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Glitch Guide
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| Missing Child Glitch FAQ, Version 1.5 |
| Written by hylianknightmare (AKA: hylianknightmarex2 and knightmarelink |


To jump to a specific section, copy the entire name of the section, and then
press CTRL and F together. Now paste it into the box, and press search.

1: What this guide is about.

2: What do we know so far?

3: Frequently Asked Questions.

4: How to Copy and Backup Save Files.

5: Child Personalities. Get what you want, avoid what you don't.

6: Workarrounds, Preventions and other ideas.

7: What to do if you already have the glitch.

8: False and Disproven Theories and Methods.

9: Contact me.

0: Updates.

A: Credits and legal stuffs.

0 1: What this guide is about. 0

If you've been arround the message boards for Harvest Moon: Animal Parade, then
you may (or may not) have heard of a very strange occurence where the children
just up and dissapear. Some quickly dismiss this as one of the in game events,
where the child does infact, go missing. However, this is not the case, because
that event, involves cutscenes, whereas this glitch, does not. Another known
symptom of the glitch, is that when you track your kids, it shows them in an
area that the game simply calls "None Area Name". Now, this glitch wouldn't be
so bad, if the kids came back, but they don't. At least, not permanently. They
are gone all the time with this glitch, only returning for Child's Day, and
upon saving and reloading your file, they're gone once again. Fortunately, this
glitch is quite rare, with only a small handfull of people (myself included)
ever experiencing it.

If you yourself have experienced this glitch, then you know all to well what it
is, and why it's so bad. Of course, if you have, and you've come looking to
this guide looking for a way to fix it, then there's only one way to do so.
Head on down to section 5.

0 2: What do we know so far? 0

A lot actualy. Thanks to people who have posted their information, and people
who have tested this glitch extensively, we do have some info for you:


The glitch is not spouse specific. ANY spouse can have this glitch,
including the Harvest Goddess, Harvest King, Witch and Wizard.


The glitch affects kids of ALL personalities, however, the Quiet type seem
to be the most commonly reported. Connection? Possibly. It could be that
certain spouses cause the game to get confused when picking certain
personalities, due to the fact that each spouse has one personality that
their kids just can't have, and Most spouses have access to the Quiet


The part of the year your child is born in, and even the time of month, are
not to blame.


The child's gender also doesn't seem to matter.


Having a save from Tree of Tranquility does not cause the glitch, so don't
go deleting yours, should you have one.


The glitch can occur without having the second child.


If you have multiple save files, the glitch can happen on just one file.


There were two main testers, both doing the same exact things on their own
Wiis. The first, had kept losing the kids for every file they'd tried, while
the other, couldn't lose them at all.


The glitch is not tied to "bad" coppies of the game, as the two main testers
of the glitch, swapped disks, and got the same results. One lost the kids for
the seventh time in a row, and the other kept the kids again.


The tester that kept losing the kids, had recently had his Wii's disk drive
repaired, so if the glitch is Wii specific, then it could be the internal
memory, although with some people reporting some save files keeping the kids
while another file on their Wii lost the kids, this is unlikely.


Some people have actualy reported that repeatedly reloading your file
makes the kids reappear, and some have said that it doesn't work at all. So if
you're affected, try it out. Worth a shot at least. More info can be found
in Section 4.


The glitch also doesn't seem to care what bells have been rung either, with
the main testers ringing as few as possible and also ringing them all.


The glitch doesn't seem to care when you get married either.


Natsume, the company that localized the game, at first responded to this
glitch thinking that it was the missing child event, but after some time, they
have apparently realised it isn't, and have stopped responding at all to it.

Also, I recently contacted them myself. By phone this time. They had said that
this glitch just happens sometimes, and that not everybody gets it. They had
said that there wasn't anything else that can be done, other than the very
things listed in this guide, aside from starting over. When I mentioned their
fixing the "Calvin Glitch" in Tree of Tranquility, they had said that the
reason they fixed it, was that it was a glitch with "100% occurance", and that
this glitch, doesn't happen to everyone.


