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Biography: Dirk is the mailman for both the towns and will always be walking to the various places in either town everyday except Sunday and if its stormy or when its raining all day…so much for the classic mailman’s oath of “Neither snow, nor rain, nor sleet or hail shall keep me from my appointed rounds”…But Dirk has seemed to have grown up a little since we last saw him in Grand Bazaar. He still has his old type personality, but having the responsibility of delivering the mail has smartened him up a bit.


 Dirk doesn’t come into the story until you get to Summer of your 1st year. You must walk from the Low mountain area on the Konohana side between 9am and 8pm on a sunny, snowy or day that is half sun half rain to trigger the event. Also keep in mind that you must be walking, if you are riding your horse the event will not trigger. And no matter what town your living In, the event will still trigger. Dirk will live in the house just to the left of the main town entrance in Konohana with the red roof and mailbox out front.


Special Note: Since Dirk is one of the special marriage candidates his FP flower meter will not change color as you raise up his FP like the other marriage candidates. Rather they will stay all white like the other villagers. But it is still easy to tell how far along he is because the flowers will still bloom.


Town: Konohana


Birthday: Summer 12


Family: Not in game


Favorite Outfit:  Classy


Favorite Wild Animals: All


Hated Wild Animals: None


Tips: Dirk likes a lot of the beetles which can be found on the tree’s in summertime. They are all mainly the ones you find in the gold and silver cages. Plus a bonus to using this method is that bugs don’t lose freshness so you can keep them as long as you want and give them to him in the other seasons.


If your too lazy to spend time catching bugs, you can buy tea from Yun’s Tea House which are relatively cheap. Or you can try to cook curry of different types because he likes those too. Just need to buy curry powder and rice from Raul or Enrique and cook them in a pot. Simple!


Jealousy Point Rate:

Green Flower event/ dates: +3

Yellow Flower event/ dates: +4


Special Gift: +800FP


Cream Croquette [Recipe: Oil + Bread Crumbs + Potato + Milk of any kind + Pan]






Liked Gifts: +300FP


Regular Items: Buckwheat Tea Can, Fall Tea Leaves, Fish Fossil, Ginseng Tea Can, Green Tea Can, Oolong Tea Can, Legendary Treasure, Letter in a Bottle, Matcha Tea Can, Magic Red Flower, Puer Tea Can, Red Bouquet, Red Rose, Sencha Tea Can, Spring Tea Leaves, Summer Tea Leaves, Sunflower, Sunflower Bouquet


Critters: Anubis Beetle, Atlas Beetle, Big Pincer Beetle, Elephant Beetle, Pincer Beetle, Hercules Beetle, Rhinoceros Beetle, Stag Beetle, White Beetle, White Giant Beetle, White Hill Beetle, White Morn Beetle


Fish: None


Cooked Stuff: Arancini, Boiled Tofu, Omelet Rice, Cheese Fondue, Tomato Fondue, Pink Fondue, Gratin, Pizza, Risotto, Doria, Farmer's Breakfast, Dry Curry, Curry Rice, Vegetable Curry, Spicy Curry, Seaweed Curry, Milk Curry, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry, Supreme Curry, Paella, Egg Rice Bowl, Sushi Bowl, Fried Rice, Mixed Rice, Mushroom Rice, Shimeji Rice, Tempura Bowl, Okonomiyaki, Fried Udon, Tempura Soba, Yakisoba, Milk Stew, Oden, Party Cake, Choc. Party Cake, Party Cheesecake, Green Tea, Matcha Tea, Sencha Tea, Puer Tea, Oolong Tea, Buckwheat Tea, Ginseng Tea


Neutral Gifts: +50FP


Anything not listed above or below


Hated Gifts: -300FP


Regular Items:  Animal Medicine, Apricot Wine, Bok Choy Kimchi, Branch, Brown Alpaca Yarn, Cabbage Kimchi, Chestnut Wine, Chicken Feed, Cucumber Kimchi, Daikon Kimchi, Fish Bone, Fish Food, Fish Treat, Fodder, Fruit Wine, Grain Treat, Great Yarn Ball, Honey Wine, Horse Treat, Lumber, Material Stone, Mixed Kimchi, Mixed Pickles, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Owl Food, Pet Food, Pickled Cucumber, Pickled Carrot, Pickled Onion, Pickled Radish, Plum Wine, Poison Mushroom, Scrap Metal, Snowball, Stone, Suffolk Yarn Ball, Treat, Vegetable Treat, Weed, White Alpaca Yarn, Yarn Ball



