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Birthday: Fall 15, Fall 23 if you pick Fall 15


Karen has had a big improvement over Harvest Moon 64. This time she won't leave the village and her parents actually like her. She goes from being very snooty and rude to being a nice person. She still is a major alcoholic and likes to have a good time. Like in Harvest Moon 64 she likes to wander around the village. Her rival is the outright nerd Rick who I guess she likes out of sympathy.

This is how Karen reacts to all different kind of gifts, the more she likes the gift the faster the heart rises, the more she hates a gift the faster a heart drops.

Special Likes: Jewelry

Really Likes: Wine

Likes: French Fries, Flowers, Pizza, Truffle, Egg, Failures

Neutral: Milk

Dislikes: Ore,Lumber, Chocolate, Cake, anything sweet, Got to love how you get the same reaction from a piece of chocolate as you do from a piece of lumber.

Hates: Weed, Fish, Grape Juice (but she likes wine WTF)

Basic Strategy: Lets see with Karen its one of two options: Run yourself broke or Cut your profits dramatically. She loves wine and you cant make it yourself or get it free it cost 300G each and it has to be gotten before 12pm and oh its closed on Saturday. She also likes truffles, but if you forget those you can get 500G EACH!!!! That's a lot to lose out on just to please her. She likes moon drops which are free but their only in the spring. Anyway I found what was easier is wine maybe once a week then just like any normal thing like regular flowers, bamboo, or something like that and it will take like a whole yr at least to get her to red.


8-10:30 AM- In front of the supermarket with Rick (or inside it on rainy days)
10 AM to 1 PM-At her house
7:30-10 PM-On the beach but not if its raining, she just kind of disappears if its raining.
8-10 PM-On Sundays and Tuesdays she is at the Inn getting herself major drunk
1:30-4 PM-Standing where Ann stands at the hot spring on Tuesday/
1:30-4 PM-If it's raining on Tuesdays she will be inside Gotz house.

Special Events:

Black heart- In the First visit to the supermarket in the first spring you will see various villagers come in and buy things and say put it on my tab. Duke will come in and give you a weird look on his way out, if you ignore him you wont get any affection towards Karen or Jeff or duke, if you say you should pay, Karen will come out introduce herself and say thank you and leave increasing affection for all 3.

Purple heart- When you walk up to the hot spring one day in the afternoon, Karen will be there. She will say you look worried and ask what's wrong, these options vary such as being tired, not treating animals right etc, but the one lovesick will always be there, if your trying to raise her heart level choose that one.

Blue heart- There's actually 2 events

  1. Karen will come to your farm in the 2nd spring on New Years day and ask you if you can practice dancing with her. You will perform a full dance right on your farm and she will be happy.
  2. Karen will come to your farm in the second spring unless you got her blue by the first and give you a packet of moon drop flowers. Plant them and when they bloom shell come and notice and affection will rise.

Post marriage- Go to the bar after close like 9:10pm or so and the door should be open. You go in and Karen is drunk and mopey, Ann will console her and ask you to take Karen home.

Special Event Places:
Starry Night: Supermarket

