplant, Egg Custard, Tofu, Okara, Fried Tofu, Deep-Fried Tofu, Dried Tofu, Boiled Tofu, Cold Tofu, Yuba Tofu, Dashi Egg, Simmered Potato, Boiled Pumpkin, Ganmodoki, Boiled Daikon, Shredded Daikon, Egg Rice, Grilled Fish, Rice Porridge, Greet Tea, Matcha Tea, Sencha Tea, Puer Tea, Oolong Tea, Buckwheat Tea, Ginseng Tea


Horror Gift: -1000FP


Black Bass


Location Schedule


Days: Sunday, Wednesday to Saturday

Weather: Sunny, Snowy or 1/2 day Rainy

Time & Location:

6am- 6:30am- Gombe’s Seeds

6:30am to 9:30am- Next to his field

9:30pm to 5pm- Gombe’s Seeds

5pm- 7:30pm- Next to his field

7:30pm- Gombe’s Seeds


Days: Monday or Tuesday

Weather: Sunny, Snowy or 1/2 day Rainy

Time & Location:

6am to 6:30am- Gombe’s Seeds

6:30am to 9:30am- Konohana village [walking to Town Hall]

9:30am to 1pm- Konohana Town Hall

1pm to 1:30pm- Walking to Yun’s Tea House

1:30pm to 5pm- Yun’s Tea House

5pm to 6pm- Walking home

6pm to Midnight- Gombe’s Seeds


Days: Sunday to Saturday

Weather: Typhoon, Blizzard or all day Rainy

Time & Location:

6am to Midnight- Gombe’s seeds