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Festivals & Events
______________________________________________________________________ // // // Festivals and Events // // "The truth is that existence wants your life // // to become a festival, because when you are // // unhappy, you also throw unhappiness all around." // // -Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh // // // //___________________________________________________________________// |/ | Harvest Moon fans have long been asking for more and better festivals and | events, ever since the gems that were Harvest Moon 64 and Harvest Moon: | Back to Nature. Animal Parade, unfortunately, has fewer festivals than even | Tree of Tranquility. But fortunately, the festivals themselves are far | better, and there are far more events. | | Festivals and events are broken up (by me) into four categories: Romantic | Festivals, Social Festivals, Family Festivals and Events: | - Romantic Festivals allow you to take one of the eligible bachelors or | bachelorettes on a date to do something special. In order to have a | date for these festivals, you have to talk to the person on the day | before the festival, and they must have at least three hearts in their | heart level. The dates all happen at night. | - Social Festivals are much bigger. In Animal Parade, every social | festival has multiple shop booths where you can buy goods and multiple | contests you can enter. There may be only four of these festivals, but | they're all huge events. Social Festivals also includes Theodore's | monthly circus, which happens on the 22nd of every month. | - Family Festivals are small family events. Unlike the other two, the | dates of these events are custom-defined in your game. These are | birthdays and anniversaries, and are celebrated by small gatherings in | your own house. | - Events are plot sequences, series of dialog and other interesting | little scenes that are triggered by your friendship with different | villagers or presence at certain places and at certain times. There are | lots of events in Animal Parade, and I'm not going to list them all in | this section: I'm only going to list the ones where it might not be | clear what you need to do. | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Romantic Festivals / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | Each month has one romantic festival, all occurring in the first half of | the month. | |\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Flower Festival \ | \ | Date : Spring 14 | Location : Celesta Church Area | Arrive By : 6:00PM | Ends At : 10:00PM | | The Flower Festival is the Spring romantic festival. First of all, in order | to take a date to the Flower Festival, you must talk to your chosen date on | the day before (that is, Spring 13) the festival. If they have more than 3 | hearts, they'll offer to be your date to the festival. If you accept, no | one else will offer to go with you. If you deny, they'll ask again if you | talk to them again unless you've accepted someone else's offer. They won't | lose any affection if you turn them down, so don't worry about accidentally | talking to someone you don't want to take first. | | Then, on Spring 14, show up in the Celesta Church area before 6:00PM and | hang out until the clock hits 6:00. You might be able to arrive as late as | 7:00PM, but to be safe, go ahead and get there early. The scene will | automatically trigger by 7:00PM. If you're in the right place and it | doesn't trigger, run around a bit. | | There's nothing to do during the festival but watch the scene. Then, the | event will end, and you'll be in an empty Celesta Church area at 10:00PM. | | If you don't show up in time, your date will be upset and lose some | affection points. | |\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Firefly Festival \ | \ | Date : Summer 7 | Location : At the beach, near the river in Flute Fields | Arrive By : 6:00PM | Ends At : 10:00PM | | The Firefly Festival is the Summer romantic festival. First of all, in | order to take a date to the Firefly Festival, you must talk to your chosen | date on the day before (that is, Summer 6) the festival. If they have more | than 3 hearts, they'll offer to be your date to the festival. If you | accept, no one else will offer to go with you. If you deny, they'll ask | again if you talk to them again unless you've accepted someone else's | offer. They won't lose any affection if you turn them down, so don't worry | about accidentally talking to someone you don't want to take first. | | Then, on Summer 7, show up at the beach near the river (you'll see the | festival decorations) before 6:00PM and hang out until the clock hits 6:00. | You might be able to arrive as late as 7:00PM, but to be safe, go ahead and | get there early. The scene will automatically trigger by 7:00PM. If you're | in the right place and it doesn't trigger, run around a bit. | | There's nothing to do during