Critters: None


Fish: All of them


Cooked Stuff: Failed Dish, Turnip Salad, Tomato Salad, Onion Salad, Herb Salad, Caprese Salad, Mimosa Salad, Boiled Spinach, Asazuke, Tofu Salad, Pasta Salad, Daikon Salad, Mixed Salad, Soy Milk, Popcorn, Corn Cereal, Boiled Egg, Fried Egg, Roasted Mushroom, Sandwich, Herb Sandwich, Fruit Sandwich, Raisin Bread, Jelly Bread, Curry Bread, Toast, French Toast, Honey Toast, Canapé, Miso Eggplant, Roasted Eggplant, Fish Paste, Okara, Deep-Fried Tofu, Cold Tofu, Yuba Tofu, Ganmodoki, Spaghetti, Spaghetti Soup, Lasagna, Inari Sushi, Rice Porridge, Kitsune Udon, Soy Milk Stew, Kimchi Stew, Scone, Honey Pudding, Plum Wine Glass, Apricot Wine Glass, Sangria, Honey Wine Glass, Chestnut Wine Glass



Horror Gift: -1000FP


Simmered Potato [Recipe: Potato + Pot]



Dirk’s Date Locations and Times:


Date Times:  Thursdays and Saturdays 6pm to 10pm, Sundays 11am to 4pm

Date Locations:


Good: Dirk’s House, Yun’s Tea House, Bridge

Neutral: Mountain

Bad: Waterfall


Dirk’s Additional Marriage Requirements


Since Dirk is one of the special marriage candidates he has some extra requirements you need to complete before you can marry him. You have to complete the standard marriage requirements with the exception of seeing the 4 flower events, because Dirk doesn’t have any. But on top of all that you must also, Complete the tunnel between the towns, go on at least 50 dates with him, give him at least 80 gifts and 1 of them has to be his favorite gift, Cream Croquette. There is no counter in the game to keep track of how many dates you go on, so you will have to keep track yourself.


Dirk is not one of the bachelors that has the reverse proposal. So you will have to buy the blue feather and as him to marry you instead. After you get married, his schedule doesn’t change, he still goes and delivers all the mail except on Sundays, full rainy or stormy days.


Location Schedule:


Days:  Monday to Saturday [Before Tunnel is cleared]

Weather: Sunny, Snowy or half day Rainy

Time and Location:

6am to 6:30am- Dirks House

6:30am to 11am- Delivering mail in Konohana, will be in and out of various buildings

11am to 1pm- Kana’s Shop, then walking towards mountain

1pm to 3pm- Walking from Konohana to Bluebell via Mountain Path

3pm to 4:30pm- Bluebell entrance

4:30pm to 7:30pm- Delivering mail in Bluebell, will be in and out of various buildings

7:30pm to Midnight- Walking back home to Konohana


Days: Monday to Saturday [After Tunnel is cleared]

Weather: Sunny Snowy or half day Rainy

Time and Location:

6am to 6:30am- Dirk’s House

6:30am to 11am- Delivering mail in Konohana, will be in and out of various buildings

11am to 1pm- Kana’s then next to his garden by Dirks house

1pm to 2:30pm- Walking through tunnel to Bluebell

2:30pm to 3:30pm- Bluebell Town entrance

3:30pm to 7:30pm- Delivering mail in Bluebell, will be in and out of various buildings

7:30pm to 9:30pm- Walking through tunnel to Konohana

9:30pm to Midnight- Dirk’s House







Days:  Sunday

Weather: Sunny, Snowy or half day Rainy

Time and Location:

6am to 12pm- Dirk’s House

12pm to 4pm- Area near Konohana entrance

4pm to 5pm- Walking to Yun’s Tea House

5pm to 6pm- Yun’s Tea House

6pm to 7pm- Walking back home

7pm to Midnight- Dirk’s House



Days: Sunday through to Saturday

Weather: Typhoon, Blizzard, all day Rain

Time and Location:

6am to Midnight- Dirk’s House
