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Birthday: 3 Summer

Popuri runs the Poultry Farm in Mineral Town and you will speak to her
whenever you buy or sell chickens or ducks and when you need animal medicine
or bird seed. She visits Takakura in the Valley on Sunday when the Poultry
Shop is shut. She will be found in the girls' guest room at 6.00 a.m. On the
same day, you will find her brother Rick in the boys' guest room. Popuri can
be found in Takakura's house later on Sunday mornings. In the afternoon, she
crosses the bridge and wanders about Vesta's fields studying her crops. She
can be found in the Lobby of the Inner Inn in the evening.

Although Rick is very contemptuous of his little sister's abilities, Takakura
feels that she is capable of running the Poultry Business. If you visit him
on Sunday morning when he is tutoring Popuri, he will tell you: 'Popur is so
studious! Based on this, I think the poultry farm will be just fine.'

Most Favourite Affection Point Gift: Omelet Rice
Affection Point Gifts: Eggs, Strawberries, Apple, Chocolate, Jewelry, Toy
Flower, Pinkcat Flower, Jewelry

Most Favourite Item: Omelet Rice (+800 AP +9 FP)
Favourite Items: Eggs, All Jewelry, Chocolate (+500 AP +9 FP)
Next Favourites: Bread, Flour, Cut Gems, Toy Flower, Pinkcat Flower, Sunblock
(+300 AP +3 FP)

Items she dislikes: Ores, Rice Cake (-500 AP -3 FP)
Items she detests: Poisonous Mushrooms, All Grasses, All Rubbish (-800 AP -9

Do NOT show her your Cat or Dog!

'Yeah (heart). It's Omelet Rice! I'm happy!'

At purple heart: 'Freyr, you'r lucky. If you have prolems at the farm, you
can ask Takakura. At our place, no one shows me how to run the business.
My brother says 'If you run things, nothing goods gonna' happen.'

Recipe for Omelet Rice:


Cook in Frying Pan.

At purple heart: 'Freyr, you'r lucky. If you have prolems at the farm, you
can ask Takakura. At our place, no one shows me how to run the business.
My brother says 'If you run things, nothing goods gonna' happen.'