the festival but watch the scene. Then, the | event will end, and you'll be on the now-empty beach at 10:00PM. | | If you don't show up in time, your date will be upset and lose some | affection points. | |\______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Moon Festival \ | \ | Date : Fall 14 | Location : On the hill in Flute Fields | Arrive By : 6:00PM | Ends At : 10:00PM | | The Moon Festival is the Fall romantic festival. First of all, in order to | take a date to the Moon Festival, you must talk to your chosen date on the | day before (that is, Fall 13) the festival. If they have more than 3 | hearts, they'll offer to be your date to the festival. If you accept, no | one else will offer to go with you. If you deny, they'll ask again if you | talk to them again unless you've accepted someone else's offer. They won't | lose any affection if you turn them down, so don't worry about accidentally | talking to someone you don't want to take first. | | Then, on Fall 14, show up on Moon Hill in Flute Fields (middle of the area, | behind the fork that leads to Marimba Farm and Horn Ranch -- same location | as the Starry Night Festival) before 6:00PM and hang out until the clock | hits 6:00. You might be able to arrive as late as 7:00PM, but to be safe, | go ahead and get there early. The scene will automatically trigger by | 7:00PM. If you're in the right place and it doesn't trigger, run around a | bit. | | There's nothing to do during the festival but watch the scene. Then, the | event will end, and you'll be back at the fork at 10:00PM. | | If you don't show up in time, your date will be upset and lose some | affection points. | |\______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Starry Night Festival \ | \ | Date : Winter 11 | Location : On the hill in Flute Fields | Arrive By : 6:00PM | Ends At : 10:00PM | | The Starry Night Festival is the Winter romantic festival. First of all, in | order to take a date to the Starry Night Festival, you must talk to your | chosen date on the day before (that is, Winter 10) the festival. If they | have more than 3 hearts, they'll offer to be your date to the festival. If | you accept, no one else will offer to go with you. If you deny, they'll ask | again if you talk to them again unless you've accepted someone else's | offer. They won't lose any affection if you turn them down, so don't worry | about accidentally talking to someone you don't want to take first. | | Then, on Winter 11, show up on Moon Hill in Flute Fields (middle of the | area, behind the fork that leads to Marimba Farm and Horn Ranch -- same | location as the Moon Viewing Festival) before 6:00PM and hang out until the | clock hits 6:00. You might be able to arrive as late as 7:00PM, but to be | safe, go ahead and get there early. The scene will automatically trigger by | 7:00PM. If you're in the right place and it doesn't trigger, run around a | bit. | | Unlike the other festivals, this festival has a bit of a mini-game. You'll | be prompted over and over with a set of 5 "wishes". If you select the same | wish every time, you'll get a reward. The wish dialog only stays visible | for a few seconds, so you'll have to act fast. Then, the event will end, | and you'll be back at the fork at 10:00PM. | | If you don't show up in time, your date will be upset and lose some | affection points. | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Social Festivals / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | Like the Romantic Festivals, there is one unique Social Festival per month. | Additionally, Theodore's circus comes to town every month, though after the | first couple times it's not nearly as important. | |\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Animal Festival \ | \ | Date : Spring 28 | Location : Horn Ranch | Arrive After : 10:00AM | Ends At : 6:00PM | Description : The Spring social festival is the Animal Festival, and takes | : place at Horn Ranch. Like the title suggests, the Animal | : Festival is a celebration of animals of all kinds: | : livestock, poultry, and even pets. | : | : There are three contests at the Animal Festival, as well as | : several shops selling various animal products. | | Contests : Animal Contest: The Animal Contest is for livestock and | : poultry. Enter the contest by talking to Hamilton at Horn | : Ranch and selecting Animal Contest. You'll be asked which | : animal you want to enter, and presented with a dialog sorted | : by heart level of all your animals. Any livestock animal can | : be entered, but higher-heart level animals have a much | : better chance of winning. If you have multiple animals of | : the same heart level, go for the "biggest" one -- a cow | : would be better than a horse, which is better than a sheep | : or goat, which are all better than chickens, ducks and | : silkworms. If you win, you'll get a heaping helping of bird | : feed. | : | : Pet Contest: The Pet Contest is, you guessed it, for your | : pets. Well, one