Confirmed first by a Moderator on the Natsume Message Boards, and later
by ValkyrieDimension, the glitch exists in the Japanese version as well,
leading me to asume that it's also in the European/PAL version, but I have
yet to see any proof of that.


There actualy seems to be a "safety point". If you've had both of your
kids, saved, reloaded and they're still there, chances are, they always will
be. From what I and others have read, they usualy dissapear arround those
points. I have heard of them dissapearing at other times, but due to a lack
of information from the people reporting it, I can't verify if their second
child had recently grown before they saved again, or had been grown for a

0 3: Frequently Asked Questions. 0

This may re-cover some parts already discussed, or spoken about later in the
guide, but since this is likely the area you've headed to first, i'll add it


Q: Is there a way to tell if i'm safe?

A: Well, let me put it this way. If you can save after having your second
child, and when you load up, they are both still there, you're probably
safe. There have been some reports that may point to dissapearances AFTER
that point, but due to lack of information in those reports, I can't say one
way or the other, and contacting the ones who posted them so far hasn't been


Q: Does child gender or personality matter?

A: Well, both genders and most all personalities have dissapeared, however
there have been some interesting statistics. Usualy, the Quiet personality
is the one to dissapear, and they also occur more often when the first born
is a girl. Now, that doesn't mean that picking a Fiery boy for your first
kid will guarantee it to stay, but it is interesting. Perhaps certain
spouses make the game have difficulty picking what to label the child when
certain personalities are picked?


Q: Does the Marriage, Birth, or Event dates matter?

A: Someone had posted that they did, however, there is conclusive proof that
they do not, as people have reported them missing no matter the dates.


Q: Does the spouse matter?

A: Absolutely not. I have heard of this happening with several different
spouses, and I myself being the most recent victim of this, after marrying
the Harvest Goddess. The only way it could be related to the spouses, is the
fact that some spouses can't have kids with specific personalities, and when
a specific personality is picked with that spouse, the game get's confused,
since it's close to the "unavailable" personality.


Q: Is it possible that it's not one thing, but a combination?

A: Absolutely.


Q: What combinations cause it then?

A: Absolutely... no idea. Sorry.


Q: Does character type (ToT type male/female or AP type male/female) matter?

A: It's a possibility, but with no real information to base it on, I can't say
it's the difinitive cause.


Q: Does having a Tree of Tranquility save file cause this glitch?

A: No. I and others had deleted, or never even had a save file from Tree of
Tranquility on our Wii's at the time of the glitch.


Q: Is there a way to PREVENT this glitch?

A: In a manner of speaking. See section 4.


Q: Is there a way to FIX this glitch?

A: In a manner of speaking. See section 5.


Q: Do they EVER come back?

A: Yes, but not permanently. On Child's Day, they will return, until you reload
your file again, but since you only get two Child's Days, you've only got one
shot at the New Game Plus if you've been affected by the glitch.


Q: Has anyone contacted Natsume about this?

A: Yes. Originaly, they responded thinking it was the missing child event, but
after some time, they stopped responding at all.

Also, I recently contacted them myself. By phone this time. They had said that
this glitch just happens sometimes, and that not everybody gets it. They had
said that there wasn't anything else that can be done, other than the very
things listed in this guide, aside from starting over. When I mentioned their
fixing the "Calvin Glitch" in Tree of Tranquility, they had said that the
reason they fixed it, was that it was a glitch with "100% occurance", and that
this glitch, doesn't happen to everyone.


Q: What's the big deal? In most games, the kids are useless. in some, you can't
have them at all!

A: The big deal, is that in this one, you need the kids to be able to start
New Game+, and with them dissapearing, you only have very few ways of raising
their heart levels, which is required for 2 items in the game. Besides, it's
just not very pleasant.


Q: What is this New Game+ I keep hearing about?

A: This guide contains enough spoilers as it is, so I'll keep it short. Once
you clear the main game, you have the choice to start the game over, but with
a full stamina bar, all tools leveled up to 5, and the Hoe and Watering can
upgraded to Goddess forms, and you also get to pick one item to keep from
your old file. No, not a tool, just a standard item.

