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Birthday: 16 Spring
 Elli is Trent's nursing assistant at the Clinic in Mineral Town. On
Wednesday, when the Clinic is shut, she and Trent visit the Valley
together. Trent (Doctor) stays in the boys' room on the 2nd floor of the
Inner Inn and Elli stays in the girls' room. You can find them both in their
guest rooms at 6.00 a.m. on Wednesday morning. Later on Wednesday morning,
they join Dr. Hardy in his house for his Clinic. In the afternoon, Elli,
Trent and Dr. Hardy will be seen near the Waterfall and Sprite Company Tree
searching for medicinal herbs when the weather is fine. On rainy afternoons,
Elli goes alone instead to the Villa where she listens to Lumina play the

Most Favorite Affection Point Gift: Moon Dumpling
Affection Point Gifts: Strawberries, All Flowers except Moondrop, Fish,
Black Grass, Chocolate, Milk, Blue Grass, Purple Grass, Indigo Grass, White
Grass, Jewelry

Most Favorite Item: Moon Dumpling (+800 AP +9 FP)
Favorite Items: All Flowers except Moondrop, All Jewelry, Dumpling Powder,
Lithograph (+500 AP +9 FP)
Next Favorites: Fish, Cut Gems, Black Grass, Blue Grass, Indigo Grass, White
Grass, Sunblock (+300 AP +3 FP)

Items she dislikes: Wine, Yellow Grass, Corn, Onion (-500 AP -3 FP)
Items she detests: Poisonous Mushroom (-800 AP -9 FP)

Show her your Cat or Dog for +1 FP.

'Oh, Moon Dumplings. These are my favorite. Thank you!' (+800 AP +9 FP
'I'm happy. Thank you, Freyr' for strawberry (+500 AP +9 FP)

Recipe for Moon Dumplings:

Dumpling Powder/Mix

Cook in Steamer.

Items she dislikes: Wine, Yellow Grass, Corn, Onion (-500 AP -3 FP)
Items she detests: Poisonous Mushroom (-800 AP -9 FP)

Show her your Cat or Dog for +1 FP.

'Oh, Moon Dumplings. These are my favorite. Thank you!' (+800 AP +9 FP)

At the Waterfall; The Valley air is so clean. It's ideal for
recuperating. Too bad grandma can't come here. Grandma has a bad leg.'
(She is referring to Ellen from Mineral Town.)