of your pets. Trigger it by talking to | : Hamilton and selecting Pet Contest. With the Animal Whistle | : you can teach tricks to your pets just by whistling for them | : once per day. As they do more tricks, the skill of their | : trick will improve. At the Pet Contest, choose your animal | : with the best trick, and it will do that trick for the | : contest. | : | : Horse Race: Well, technically you can ride any animal, but | : the horse or ostrich is the most logical. To trigger | : practice for the Horse Race, talk to Cain before 9AM -- to | : actually enter it, talk to Hamilton and choose Race. He'll | : let you choose what animal to ride. From there, the game | : follows the same mechanics as the racing mini-game. | : Note that you can only ride animals -- even horses and | : ostriches -- that have at least 5 hearts, so odds are you | : won't be able to participate until your second year unless | : you befriend your cow really quick. You can also just watch | : by talking to Cain and selecting Watch. You can even get | : prizes for correctly predicting the winner! Whether you're | : racing or picking a winner, the Horse is always the best | : option. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Shop Listings | | Lv. | Item Purchase Price Req Notes | | Hannah's Booth: | Animal Products: | Butter; Perfect 740G | Cheese; Perfect 740G | Goat Butter; Perfect 680G | Goat Cheese; Perfect 640G | Mayonnaise; Perfect 260G | Sheep Butter; Perfect 640G | Sheep Cheese; Perfect 640G | Wool; Perfect 2440G | | | Recipe: | Buckwheat Pancake (recipe) 620G | Cookies (recipe) 470G | Orange Cookies (recipe) 590G | Pancake (recipe) 550G | Potato Pancake (recipe) 580G | Pudding (recipe) 300G | Shortcake (recipe) 890G | | | Shelly's Booth: | Animal Products: | Flax Yarn; Perfect 2900G | Silk Yarn; Perfect 2640G | Wool Yarn; Perfect 2680G | | | Yolanda's Booth: | Drink: | Honeydew Milk 1300G | Strawberry Milk 1040G | Yogurt Drink 820G | | | Produce: | Honey; Decent 100G | Honey; Good 200G | Honey; Perfect 300G | |\______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Ocean Festival \ | \ | Date : Summer 17 | Location : Harmonica Town beach | Arrive After : 10:00AM | Ends At : 10:00PM | | Description : The Summer social festival is the Ocean Festival, a | : celebration of all things sea-related. Aside from two booths | : stocking primarily sea dishes and items, you'll also find a | : booth with lots of regular dishes as well. | : | : The Ocean Festival has only two contests, but also has a | : fireworks event to close the day. | | Contests : Fishing Contest #1: I'm not entirely sure how this contest | : works yet. At this contest, you're graded on your fishing | : prowess thusfar in the game, based on how many fish you've | : caught and how good they are. I'm not sure the span of time | : you have to catch contest-eligible fish, though. To enter, | : talk to Hamilton in the morning. The prizes for this | : festival are all medicines. | : | : Fishing Contest #2: The second fishing contest is a bit more | : obvious. Talk to Hamilton in the afternoon to trigger it, | : and he'll tell you a fish that you need to try to catch. | : Fish in the Harmonica Town ocean to try and catch that fish, | : and the first person to catch it wins! The prizes for this | : are fish recipes. | : | : Fireworks: The fireworks aren't a contest, but rather just | : an event. If you're in the area at 7:00PM, the fireworks | : will start and you'll chill on the beach and watch them with | : everyone else. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Shop Listings | | Lv. | Item Purchase Price Req Notes | | Ozzie's Booth: | Dish: | Baked Potato 1060G | Grilled Squid 130G | Roasted Corn 420G | Sashimi; Good 800G | Sauteed Clam 640G | Seafood Stew 320G | | | Paolo's Booth: | Fish: | Bonito 240G | Crawfish 20G | Octopus 120G | Squid 110G | | | Item: | Mussel 120G | Oyster 120G | Sea Urchin 160G | | | Pascal's Booth: | Drink: | Apple Juice 360G | Blackberry Juice 140G | Blueberry Juice 140G | Carrot Juice 500G | Coconut Juice 120G | Cranberry Juice 140G | Grape Juice 320G | Honeydew Juice 770G | Orange Juice 320G | Pineapple Juice 160G | Raspberry Juice 120G | Tomato Juice 520G | Vegetable Juice 1370G | |\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Harvest Festival \ | \ | Date : Fall 27 | Location : Marimba Farm | Arrive After : 10:00AM | Ends At : 6:00PM | | Description : The Harvest Festival is the corresponding crop-oriented | : festival to the Animal Festival. Here you'll celebrate a | : year of bountiful harvests, fitting for the second-to-last | : day of Fall. | : | : The Harvest Festival has four different contests: one for | : each type of crop, and one for recipes. To enter all the | : contests, you'll want to bring something in each category | : with you in your rucksack. | : | : There are also several booths open selling crops and | : vegetable dishes. Note that Ruth sells many common recipe | : ingredients like