0 4: How to Copy and Backup Save Files. 0

First off, there are two ways to go here. The first simply involves saving
onto another slot on your save file. The second, which is really only useful
if there are other people in your house that play this, is using the SD card.
Which, if there ARE other people that play this in your house, make sure they
know what you're doing, and don't play for a while, so that they won't have to
deal with an old save file of their own. You wouldn't like it, and they
wouldn't either.

METHOD 1: Save over two slots

All you need to do, is when you save, just save in a different file. You can
save in one, load it, and if all is well, save immediately to the other file
and either continue playing, or try loading it as well to make sure it's good
too, just incase.


METHOD 2: Copy the file to an SD card.

This one is a bit more technical, but if you don't have any other way...

Also, if you plan on using multiple SD cards, make sure you mark them

Step 1: On the Wii's main menu, click on the bottom left button. It says Wii.

Step 2: Press A on Data Management.

Step 3: Press A on Save Data.

Step 4: Press A on Wii.

Step 5: Find the save data for Animal Parade. You may have to use the buttons
on the sides of the screen to scroll to the left and right to find it. Once
you do, Press A on it, and then Press A on Copy.


Follow steps 1 through 4 from above. Now, you'll have to delete your current
file, (or back it up too, your choice) before you can more the old save back
onto the wii. Once you're done with that, Press A on SD Card in the top right
corner of the screen. Now, follow Step 5 from above, and you're done!

NOTE: Moving the data back onto the Wii, will overwrite the old save file.
Make sure you're ready before you do.

0 5: Child Personalities. Get what you want, avoid what you don't. 0

Due to my increasingly strong idea that the glitch may be in the personality
selection proccess, and out of sheer convenience for you, I have asked for
permission to copy and paste the Child Personalities section from Ranchstory
here. Now, I do NOT believe that certain personalities are bad. It's just that
each spouse can have kids with 3 out of 4 different personalities, and that it
may be that the game gets confused about this when certain personalities are
picked. Why? I don't know. Either way, please refer to Section 6, Method 2 for
more information on that.

To see this article in full, please go to:

NOTICE: The personality selection method provided on fogu.com has been proven
false, by none other than jthecursed himself. The list provided by Ranchstory,
which is listed here, has so far been accurate.

Personality Types

There are four possible personality types for children in the game. They are as

Romanticist: A carefree child full of imagination and dreams. Will often place
musical notes, hearts and stars in their conversation towards you. These kids
are good at milking, watering and foraging.

Hot-Blooded: This child is the most energetic of the bunch. They are spunky and
full of life. The Hot-blooded child will be most skilled at weeding, brushing,
and foraging.

Shy: Shy children and quiet and reserved. Children who are shy will always be
good at milking, collecting eggs and silk, and fishing

Studious: The studious type of child will be always ready to learn. They are
serious about their goals in life. Studious kids excel at watering, foraging
and harvesting.

You can attach any one of these personality types to any sort of child, younger
or older.... but there is a catch. Each spouse only allows for three out of the
four types of personality types to be chosen. For example, Kotomi cannot have a
hot-blooded child, and Calvin can only have the hot-blooded, studious or
romanticist types.

Choosing Your Child's Personality

The personality of each of your children is determined with four questions your
spouse will pose to you as your child grows from newborn to toddler to their
full-grown form. The first question occurs at birth, the second 14 days later
when the child begins to crawl, the third 14 days later when the child begins
to walk, and the fourth 14 days after that when the child starts to talk. 14
days after the final question you child will be full grown.

Here are the questions:

#1 - Question at Birth: Would you like the child to be more healthy or kind?

1st Option
2nd Option

#2 - Question at crawling: Would you like the child to be a quick learner, or
go at their own pace?

1st Option
Quick learner
2nd Option
At their own pace

#3 - Question at walking: Would you like the child to be studious or carefree?

1st Option
To be studious
2nd Option
To be carefree

#4 - Question at talking: Would you like the child to be more ambitious, or
more of a dream chaser?

