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Mineral Town
This page will discuss the layout of Mineral Town, who lives where, what time the shops open, and their inventory. Vpyibd 1-Your Farm Here is your house, and your field for gorwing your crops. You can upgrade the other buildings on your property. To find out how, you can take a look at our Extensions page. 2- Blacksmiths Saibara the Blacksmith and his apprentice Gray work here. Shop hours: 10am-4pm Closed: Thursdays Shop Inventory: Shop Inventory 3- Aja Winery Duke & Anna run the winery. Shop Hours: 9am-12pm Closed: Sundays Shop Inventory: Grape Juice- 200G Wine- 300G 4-Basil & Anna's House + The Library Basil, Anna and their daughter Mary live in the house connected to the Library. Mary runs the library. Shop hours: 10am-4pm Closed: Mondays 5- Ellens House This is where Ellen and Stu live. 6- Mayor Thomas' House Mayor Thomas, Harris live here, sometimes the Kano the Photographer will be here too. 7- The Supermarket Jeff, Sasha and their daughter Karen live here and run the Supermarket. Shop Hours: 9am-5pm Closed: Sundays & Tuesdays Store Inventory: Basket - 5000 G Blue Feather- 1000 G [Becomes available when 1 girl is at an Orange heart] Bread - 100 G Curry Powder - 50 G Fish Food - 20 G Flour - 50 G Oil - 50 G Rice Balls - 100 G Rucksack(M) - 3000 G Rucksack(L) - 5000 G Wrapping Paper - 100G Seeds: Spring: Cucumber - 200 G Grass - 500 G Potato - 150 G Stawberry - 150 G Turnip - 120 G Summer: Corn - 300 G Onion - 150 G Pumpkin - 500 G Tomato - 200 G Fall: Carrot - 300 G Eggplant - 120 G Spinach - 200 G Sweet Potato - 300 G 8- Mineral Clinic The Doctor & Elli run the hospital. Shop Hours: 9am-4pm Closed: Wednesdays Shop Inventory: Doctors Exam - 10 G Bodigizer - 500 G Bodigixer XL - 1000 G Turbojolt - 1000 G Turbojolt XL - 2000 G 9- Doug's Inn Doug and his daughter Ann run the Inn. Gray and Cliff stay here, and Won the salesman will set up shop by the stairs during the day. More details below Shop Hours: 8am-9pm Closed: Never Shop Inventory: Apple Pie - 300 G Cheesecake - 240 G Cookie - 200 G Salad - 300 G Set Meal- 500 G Water - 0 G Note: Doug sells drinks in the evenings after 8pm As stated above, Won the salesman will set up shop beside the stairs. Here are his hours and store inventory. Won's Seeds: Shop Hours: Usually 1pm-3pm Closed: Varies Shop Inventory: Cabbage seeds - 500 G Green Pepper seeds - 150 G Magic Red Flower seeds - 600 G Orange Cup seeds - 1,000 G Pineapple seeds - 1,000 G Pink Cat Flower seeds - 200 G Toy Flower seeds - 500 G 10- Mineral Church Carter the local Pastor lives here. You can come to visit or go to the confessional Shop hours: 9am-5pm Closed: Festivals 11- Sprites Hut The Harvest Sprites live here. If you befriend them they can help you on your farm. 12- Rose Square This is the main area where Mineral Towns villagers hold festivals. You can check the bill board on the left side of the square for festival dates, or you can check your calander in your house. 13- Mineral Beach The beach has a peir which you can fish off of, and a few festivals are held here during the summer. 14- Kai's Seaside Lodge Kai visits Mineral Town in the Summer. While he is here he runs the Seaside Lodge where you can buy good food. Shop Hours: Summer only Closed: Spring, Fall & Winter Shop Inventory: Pasta - 300 G Pizza - 200 G Roasted Corn - 250 G Snowcone - 300 G Water - 0G 15-Yodel Ranch Barley and May live here and run the ranch. Here you can buy livestock and feed for your farm. Shop Hours: 9am-3pm Closed: Mondays Shop Inventory: Animal Medicine - 1000 G Bell - 500 G Cow - 6000 G Cow Miracle Potion - 3000 G Fodder - 20 G Sheep - 4000 G Sheep Miracle Potion - 3000 G 16- Chicken Lil's This is the Poultry Farm. Lillia and her 2 kids Rick and Popuri run it. You can buy chickens and feed from them. Shop Hours: 12pm-4pm Closed: Sundays Shop Inventory: Animal Medicine - 1000 G Chicken - 1500 G Chicken Feed - 10 G 17- Gotz The Woodcutter Gotz lives here and you can hire him to build the extensions you want on your farm for the right price. For a full price list on these extensions you can check our Extensions page. David the Entomologist can be found here as well. Shop Hours: 11am-4pm Closed: Saturdays & Sundays Note: You can still talk to Gotz inside his house on weekends, but he will not take any orders. 18- Mineral Hotsprings If you are running low on stamina and still have work to do, come here for a dip, you will feel better afterwards. 19- Spring Mine You can access the Spring Mine all year for your ore needs. The entrance is behind the waterfall. 20- Mineral Lake & The Lake Mine Mineral Lake is a great place to fish. If you stand by the 2 trees to the far left of the lake and throw in a cucumber, you might get a surprise. During the winter, the lake freezes over and you can get to the island in the center of the lake. Inside is the Lake Mine. Here you can find more valuble minerals to ship and make new stuff with. You can only get here in winter, so make sure to make the best of it while you still can! 21- Mothers Hill Summit You can get a great panoramic view of the area from up here. You come to the meadow below the summit of Mothers Hill after the Goddess Festival on Spring 8th with the girl you asked to go with the day before. You can also come here for the Moon Viewing on Fall 13th and the New Years Eve festival on Winter 30th.