Olive Oil, Flour and Cornmeal -- you won't | : get to get these again for almost another year, so if | : there's any recipes you want to make soon you might want to | : buy some. Note, though, that if you buy these ingredients, | : your final dish usually won't sell for enough to make it | : profitable. | | Contests : Crop, Flower and Fruit Contests: These three contests all | : work exactly the same. Talk to Hamilton and he'll ask you | : for a crop, flower or fruit, depending on which contest you | : choose. Have them in your rucksack, then hand them over when | : he asks for them. A crop is anything that grows in a single | : square on your farm and has a quality rating | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Shop Listings | | Lv. | Item Purchase Price Req Notes | | Craig's Booth: | Item: | Pontata Root 80G | | | Produce: | Carrot; Perfect 520G | Eggplant; Perfect 360G | Pepper; Perfect 440G | Pumpkin; Perfect 420G | Spinach; Perfect 540G | Yam; Perfect 360G | | | Ruth's Booth: | Dish: | Chestnut Rice 850G | Decent Perfume 780G | Mushroom Rice 660G | Yam Rice 880G | | | Fertilizer: | Shining Fertilizer 360G | | | Item: | Salt; Perfect 240G | | | Produce: | Chrysanthemum 180G | Cornmeal; Perfect 500G | Cosmos 200G | Curry Powder; Perfect 520G | Flax; Perfect 540G | Ground Coffee; Perfect 440G | Olive Oil; Perfect 340G | Soba Flour; Perfect 600G | Sugar; Perfect 520G | Wheat Flour; Perfect 420G | | | Recipe: | Blue Perfume (recipe) 1280G | Decent Perfume (recipe) 320G | Green Perfume (recipe) 380G | Red Perfume (recipe) 730G | Shining Perfume (recipe) 1370G | Yellow Perfume (recipe) 410G | | | Taylor's Booth: | Dish: | Apple Candy 830G | Apple Jam 680G | Pickled Vegetables 660G | Potato Stew 520G | Pumpkin Stew 450G | Roasted Chestnut 330G | Roasted Yam 360G | Sauteed Mushroom 620G | Strawberry Jam 980G | Vegetable Salad 840G | Yam Stew 400G | |\______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | New Year's Eve \ | \ | Date : Winter 28 | Location : Town Hall | Arrive After : 6:00PM | Ends At : 12:00AM | | Description : The New Year's Eve festival is a celebration of... | : miscellaneous other stuff that didn't get covered in the | : other three festivals! There's a hodgepodge of contests | : covering mining, foraging, and clothing. Be aware that for | : one of the contests, you'll need to find and refine an Ore | : or Wonderful before the festival day. | : | : Additionally, there are shops at the New Year's Eve festival | : as well. This is the only place that I know of where you can | : buy herb seeds, which are great for dyeing yarns. There's | : also a wide assortment of clothing available here. | | Contests : Foraging Contest: This contest is like the first fishing | : contest from the Ocean Festival. Essentially, all the | : different forageable goods you've picked up are tallied, and | : whoever has picked up the most wins. Forageable goods in | : this case are pretty much anything you can find on the | : ground outside, like berries, herbs and beach stuff. The | : prizes here are different quantities of lumber, so this can | : be a great way to get the wood to build that new home | : extension or barn expansion. | : | : Clothing Contest: The Clothing Contest is a fashion show. | : You'll be judged on what you're wearing at the time of the | : contest, so come dressed all fancy-like. I have no idea if | : the results of this festival are randomly determined or are | : actually based on what you're wearing, but just in case, | : come dressed in the most expensive stuff you have -- the | : game doesn't understand color complements or anything like | : that. | : | : Mining Contest: Like the Crop, Flower, Fruit and Cooking | : contests from the Harvest Festival, the Mining Contest is a | : contest to bring the best mine product. As usual, this | : appears to be solely based on the item's sale value, so just | : bring the most expensive thing you can find. Gems are better | : than Metals. This is a great way to get a lot of stone | : lumber, as that's the prize for winning this contest. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Shop Listings | | Lv. | Item Purchase Price Req Notes | | Barbara's Booth: | Utensils: | Aging Pot: Gold 3000G | Aging Pot: Red 2700G | Cutting Board: Chic 2000G | Cutting Board: Gorgeous 2500G | Frying Pan: Chic 2600G | Frying Pan: Gorgeous 3000G | Mixer: Chic 1700G | Mixer: Gorgeous 2000G | Oven: Chic 3200G | Oven: Gorgeous 3500G | Pot: Chic 2500G | Pot: Gorgeous 2800G | | | Irene's Booth: | Seeds: | Blue Herb Seeds 20G | Green Herb Seeds 20G | Purple Herb Seeds 20G | Red Herb Seeds 20G | Yellow Herb Seeds 20G | |\__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Theodore's Circus \ | \ | Date : Spring 22, Summer 22, Fall 22, Winter 22 | Location : Celesta Church area | Arrive After : 3:00PM | Ends At : 8:00PM | | Description : Theodore's Circus is a monthly festival, although it really | : has none of the characteristics of other