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Married Life & Babies

Your wife will do some chores usually if you give her 1 gift a day:

                                                                                                                                               Chore1 Chore2

Ann: Feeds the chickens and crates eggs.
Elli: Feeds the chickens and crates eggs.
Karen: Crates eggs, and she'll drop a few occasionally -- but you'll get paid for it anyway.
Maria: Weeds the farm and crates eggs.
Popuri: Waters some of the plants (depending on how well you treat her) and feeds chickens.

Once Married Your wife will follow a set schedule for the most part:

6am-8am: Standing in front of your bed

8am-12pm Standing outside somewhere. (In barn or chicken coop if raining and own animals)

12pm-4pm Kitchen

4pm-6pm Standing near table in same room as your bed

6pm-8pm Kitchen

8pm-10pm Standing by bed

10pm-6am Sleeping in Bed

Having a Kid:

You can have a kid by simply having your wife's heart not drop below pink for one whole season (Going in bed with her after 8pm each night plus giving 1 gift pretty much guarantees this).

So basically keep it pink for the first 30 days your, married and your wife will wake up one morning sick. About a week later she will say she is pregnant

                                                                                                                                              Preg1 Preg2

and about 2 months from your pregnancy announcement you will see this scene:

                                                                                                                                               Baby1 Baby6
                                                                                                                                               Baby9 Baby10

Your baby can also get sick and this will happen:

                                                                                                                                         Babysick Babysick2
                                                                                                                                         Babysick3 Babysick4

More Baby Related Scenes:

                                                                                                                                         Babystuff1 Babystuff2
                                                                                                                                         Babystuff3 Babystuff4


                                                                                                                                     Mad3 Mad1


                                                                                                                                     Contrary to popular belief you CAN have two kids in this game with any of the marryable girls :

                                                                                                                                    Twokid1 Twokid2

                                                                                                                                    Twokid3 Twokid4

The process (thanks to kirbyarm for the affection numbers):
1. You must not be married yet.
2. Rival must marry the girl you wish the have a second baby with, before you marry her. The respective rival must have 200 or higher affection and you must sleep to make this happen.
The girl also must have 119 or LESS affection in order for the rival to marry the girl while you are not married yet.
3. You must get a kitchen and the girl's affection to 220 or higher to purchase the Blue Feather from the tool shop, and have the target girl successfully accept the proposal to marry you.
She will deny it with some dialogue because she is already married, but the Blue Feather will disappear, and that means she accepted the proposal. The following Sunday, you wil marry the rival's wife.
4. Both babies can happen in any order, so long as the requirements are met. She will not go through labour or birth for the rival's baby. But she will for your normal baby.

Requirements for your normal baby to be born:
1. Must have a baby bed.
2. Wife's affection must stay at 250 or higher the entire time (almost max).
3. Must sleep 90 times, to trigger the birth scene.

Requirements for the rival's baby to be born in your care:
1. Respective rival's affection must be 250 or higher.
2. Must sleep 91 times, for the baby to begin appearing normally. Notes: If you don't see both babies at first, give it another 30 sleeps so they are both in their new costumes and able to
sit / crawl their way around. Now to put this all in perspective: Ignore Girl of choice at the beginning of the game its not necessary to talk to her
When Rival comes give him a gift everyday (eggs work best) and you should have them married by like Year 1 Summer 28
Once they get married start to court Girl of choice and raise her to pink heart
Once she is at pink heart, give her the blue feather, she will say no but you will be married
THE NEXT DAY Rival will still act like their married, but Girl will be living with you and act like she never married her rival One day
the baby will just appear at your girl of choices feet whether you have a kid or not, however every time I've done this my kid came first

*Note Gameshark codes speed this up.