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*************************** Rick

Rick is Popuri's protective older brother. He really, I mean, really
hates Kai because he thinks the guy's flirting with his sister.
Personally, I think he's just jealous of Kai being better looking
than him but looks aside, Rick does have his tender moments. He loves
his mother and sister dearly and would do anything for them. Rick is
diligent and has been playing the paternal role in their family
ever since his father, Rod, left to find a cure for his mother, Lillia.


Address:    Poultry Farm House
Birthday:   Fall 27th (Fall 23rd)
Loves:      Spa-boiled eggs
Likes:      Eggs (any), Wine, Wild Grape Juice, Mayonnaise, Honey, Fish(L),
            Chicken Feed, Corn, Cornflakes, Popcorn, Cheese, Bodigizer,
            Turbojolt, Pudding, Chocolate recipes, Strawberry Milk,
            Omelet recipes
Rival:      Karen
Arrival:    ??
Tip:        Becoming friends with Popuri and Lillia boosts his heart
            level. He's easy to get if you have a steady supply of eggs.
            Spa-boiled eggs are his favorite. Buying 8 chickens and lots
            of chicken feed quickly boosts his heart level. Also note
            that unlike the rest of the guys, Rick seems to be the only
            one who appears to dislike all girly gifts.


Wednesday to Monday (Sunny)

6AM-7AM        Outside Poultry Farm
7AM-8AM        Walking to Supermarket
8AM-10AM       Outside Supermarket
10AM-11:30AM   Walking to Poultry Farm
11:30AM-1PM    Poultry Farm House
1PM-4PM        Outside Poultry Farm
4PM-7PM        Poultry Farm House
7PM-8:30PM     Walking to Inn
8:30PM-10PM    1st Floor of Inn

Wednesday to Monday (Rainy)

6AM-7AM        Outside Poultry Farm
7AM-7PM        Poultry Farm House (either 1st or 2nd floor)
7PM-8:30PM     Walking to Inn
8:30PM-10PM    1st Floor of Inn


6AM-7AM        Outside Poultry Farm
7AM-8AM        Walking to Rose Square
8AM-10AM       Rose Square
10AM-11AM      Walking to Poultry Farm
11AM-1PM       Poultry Farm House
1PM-5PM        Blacksmith Shop
4PM-7PM        Poultry Farm House
7PM-8:30PM     Walking to Inn
8:30PM-10PM    1st Floor of Inn


Rick Heart Events

- Mon/Wed/Fri; 11AM-1PM; Poultry Farm house
- Walk inside the house and you'll see Rick, Popuri and Lillia, standing
  around the table with three spa-boiled eggs. They see you and greet you
  in. Rick asks if you like eggs. Say yes and he'll be happy enough to give
  you one of the eggs.

- Tue/Thu/Sat; 11:30AM-1PM; Poultry Farm house
- The folks in the house greets you in. Rick says he's heard a lot about
  you and your farm and how hard it must be to do all that work alone.
  Popuri asks about your raising your animals and Rick decides to quiz
  you on it. He'll ask how long it takes for an egg to hatch. Say 3 days
  and he'll be very impressed.

- Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat; 11AM-3PM; Poultry Farm house
- Have an empty slot in your rucksack. Lillia and Popuri greet you in
  the farm house. Rick greets you too. He'll ask if you have a treasured
  possession and he'll explain that he found his treasure while cleaning
  his room. It was something his Dad left him before going off to find the
  rare flower for Lillia. Rick goes on about his sob story and hopes he's not
  boring you or anything. Say "Absolutely not" and he'll be happy enough to
  give you his treasure, an old wristwatch.

- Tue/Wed/Fri; 8:30PM-10PM; Doug's Inn
- Once you're inside the inn, you walk up to the counter and are greeted
  in by Ann and Doug. Rick notices your name being called and happily
  calls you over to drink with him. You get talking and Rick laughs,
  saying that you're so funny, time flies when he's with you. Then he
  realizes how late it is and offers to walk you home. Agree, and you'll
  continue talking along the way. Once in your farm, Rick says he really
  enjoyed talking to you and leaves with a smile on his face.