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Birthday: Summer 3, Summer 10 if you pick Summer 3


Popuri still loves flowers and Popuri still has pink hair. However, Rick is all of a sudden her brother and her father is nowhere to be found. She also acts like a spoiled brat at times, but she can be nice as well.

This is how Popuri reacts to all different kind of gifts, the more she likes the gift the faster the heart rises, the more she hates a gift the faster a heart drops.

Special Likes: Jewelry

Really Likes: Pink Mint Flower, Hot Spring Egg, Omelet, Omelet rice, Boil Egg, Fry Egg, Fry Egg rice, sandwich, Honey, chocolate, Cookie, Chocolate Cookie, Cake

Likes: Apple, Egg, Golden Egg, Tomato, Grape Jam

Neutral: Moon drop, Mushrooms but not poisonous, Grapes, Rice Ball, Some type of fish, Weed

Dislikes: Lumber, Stone, Chicken Feed, Fodder

Hates: All herbs, All Mine Ores

Basic Strategy: Very Easy to get to a red heart. You can just give her eggs or spa boiled eggs in the spring, fall, winter and in the summer give her Pink Cat mint flowers. She should be red by summer 30 with this method.



7:30am-10am: Hot Spring walking around
10:40am-5pm: Poultry Farm, sometimes will stay there till 7 if Lillia and Rick have good affection towards you as well


10am-1pm Church
10:20am-5pm: Town Square
12pm-5pm Beach in the summer only

Special Events:

Black heart- Walk by the Poultry farm to see this Pink haired girl scream I HATE YOU RICK, oh joy this is the beginning of the friendship what a way to start lol. Anyway Rick will say a chicken died and Popuri is upset, go to the hot spring and tell her my sympathies and her affection will raise.

Purple Heart- You walk by the Poultry farm and find Popuri standing in front of it. She says she wants to leave the village and asks what you think, there are two options "That sounds like fun or You should stay". Say it sounds like fun to get affection raised.

Blue Heart- Popuri randomly comes to your farm and says here's an egg bye. She doesn't tell you what to do with it or anything. One time I just spa boiled it and gave it to Ann, but I figured out eventually you have to hatch it in the incubator and name it Popuri. She will come back after it hatches and be happy.

Post- Marriage: Have married her 3 times, but never seen this anyone know?

Special Event Places:
Starry Night: Poultry Farm


