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Hm Grand Bazaar Review
Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar or Bokujo Monogatari : Yƍkoso! Kaze no Bazaar e

Is the nineteenth game in the Harvest Moon franchise and The only
Harvest Moon game to feature a Bazaar (really big market).
Though games like Wonderful Life for the Gamecube featured a market
like system this game features the Market as the only
place where you can really buy anything, whether it be a house upgrade
or even tools. This game features 5 Bachelorettes and
Bachelors for the player to choose from granted that they first choose
their gender and name. It also features a new windmill
type gameplay system that was very confusing. It also is the first
game to feature a Snowboard, which can only be used in
the Snowboarding mini-game, and the Snowboard must be bought from the
Mayor of the town.

Here are your pros:

*Graphics were very clear.
*Sound was very crisp.
*Directional Pad use as method to move was by far the best!
*Double Jump feature was fun as I had a lot of fun jumping into
chimneys like a ninja santa clause.
*Snowboard mini-game.

Here are your Cons:
-Bazaar only held once a week.
-Windmill System.
-Courtship system.

Graphics: 9/10
Sound: 10/10
Replay value: 3/10

Although there were some great new features, this game didn't have
much of a replay factor as much as a "Wow! This is interesting!"
Overall I didn't like the game as much as I thought I would. Even
after I pre-ordered it the Plush horse just wasn't worth it.
Final Game Score: 7/10

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