1st Option
2nd Option
Dream Chaser

Now, the formula changes for each spouse, so here is a list of which options to
choose for getting the child of your choice depending on who you married. The
options are presented in the order in which the questions are asked, so for
example "1st, 2nd, whichever, 2nd" means "answer the #1 question with the first
option, the #2 question with the second option, the #3 question with whichever,
and the #4 question with the second option.



Shy: 2nd, 2nd, 2nd, whichever
Studious: Whichever, 1st, 1st, whichever
Hot-blooded: 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 1st


Romanticist: 2nd, 2nd, whichever, 2nd
Studious: 2nd, 1st, 1st, 2nd
Hot-blooded: 1st, whichever, whichever, 1st


Romanticist: Whichever, 2nd, whichever, 2nd
Studious: 2nd, 1st, 1st, 1st
Hot-blooded: 1st, 1st, whichever, 1st


Shy: 2nd, 2nd, 2nd, 1st
Studious: Whichever, 1st, 1st, whichever
Romanticist: Whichever, 2nd, 2nd, 2nd


Shy: 2nd, 1st, 2nd, 1st
Studious: Whichever, 1st, 1st, 1st
Romanticist: Whichever, 2nd, whichever, 2nd


Shy: 2nd, whichever, 2nd, whichever
Studious: 1st, 1st, 1st, whichever
Romanticist: 1st, 2nd, 1st, 2nd


Shy: 2nd, whichever, 2nd, whichever
Studious: 1st, 1st, 1st, whichever
Romanticist: 1st, 2nd, 1st, 2nd


Shy: 2nd, whichever, 2nd, whichever
Studious: 1st, 1st, 1st, whichever
Romanticist: 1st, 2nd, 1st, 2nd


Shy: 2nd, 1st, 2nd, 2nd
Romanticist: 2nd, 2nd, whichever, 2nd
Hot-blooded: 1st, whichever, whichever, 1st

The Harvest God (Harvest King)

Shy: 2nd, whichever, 2nd, 2nd
Studious: 2nd, 1st, 1st, 2nd
Hot-blooded: 1st, whichever, whichever, 1st



Shy: 2nd, 2nd, 2nd, 1st
Studious: Whichever, 1st, 1st, whichever
Romanticist: Whichever, 2nd, 2nd, 2nd


Romanticist: 2nd, 2nd, whichever, 2nd
Studious: 2nd, 1st, 1st, 2nd
Hot-blooded: 1st, whichever, whichever, 1st


Romanticist: 1st, 2nd, 1st, 2nd
Studious: 1st, 1st, 1st, whichever
Shy: 2nd, whichever, 2nd, whichever


Shy: 2nd, 1st, 2nd, 2nd
Hot-blooded: 1st, whichever, whichever, 1st
Romanticist: 2nd, 2nd, whichever, 2nd


Shy: 2nd, 2nd, 2nd, whichever
Studious: Whichever, 1st, 1st, whichever
Hot-blooded: 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 1st


Shy: 2nd, 1st, 2nd, 1st
Hot-blooded: 1st, 1st, whichever, 1st
Romanticist: Whichever, 2nd, whichever, 2nd


Shy: 2nd, 1st, 2nd, 2nd
Hot-blooded: 1st, whichever, whichever, 1st
Romanticist: 2nd, 2nd, whichever, 2nd


Shy: 2nd, 1st, 2nd, 1st
Studious: Whichever, 1st, 1st, 1st
Romanticist: Whichever, 2nd, whichever, 2nd


Studious: 2nd, 1st, 1st, 1st
Romanticist: 2nd, 1st, 1st, 2nd
Hot-blooded: 1st, 1st, whichever, 1st

The Harvest Goddess

Shy: 2nd, whichever, 2nd, whichever
Studious: 1st, 1st, 1st, whichever
Romanticist: 1st, 2nd, 1st, 2nd

A big thank you to Jason of Ranchstory for allowing me to copy and paste this.
For more info, please check out Ranchstory.co.uk

0 6: Workarrounds, Preventions and other ideas. 0

If you're afraid of getting the glitch, first let me state, you should be. At
first, I was under the impression that this glitch was rare. However, more and
more, I've been hearing about people that have had this glitch happen to them.

