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Biography: Cam lives in Bluebell at Howard’s Café and has a knack for growing flowers and thus has a small shop right outside the café where you can buy single flowers, perfume, get Cam to make a bouquet for you or even buy flower seeds to grow at your own farm!. His shop is the blue counter you see with the little black sign to the left of the Café Entrance. His shop is open on Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday from 10am to 4pm, even when it is raining.


At first you will find that Cam has a colder personality towards you since your new. But after a while he will eventually warm up to you. He has a soft spot for cats as you will find when you do some requests for him, but he doesn’t like to admit it.


Town: Bluebell


Birthday: Fall 1


Family: None


Favorite Outfit:  Casual


Favorite Wild Animals: Cat


Hated Wild Animals: None


Tips: Being a guy who works with flowers, he obviously must have a liking for them in the 1st place. So needless to say, if you want to find easy and free gifts for Cam, he likes all types of flowers that grow in the mountains as well as the flowers you can grow on your farm from the seeds you bought from him in the 1st place. You can also give him Mint in Spring and summer, and lavender in the fall and winter if you can’t find any flowers. He doesn’t like chamomile that much though.


Jealousy Point Rate:

Green Flower event/ dates: +2

Yellow Flower event/ dates: +3


Special Gift: +800FP


Tom Yum Goong [Recipe: Tomato + Spinach + Brown Mushroom + Crab + Pot]


Liked Gifts: +300FP


Regular Items: Blue Bouquet, Blue Rose, Carnation, Casablanca, Citrus Perfume, Colorful Bouquet, Fall Tea Leaves, Flower Perfume, Gentian, Gerbera, Herb Perfume, Lavender, Letter in a Bottle, Magic Blue Flower, Magic Red Flower, Marguerite, Mint, Moondrop Flower, Nadeshiko, Ocean Perfume, Pink Rose, Pumpkin Perfume, Red Bouquet, Red Rose, Rose Perfume, Rose Wine, Snowdrop, Snow Perfume, Spring Tea Leaves, Summer Tea Leaves, Sunflower, Sunflower Bouquet, Truffle, White Bouquet, White Rose



Critters: Emperor Firefly, Lantern Firefly


Fish: None


Cooked Stuff: Herb Salad, Bouillabaisse, Shark Fin Soup, Cheese Fondue, Tomato Fondue, Pink Fondue, Meuniere, Risotto, Doria, Ultimate Curry, Supreme Curry, Rainbow Curry, Paella, Spaghetti Soup, Lasagna, Pizzoccheri, Moussaka, Sushi, Straight Tea, Herb Tea, Rose Tea, Milk Tea, Royal Milk Tea, Russian Tea, Spring Tea, Summer Tea, Fall Tea, Gold Tea



Neutral Gifts: +50FP


Anything not listed above or below


Hated Gifts: -300FP


Regular Items:  Animal Medicine, Apricot Wine, Branch, Chicken Feed, Chocolate Pack, Cocoa Pack, Fall Honey, Fish Bones, Fish Food, Fish Treat, Fodder, Fruit Honey, Fruit Wine, Grain Treat, Honey, Honey Wine, Horse Treat, Lumber, Material Stone, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Owl Food, Pet Food, Plum Wine, Poison Mushroom, Rose Honey, Royal Jelly, Scrap Metal, Snowball, Spring Honey, Stone, Summer Honey, Treat, Vegetable Treat, Weed


Critters: Brown Cicada, Chattering Cicada, Evening Cicada, Grass Cicada, Kaempfer Cicada, Opal Cicada, Princess Cicada, Screeching Cicada, Singing Cicada, Sitting Cicada, Spring Cicada, Aegis Dragonfly, Amber Dragonfly, Ancient Dragonfly, Azure Dragonfly, Blue Dragonfly, Cobalt Dragonfly, Common Skimmer, Crimson Dragonfly, Emperor Dragonfly, Golden Dragonfly, Pacific Dragonfly, Red Dragonfly, Risi Dragonfly, Sunrise Dragonfly, Yellow Damselfly, Ant Hill Cricket, Cornered Cricket, Cricket, Dirt Grasshopper, Eastern Locust, Emma Field Cricket, Hira Grasshopper, Kobane Grasshopper, Kutsuwa Katydid, Longheaded Locust, Migratory Locust, Piggyback Locust, Spiked Locust, Spotted Locust


