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The Oracle



Biography: Oracle is actually not her real name. She doesn’t tell you until you have raised her FP enough and gone through a couple of her Flower Events. We wont list it incase you want to find out for yourselves.


The Oracle doesn’t live in either town, but lives in the mid mountain area on the Bluebell side. She has a shrine on the northern side of the area and it will be locked if you manage to reach it before year 2. To meet her for the 1st time you simply have to walk from the lower Bluebell mountain area, to the mid mountain after 8pm in year 2. The event will not trigger if you are riding your horse.


If you visit her at her house at different times of the day she will offer to make different potions for you, provided you bring the proper ingredients and enough G. If you visit her on either Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday between 4pm to 9pm she will offer to make you one. She can make a special crop fertilizer, different stamina drinks and even animal treats!


Location: Bluebell Mid- Mountain


Birthday: Winter 30


Family: None


Favorite Outfit: Urban


Favorite Wild Animals: All of them


Hated Wild Animals: None


Tips: She likes Alpaca wool. But you can’t buy Alpaca’s from Jessica until Fall of year 2. She does like the spotted Pond Frog you can catch in spring when it is raining in the mid mountain area on the Bluebell side.


And easier option would be to buy different cooked dishes from Howard’s Café or Yun’s Teahouse.. or you could cook your own stuff too.


Steamed Mushrooms is an easy dish to make too. don’t try to use Poison Mushrooms, or the dish wont work. But any other type of mushroom works. All you need to make it is a mushroom of any kind and the frying pan. Or if your too lazy to go out and search for mushrooms, Howard’s café sells it in the fall for 50G a piece.


Jealousy Point Rate

Blue Flower Event/ Date: +2

Green Flower Event/ Date: +3

Yellow Flower Event/ Date +3


Special Gift: +800FP


Alpaca Wool, both white and brown


Liked Gifts: +300FP


Regular Items: Brown Alpaca Yarn, Casablanca Bouquet, Diamond, Great Wool, Mythic Stone, Pink Diamond, White Alpaca Yarn


Critters: Spotted Pond Frog


Fish: Bonito, Ocean Sunfish, Moray Eel, Tuna


Cooked Stuff: Bouillabaisse, Shark Fin Soup, Steamed Mushrooms, Quiche, Chop Suey, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry, Supreme Curry, Paella, Lasagna, Sushi Bowl, Mixed Rice, Pineapple Pie, Sponge Cake, Pancake, Donuts, Baumkuchen, Almond Tofu, Royal Milk Tea, Russian Tea


Standard Gifts: +50FP


All items not listed above or below


Hated Gifts: -300FP


Regular Items: Animal Medicine, Branch, Chicken Feed, Fish Bone, Fish Food, Fish Treat, Fodder, Grain Treat, Horse Treat, Lumber, Material Stone, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Owl Food, Pet Food, Poison Mushroom, Scrap Metal, Snowball, Stone, Treat, Vegetable Treat, Weed

Critters: All beetles, All butterflies, All cicadas, All Dragonflies, All fireflies, All locust/grasshoppers/crickets


Fish: None


Cooked Stuff: Failed Dish, Turnip Salad, Tomato Salad, Onion Salad, Potato Salad, Herb Salad, Caprese Salad, Boiled Spinach, Asazuke, Cucumber Namul, Tofu Salad, Pasta Salad, Daikon Salad, Mixed Salad, Miso Soup, Herb Soup, Asparagus Soup, Radish Soup, Egg Soup, Sauteéd Turnips, Popcorn, Corn Cereal, Boiled Egg, Roasted Mushroom, Roasted Corn, Miso Eggplant, Baked Yam, Egg Custard, Sashimi, Vegetable Stir Fry, Tofu, Okara, Fried Tofu, Deep-Fried Tofu, Boiled Tofu, Cold Tofu, Yuba Tofu, Dashi Egg, Simmered Potato, Boiled Pumpkin, Ganmodoki, Boiled Daikon, Shredded Daikon, Tuna Yukhoe, Egg Rice, Grilled Fish, Fish Stew, Rice Ball, Fried Rice Ball, Rice Porridge, Cold Soba Noodles, Baked Apple, Pudding, Bread, Peach Tea, Banana Juice, Apple Juice, Mandarin Juice, Plum Juice, Mixed Juice, Mixed Smoothie


Horror Gift:


Dried Tofu [Recipe: Tofu + Pot]


Oracles Date Times and Locations


Date Times: Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday, 11am to 4pm

Date Locations:


Good: Oracles House, Bluebell Park, Mid-Mountain

Neutral: Goddess Pond “The Spring”

Bad: The Waterfall


Oracles Flower Events


**The Oracle does not have a Purple Flower Event**

Blue Flower Event:



Time & Day: Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday 11am to 4pm

Weather: Sunny, Snowy or Rainy

Location: Oracle’s House

Other: Oracle at 3 white flowers or higher



Event Options:

Option 1: “A Measuring mistake?” +3000FP


Option 2: “Something isn‘t good enough..” -3000FP



Green Flower Event:



Time & Day: Tuesday or Saturday 2pm to 4pm

Weather: Sunny, snowy or Rainy

Location: Oracle’s House

Other: Oracle at 4 Flowers or higher



Event Options:

Option 1: “Drink up!!” +3000FP


Option 2: “Don‘t Drink.” -4000FP


Yellow Flower Event:



Time & Day: Tuesday or Saturday 11am to 4pm

Weather: Sunny or Snowy

Location: Bluebell Park

Other: Oracle at 5 Flowers or higher, Laney at 7,000FP [2 Flowers=10,000FP] or more



Event Options:

Option 1: “Of Course!” +3000FP


Option 2: “Err…Umm…” -5000FP


Oracle’s Additional Marriage Requirements


Since the Oracle doesn’t have any family and none of the Villagers know her you don’t need to befriend anybody in order to marry her. Only the Oracle of course. So aside from the standard marriage requirements, there aren’t any. So go get ‘er!


Location Schedule:


Days: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

Weather: Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy

Time and Location:

6am to 5pm- Oracle’s House

5pm to 10pm- Right outside her house

10pm to Midnight- Oracles House


Days: Monday, Wednesday or Friday

Weather: Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy

Time and Location:

6am to Midnight- Oracle’s House


Days: Sunday through to Saturday

Weather: Typhoon, Blizzard, or All day Rain

Time and Location:

6am to Midnight- Oracle’s House


After Marriage:

Days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Weather: Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy

Time and Location:

Her old house in the Mountain


Days: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

Weather: Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy

Time and Location:

Your Farm House