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Biography: Diego runs the general store in Bluebell with his brother Enrique who looks after stock and their few chickens that they have. Diego handles the sales for the store and is open everyday except Saturday. That’s when him and Enrique walk to Konohana to visit with their other brother Raul


Birthday: Summer 21st


Family: His 2 Brothers, Enrique and Raul


Favorite Wild Animal: All Wild Animals


Hated Wild Animal: None


Tips: Diego likes the pet food he sells for 150G a pop, but if your short on cash you can also give him chicken feed which you can buy from Cheryl at Jessica’s Livestock. You will notice in his liked gifts that he likes Fish Food. This will not be available until you upgrade the Konohana farm enough that you get the Fish Pond.


Once you get to fall, Diego likes all kinds of Dragon Flies or any type of Large Fish you catch with either fishing rod.


Plus, he likes a lot of the easy Salad Recipes. His special item is Daikon Salad. It can’t be bought so you have to wait until winter and buy the seeds from Gombe in Konohana and grow the Daikon and Bok Choy…then mix them with an Onion, which grows in Summer. If your lucky, Rahi, in Konohana, sometimes posts requests and offers an onion as a reward, then you can get a fresh onion in winter.


Special Gift: +800FP


Daikon Salad [Recipe: Bok Choy + Daikon + Onion]


Liked Gifts: +300FP


Regular Items: Animal Medicine, Blue Bouquet, Buckwheat Tea Can, Chicken Feed, Cured Bok Choy, Cured Cucumber, Cured Daikon, Cured Eggplant, Cured Turnip, Cured Veggie Mix, Cured Watermelon, Fish Food, Fish Treat, Ginseng Tea Can, Green Tea Can, Horse Treat, Matcha Tea Can, Moondrop Flower, Oolong Tea Can, Owl Food, Pet Food, Puer Tea Can, Sencha Tea Can, Treat, Umeboshi, Vegetable Treat


Critters: All Dragonflies


Fish: All fish with “Large” in the name, except for Large Icefish and Large Killifish


Cooked Stuff: Turnip Salad, Tomato Salad, Onion Salad, Potato Salad, Herb Salad, Caprese Salad, Mimosa Salad, Boiled Spinach, Asazuke, Cucumber Namul, Tofu Salad, Mixed Salad, Miso Eggplant, Roasted Eggplant, Sashimi, Fish Paste, Vegetable Stir Fry, Chop Suey, Tofu, Okara, Dried Tofu, Boiled Tofu, Cold Tofu, Yuba Tofu, Dashi Egg, Ganmodoki, Boiled Tofu, Shredded Daikon, Tuna Yukhoe, Sushi, Sushi Bowl, Grilled Fish, Fish Stew, Rice Ball, Fried Rice Ball, Rice Porridge, Udon Noodles, Natto Roll, Kappa Roll, Oshinko Roll, Green Tea, Matcha Tea, Sencha Tea, Puer Tea, Oolong Tea, Buckwheat Tea, Ginseng Tea



Neutral Gifts: +50FP


Anything not listed above or below


Hated Gifts: -300FP


Regular Items: Adamantite, Agate, Amethyst, Bok Choy Kimchi, Branch, Cabbage Kimchi, Copper, Cucumber Kimchi, Cured Kimchi, Daikon Kimchi, Diamond, Emerald, Fish Bones, Flourite, Fodder, Gold, Jade, Lumber, Material Stone, Mixed Kimchi, Mythic Stone, Mithril, Moon Stone, Old Ball, Old Boot, Ore Stone, Orichalcum, Peridot, Pink Diamond, Poison Mushroom, Ruby, Sandrose, Scrap Metal, Silver, Snowball, Stone, Stone Tablet, Topaz, Weed


Critters: All Cicadas, All Beetles, All Frogs, All Fireflies, All Butterflies and All Grasshoppers


Fish: None


Cooked Stuff: Failed Dish, Curry Bread, Curry Dumpling, Dry Curry, Curry Rice, Vegetable Curry, Spicy Curry, Seaweed Curry, Milk Curry, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry, Supreme Curry, Kimchi Stew, Bibimbap


Horror Gift: -1000FP


Chili Pepper


Location Schedule


Days: Sunday to Friday

Weather: Sunny, Snowy or half day Rain

Time & Location:

6am to Midnight- Diego’s Store


Days: Saturday

Weather: Sunny, Snowy or half day Rain

Time & Location:

6am to 8am- Diego’s Store

8am to 9am- Walking through Bluebell Village

9am to 10:30am- Lower Bluebell Mountain

10:30am to 1:30pm- Walking up mountain with Enrique

1:30pm to 3pm- Lower Konohana Mountain

3pm to 4:30pm- Walking through Konohana

4:30pm to Midnight- Raul’s Store


Days: Sunday to Saturday

Weather: Typhoon, Blizzard or all day Rain

Time & Location:

6am to Midnight- Diego’s Store