festivals. I've | : outlined most of the details of it in the Theodore's Circus | : Event section -- for that, search for [-THEOD-] without the | : spaces. This section just focuses on the monthly elements of | : it. | : | : The first couple times you come to Theodore's Circus, you'll | : be focused on completing Theodore's Circus Event. After | : that, though, there won't be much to do here. Once you're | : married, you can have your family follow you to the circus | : and see your kids playing with all the animals. | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Family Festivals / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | In addition to those seasonal festivals, as you get married and start a | family you'll find a few events that occur on particular dates to celebrate | birthdays and anniversaries. | |\______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Your Birthday \ | \ | Before marriage, you probably noticed that people around the island | mysteriously wished you happy birthday even though you probably can't | recall ever telling them when your birthday is. They probably looked it up | on Facebook. | | After marriage, though, you'll have a little celebration at your house. | Just enter your house after 6:00PM and you'll get the scene, which goes | until around 10:00PM. Other than that, you don't have anything to do. | | If you don't return for the event (you don't get home until after 10:00PM), | you'll miss the event, but your spouse won't really mind. | |\______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Your Spouse's Birthday \ | \ | You'll celebrate your spouse's birthday too, but be warned: do NOT give | your spouse a present early in the day. As soon as you give them a gift, | the event triggers, and it won't be over until 10:00PM. | | You can also trigger the event the same way as your own birthday, just by | entering your house after 6:00PM. Your spouse will be happier if you | trigger it with a present, though. | | If you don't return for the event (you don't get home until after 10:00PM), | you'll miss the event, and your spouse will lose a bit of affection. | | Note that the Harvest King, Harvest Goddess, Witch and Wizard all have | unknown birthdays, so this event won't take place. | |\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Your Anniversary \ | \ | Like your birthday and your spouse's birthday, the anniversary event is | triggered just by entering the house on the date of your anniversary after | 6:00PM. I'm not yet sure if there's a present involved. | | If you don't return for the event (you don't get home until after 10:00PM), | you'll miss the event, and your spouse will lose a bit of affection. | | Note that this event won't take place if you married the Harvest King or | Harvest Goddess. | |\______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Your Child's Birthday \ | \ | Like the other family-based festivals, your child's birthday is triggered | by entering your house after 6:00PM. It won't be over until 10:00PM, so | don't plan on doing any major chores after entering the house. | | Now, there's a funny thing about kids: they want presents! And you'll need | to legitimately have something in your rucksack to give them, or they'll be | pretty upset. Now, as you might've noticed, there's no real toy-like items | in the game, so go with food: cake, pie, chocolate are all good options. | | If you don't return for the event (you don't get home until after 10:00PM), | you'll miss the event, and your spouse will lose a bit of affection. | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Events / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | Note that if you're looking for heart events and other romance-related | events, you're going to want to check the Dating and Marriage sections by | searching for [-DT&MR-] without the dashes. This section is for | non-romantic events that pseudo-randomly occur around the island. They're | listed loosely in the order you'll likely encounter them. | | Some of these events occur at the very beginning of the game, so let me | state something kind of obvious: you're not meant to do these events on | their own, without playing any other element of the game at the same time. | You should still be doing your farming, ranching, fishing, socializing, or | whatever else it is that you do while you complete these events. Don't just | complete a step of the event, then go home and go to sleep. This isn't that | kind of RPG. | | Note that the titles for these events are my own creation -- they're not | labeled this way in the game anywhere. | |\______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Fix the Bridge \ | \ | At the very start of the game, you must complete the Fix the Bridge event | before you can get started with the plotline. I'm separating it, though, | because aside from allowing the plotline to start, it really doesn't flow | as a cohesive story. Also, in case you just jumped right