NOTE: None of the methods here have been tested for 100% accuracy, so none of
them are guaranteed to work unless otherwise noted. I'm just like everyone
else, trying to figure something out. It's a good game, and we'd like to see
it fixed.


METHOD: Divide and backup.

Step 1: First, pick a time to backup your file. Before you get married, before
you upgrade your house to level 3, before your spouse asks you about kids, or
before your first kid has their Child's Day.

Step 2: Once you have your time picked, save your file to two slots. The one
you usualy use, and another of your choice. Or you can just use an SD card, and
copy your whole file to it from the Wii's menu.

Step 3: On your main file, have the kids, continue enjoying the game, and if
they do go poof, you have three options:

Either keep playing, and just get all the rivals married, so you can at least
see thier kids, and keep your file.

Or, do all the above, but make sure the Harvest King is ready for the New Game
Plus events, then when your kids come back for the second Child's Day, pick one
and go for it. You only get two Child's Days, and you'll already have spent one
before you experience the glitch, so you only get one shot at this. If you
haven't been asked about a second kid yet, DELAY THEM! Get ready for the New
Game Plus events, and go for it.

Or, just go with your backup file, and make a backup of it as well.


METHOD: Change the past.

First off, let me state that this method is based on the theory that your kids
will only dissapear between your first kid's Child's Day, and after you save
and reload the first time after your second kid's Child's Day. In other words,
if you managed to save and reload after your second kid's Child's day, you're
likely safe, since that seems to be the only time the glitch has EVER occured.
Needless to say however, keep a backup anyway. It never hurts to be safe.

Step 1: First, make sure of when your spouse will ask for kids. So you know:

Most..................... 14 hearts

Witch/Wizard............. 15 hearts

Harvest Goddess/King..... 16 hearts

Step 3: When nearing the required ammount of hearts for a child, start saving
BEFORE you go to bed at night. This way, when your spouse asks you about
having a child, you can reset, and backup your file how you wish.

Step 4: Now, pick a file, and proceed. Have your kids how you want, but make
note of the options you picked raising them. Now, should your kids ever
dissapear however, start up your OTHER file, and when you decide to try
again, check what you picked the first time, and do it differently, even if
it's just by one choice.

Another theory seems to point to the combination of choices that could be
causing the dissapearances. Since there is more than one way to get a
specific personality for a child, you still may be able to get that
personality by changing just one option. Either way, this still may work
even if that's not the cause.


METHOD: Magic Tricks.

Step 1: Mary either the Witch Princess, or the Wizard, and don't raise your
house above level 2, until you're ready to try having kids.

Step 2: Next, backup your file however you choose.

Step 3: Now you have some options:

Either keep playing, and just get all the rivals married, so you can at least
see thier kids, and keep your file. (idea by Lirishea)

Or, do all the above, but make sure the Harvest King is ready for the New Game
Plus events, then when your kids come back for Child's Day, pick one and go for
it. You only get two Child's Days, and you'll already have spent one before you
experience the glitch, so you only get one shot at this. If you haven't been
asked about a second kid yet, DELAY THEM! Get your tools maxed, get the Harvest
King ready for the events, and then go for it.

Or, just go with your backup file, and make a backup of it as well.

Or, just don't have kids.


METHOD: Reset, Reload, Repeat. (not guaranteed, or proven) (by pmaker4)

Step 1: First, pick a time to backup your file. Before you get married, before
you upgrade your house to the level required for children, before your spouse
asks you about kids, or before you have your first.

Step 2: Once you have your time picked, save your file to two slots. The one
you usualy use, and another of your choice. Or you can just use an SD card, and
copy your whole file to it from the Wii's menu.