Fish: None


Cooked Stuff: Failed Dish, Corn Soup, Pumpkin Soup, French Fries, Sandwich, Fruit Sandwich, Honey Toast, All desserts, Grape Jam, Apple Jam, Strawberry Jam, Blueberry Jam, Hot Chocolate, Honey Tea, Honey Shake, Peach Juice, Banana Juice, Apple Juice, Mandarin Juice, Mixed Juice, Mixed Smoothie, Plum Juice, Plum Wine Glass, Apricot Wine Glass, Honey Wine Glass



Horror Gift: -1000FP


Chocolate Party Cake [Recipe: Chocolate Pack + Party Cake + Seasoning Set]


Cam’s Date Locations and Times:


Date Times:  Tuesday 6pm to 10pm, Thursday or Friday, 11am to 4pm


Date Locations:


Good: Flower Beds, Outskirts of Town, Stream

Neutral: Church

Bad: Town Plaza


Cam’s Flower Events




Purple Flower Event:



Time & Day: Tuesday, 6pm to 10pm

Weather: Sunny or Snowy

Location: Flower Beds

Other:  Cam at Purple Flower or higher



Event Options:

Option 1: “They are gentle flowers.” +2000FP


Option 2:  “They are delicious flowers” -3000FP



Blue Flower Event:



Time & Day: Thursday or Friday, 11am to 4pm

Weather: Sunny or Snowy

Location: Outskirts

Other:  Cam at a Blue Flower or higher


Event Options:

Option 1: “How about a Pink Rose?” -2000FP


Option 2: “Gerbera would be good!” +3000FP



Green Flower Event:



Time & Day: Friday, 11am to 4pm

Weather: Sunny or Snowy

Location:  Howard’s Cafe

Other: Cam at a Green Flower or higher, Rutger at 5000FP [1 Flower]


Event Options:

Option 1: “Leave it all to me!” -1000FP


Option 2: “The 2 of us will succeed!“ +3000FP




Yellow Flower Event:



Time & Day: Thursday or Friday, 11am to 4pm

Weather: Sunny or Snowy

Location: Stream

Other:  Cam at Yellow Flower or higher. Ash at Purple Flower or higher, Georgia at 2 Flowers or higher.




Event Options:

Option 1: “Let’s put it back where we found it..” -4000FP


Option 2:  “We shouldn’t give up searching!” +3000FP




Cam’s Additional Marriage Requirements


In addition to the standard marriage requirements you have to have both Howard and Laney at 4 flowers before he will accept your proposal. And Cam does not have the reverse proposal option. So you will have to be the one to ask.



Location Schedule:


Days: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday

Weather: Sunny, Snowy or half day Rainy

Time and Location:

6am to 8am- Howard’s Café

8am to 5:30pm- Flower Shop

5:30pm to Midnight- Howard’s Café


Days: Mondays

Weather: Any Weather

Time and Location:

6am to Midnight- Not in Town


Days:  Thursday or Friday

Weather: Sunny, Snowy or half day Rainy

Time and Location:

6am to 10am- Howard’s Café

10 am to 12pm- Walking to lower Mountain Bluebell side

12pm to 8pm- Lower Bluebell Mountain area

 8pm to 10pm- Walking back to Howard’s Café

10pm to Midnight- Howard’s Café


Days: Sunday, Tuesday through to Saturday

Weather: Typhoon, Blizzard, all day Rain

Time and Location:

6am to Midnight- Howard’s Café

