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Biography: Nathan Moves to Bluebell on the 3rd of Winter In your 1st year. He moves into the empty church on the southern end of town. He tells you when he shows up that the main reason he decided to move here is that he heard that the Harvest goddess lives in the mountain somewhere near the town.


He is mainly quite an easy going guy and says that he used to be a Treasure Hunter until he witnessed a miracle and devoted his life to serving the Harvest Goddess and became a priest. Nathan is usually at the church if you need to find him, though he goes up the mountain on Sundays.


As was mentioned on our Bachelorettes pages for Alisa, you must have Nathan to 2 Flowers or higher before you can get her to show up near the end of year 2. And after that, you don’t need to raise his FP to marry her.


Birthday: Winter 4th


Family: None


Favorite Wild Animal: Everything except listed below


Hated Wild Animal: Mouse


Tips: Nathan likes almost every cooked dish in the book except for just a few. The easiest you can make would be the Boiled Egg or Hot Milk. His special item, French Toast is pretty easy too. The recipe is listed below.


Since Nathan likes so many of the recipes, we will not list them all but will just list the disliked ones in the proper category.


Special Gift: +800FP


French Toast [Recipe: Bread + [Egg, Black Egg or Golden Egg] + Pot]


Liked Gifts: +300FP


Regular Items: Breadcrumbs, Buckwheat, Edamame, Elli Leaves, Fall Honey, Fruit Honey, Honey, Moondrop Flower, Rice Candy, Rose Honey, Royal Jelly, Spring Honey, Summer Honey


Critters: None


Fish: Small Icefish, Small Sea Bass, Small Loach, Small Trout, Small Smelt, Large Sea Bass, Large Loach, Large Trout, and Large Smelt), Carp, Icefish, Goby, Funa, Black Bass, Bluegill, Killifish, Masu Salmon, Blotch Snakehead, Crab, Ocean Sunfish, Moray Eel


Cooked Stuff: All Recipes except what is listed in the hated gifts category


Neutral Gifts: +50FP


Anything not listed above or below


Hated Gifts: -300FP


Regular Items: Adamantite, Agate, Amethyst, Animal Medicine, Branch, Chicken Feed, Copper, Diamond, Emerald, Fish Bones, Fish Food, Fish Fossil, Fish Treat, Flourite, Fodder, Gold, Grain Treat, Horse Treat, Jade, Legendary Treasure, Lumber, Material Stone, Mithril, Moon Stone, Mythic Stone, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Ore Stone, Orichalcum, Owl Food, Peridot, Pet Food, Poison Mushroom, Ruby, Sandrose, Scrap Metal, Silver, Snowball, Stone, Stone Tablet, Topaz, Treat, Vegetable Treat, Weed


Critters: None


Fish: All Small and large fish with the exception of what was listed above


Cooked Stuff: Failed Dish, Roasted Mushroom, Steamed Mushrooms, Fish Paste, and Dashi Egg, Mushroom Pasta, Paella, Rice Ball, Natto Rice, and Natto Roll


Horror Gift: -1000FP


Pink Diamond


Location Schedule


Days: Monday to Saturday

Weather: Sunny, Snowy or Half Day Rain

Time & Location:

6am to Midnight- Bluebell Church


Days: Sunday

Weather: Sunny, Snowy or Half Day Rain

Time & Location:

6am to 8:30am- Bluebell Church

8:30am to 11am- Walking up Mountain

11am to 2:30pm- Mountain Peak

2:30pm to 5pm- Walking back to Bluebell

5pm to Midnight- Bluebell Church



Days: Monday to Sunday

Weather: Typhoon, Blizzard or All day Rain

Time & Location:

6am to Midnight- Bluebell Church