Step 3: On your main file, have the kids, continue enjoying the game, and if
they do go poof, reset the game, and reload the file. Didn't work? Keep trying
until they do, or you give up. If they don't, you at least have your backup
file. Try again later if you want.


METHOD: Never a bride... or a groom. (This one's obvious...)

Step 1: Enjoy the game thoroughly, and play for as long as you like.

Step 2: NEVER GET MARRIED! This way, you don't have to feel bad telling your
spouse no to kids, AND you get to have the biggest house possible, and up to
four pets, including one of the bears if you so desire! As a plus, you can
STILL date the girl or guy you like!

Step 3: Should you tire of this method, or think I'm an idiot for suggesting
it, give one of the other methods a shot.

0 7: What to do if you already have the glitch. 0

I would assume that this is the main reason you looked this guide up, and as
someone affected by this glitch, I understand what must've went through your
head. Now, as for what to do, there's not alot of options.

NOTE: None of these methods are guaranteed to work unless otherwise noted.


METHOD: Reset, Reload, Repeat. (Not guaranteed, or proven) (by pmaker4)

Some people have claimed that this works, others have yet to see the results,
and as such, claim that it doesn't. However, I personaly don't see why someone
would have lied about it, unless it was to gain glory or something like that.

All you have to do, is when the glitch happens, or on files where it has
happened, simply reset, reload the file, and if the kid isn't there, keep
repeating until they are. Someone claimed it worked on the 15th try, while
another claimed they'd tried over 20 times with no result. So if this method
works, it seems it's as random as the glitch itself is.


METHOD: Hello, Goodbye. (by Lirishea)

NOTICE: This method will only work if you HAVE NOT HAD your second child yet.

This method WILL work, but you have to time it. First off, this is only useful
if your first kid dissapeared, because it requires you to use Child's Day, and
you only get two of those, one for each kid on the day they're fully grown.
So, if your first kid has dissapeared, start talking with the Harvest King
about the New Game Plus events, and make sure you're ready to start them
BEFORE your second child has thier Child's Day. Why? Because, that day FORCES
both kids to be back in the game for some reason. Now, you're only safe until
you load your file again, so immediately take your kid to the Harvest King
and start the New Game Plus events, and DO NOT stop playing until you've
completed the events and started your new file. If you're lucky, and haven't
been asked about a second kid yet, then I HIGHLY recomend you build up your
fishing rod to gold level, and get everything you need for new game plus
BEFORE you agree to the second child.


METHOD: Keep on truckin'.

Though this may sound a bit harsh, you can keep playing the game. In most HM
games the kids weren't good for much anyway. Just look at Magical Melody. They
never grew past toddler stage. Just make sure to keep a gift on hand for their
Birthdays, since that at least raises affection, and if you don't, well it
lowers it with your kids AND spouse. You don't want that.


RUMOR!: What's yours is (at the top of the) mine.

Lately I've been hearing a rumor that one of the missing kids can be found at
the top of the garmon mines, standing near the big rock that the blue bird
stood on for the blue feather event. So far it's been claimed that you're
supposed to be able to speak with your kid, and even ask it to walk with you.
I myself have seen no proof of this, so until someone records some video of
it from begining to end, I'm going to have to leave this marked as a rumor.



They don't seem to believe that this glitch happens to many people, or that's
what they've told me at least. Let them know you've been affected. If enough
people let them know, they may issue a fix for this glitch. You never know.
Give them a call, write an email, whatever it takes.


0 8: False and Disproven Theories and Methods. 0

Here are some of the false or disproven theories. Hey, not everyone can be
right all the time, and not everyone tells the truth.

DISPROVEN THEORY: Hero of Castanet Island.

It was assumed that if you had called the Harvest King and seen the ending,
that your kids would never dissapear. After reading a little more info, it
turns out that this is simply not true. jthecursed lost his first child
AFTER he called the Harvest King, and in fact was headed up to see him about
starting a new game plus the very day the child dissapeared.



It was assumed that if you married the Harvest Goddess or Harvest King,
that the kids would never dissapear. This has been disproven, as I myself
married the Harvest Goddess, had a kid and when I saved and reloaded my
file, the tracker said she was in None Area Name. The basis of this theory
was that since the Goddess and King don't live with you, or act the same
when it comes to asking about the kids, that may affect weather or not they



I'm leaving this one here in it's entirety, simply because it's still valid.
The only thing wrong with it, is that telling your spouse no to having kids
does in fact LOWER their affection by one whole heart. I have changed it
to match that fact however.


Step 1: Marry the spouse you want, raise your house as big as you want, just
overall enjoy the game. But, when your spouse asks you about kids, just keep
denying them until you're ready, or never have them at all. Your hearts with
them WILL decrease from doing this, so be prepared for that.

Either way, you can get MOST if not all of the rivals married, and see their
kids at least.

Step 2: Next, save your file to two slots. The one you usualy use, and another
of your choice. Or you can just use an SD card, and copy your whole file to it
from the Wii's menu.

Step 3: On your main file, have the kids, continue enjoying the game, and if
they do go poof, you have three options:

Either keep playing, and just get all the rivals married, so you can at least
see thier kids, and keep your file.

Or, do all the above, but make sure the Harvest King is ready for the New Game
Plus events, then when your kids come back for Child's Day, pick one and go for
it. You only get two Child's Days, and you'll already have spent one before you
experience the glitch, so you only get one shot at this. If you haven't been
asked about a second kid yet, DELAY THEM! Get your tools maxed, get the Harvest
King ready for the events, and then go for it.

Or, just go with your backup file, and make a backup of it as well.


0 9: Contact me. 0

Have some new info? Got a save file where the kids went missing? Send me a
message! Please keep it clean. Don't send me crap or spam, as it will be
ignored and deleted.

OH YEAH! Let me know what you picked for your child's personalities, and if
they dissapeared or not! I'm collecting this info for a future guide update!


ALSO! If you've been affected by the glitch, contact Natsume!


0 0: Updates. 0

Version 1.0

Uploaded to gamefaqs, but due to formatting errors and new information, I
pulled it myself.

Version 1.1

Uploaded to gamefaqs, and accepted the same day. Contained better information
and propper formatting. Listed as version 1.0.

Version 1.2

Added the fact that telling your spouse no to a baby does not decrease hearts.
Also added two new theories.

Version 1.3

General guide cleanup, fixed the Contents section and added a new section
(false and disproven theories) and as such, moved one of the theories to it.
Also added two new methods, and in the Contact me section, I'm now accepting
emails about what personalities you picked for your children, and weather or
not they dissapeared.

Version 1.4

More guide cleanup (spelling mistakes) and one of the theories was disproven.
Yes, I was a victim of the glitch again, this time with the Goddess. Also, I
was given permission to copy the child personalities section from Ranchstory
here. I picked there, since the info is accurate, as apposed to Fogu's info.
And another new section was added as well. This time, how to backup your
save files, should someone not know how. Also, the sections numbers were
changed, to accomodate the added sections.

Version 1.5

Moved a method to the disproven section, since it turns out that telling
your spouse no to kids DOES lower their hearts. Also added a rumor to
section 7 that's worth looking into.

0 A: Credits and legal stuffs. 0

If you intend to copy this guide to your site, I have no problems with doing
so, but at LEAST give credit.



Thank yous:

The members of Gamefaqs, Ranch Story, and Fogu (Ushi No Tane) who detailed the
glitch, and gave information to help rule out possible causes, and even posted
information to help out.

Jason, from Ranchstory for allowing me to copy their Child Personalities

jthecursed, the main tester of this glitch.

Lirishea, the second main tester of this glitch.

Dwes_Trueheart, another tester of this glitch.

pmaker4 on the Fogu Message boards, for the suggestion of resetting and
reloading to return the kids.

Natsume, for porting this otherwise amazing game.

Marvelous, for making this otherwise amazing game.

Nintendo, for allowing save files to be coppied to an SD card! ...oh yeah, and
for making the Wii so we can HAVE this otherwise amazing game!

| FAQ END. Hope it helps! |