to this point, | read the paragraph directly above this one, before the start of this | section. | | This event is reasonably self-explanatory, so there's a good chance you | should be able to complete it without reading this. | | As you may or may not know, in order to start the plotline, you'll need to | visit the Goddess Spring. Unfortunately, the Goddess Spring is accessed | through Garmon Mine District, and the bridge to the district is down. It's | up to Bo to repair it. | | So, now it's just a matter of waiting for Bo to get off his tush and repair | it, right? Of course not. You're responsible for triggering various | elements of the event that will eventually lead to him repairing the | bridge. | | To start the event off, attempt to go down the path behind your farm toward | Garmon Mine District. You'll run into Bo, who will explain everything I | just said. Then he'll ask you to get his toolbox from the Mayor. | | Head over to Town Hall and talk to the Mayor to get the toolbox. Yeah, | right -- you wish it was that easy. Before he'll give you the toolbox, | Hamilton (the Mayor) asks you to make sure you've met everyone around the | island first. So, go do that. The villagers you need to meet are: | - Simon at the Simon's Studio. | - Shelly & Candace at Sonata Tailoring. | - Kathy & Hayden outside Brass Bar. | - Ozzie at the Fishery. | - Jake & Colleen at the Dock past the Fishery. | - Maya & Yolanda at Ocarina Inn. | - Irene at Choral Clinic. | - Perry & Mira in the Church. | - Chase at the Church area. | | Those are all the folks Hamilton cares if you meet, but there are a lot | more villagers to meet as well. They are: | - Hannah & Cain at Horn Ranch, at the shop and barn respectively. | - Renee at the Windmill by Horn Ranch. | - Toby at the Waterwheel in Flute Fields. | - Craig, Taylor & Ruth at Marimba Farm. | | And after Bo fixes the bridge, you'll also be able to meet: | - Dale at the Carpenter's Shop. | - Ramsey at the Blacksmith's Shop. | - Owen at Garmon Mine. | - Julius at the Accessory Shop. | - Barbara at the General Store. | | Once you're done (Finn will let you know -- remember, it's only that first | list of people that you need to find), return and talk to Hamilton again. | He'll give you the toolbox. Take that back to Bo and give it to him (talk | to him while the toolbox is in your hands). That does it! Except that | apparently Bo is hungry, and won't work until you bring him food. Spoiled | little... anyway, time to bring Bo some food. But not just any food: he | specifically requests milk and a strawberry. You can get them on your own | farm if your cow is grown and you've planted Strawberries, but it's easier | just to buy them from Horn Ranch and Marimba Farm (assuming it's still | Spring), respectively. They cost 700G together, so it might take you a | little while to earn the money to buy them -- if you're running low on | money, gather some mushrooms in the mine to get that sum quickly. | | Take the items back to Bo (talk to him while one is in your hands, then the | other). The next morning, he'll pop by your farm and tell you that the | repairs are all finished. Woo-hoo! That completes the Fixing the Bridge | event. | |\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Move the Animals \ | \ | This event is reasonably self-explanatory, so there's a good chance you | should be able to complete it without reading this. | | Now that you've fixed the bridge, you can go to Garmon Mine District and | take the path between the Carpenter Shop and General Store to the Goddess | Spring. Unfortunately, as soon as you do so, you'll find that a bunch of | wild animals are standing in your way. | | Now we introduce the new hunting system in... nah, just kidding. Navi -- | er, I mean, Finn -- will pop up and tell you to go find someone that | understands wild animals. Not that you have any idea who that would be, so | usually you'd just have to go talk to everyone until someone said something | useful. Fortunately, you're reading this, so I can tell you just to go talk | to Dale. | | To make a long story short, Dale will say you need an item called the | Animal Whistle. Time to go on a wild goose chase to find that whistle. Go | talk to Barbara at the General Store, then Julius at the Accessory Shop or | anywhere else he goes, then Chloe or Ramsey at the Blacksmith Shop, then | Owen. Except, Owen's not that easy to find -- he's on the 10th floor of the | mine. | | Once Owen gives you the whistle, head back to the menagerie blocking the | Goddess Spring and use it just like you'd use any other tool. They'll move | their butts. That completes the Accessing the Goddess Spring event. | |\________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [THEOD] _ | Theodore's Circus Event \ | \ | The first time Theodore's circus comes to town (Spring 22), head over to | the Celesta Church area. Unfortunately, it seems that some of his circus | animals have wandered off, and it's up to you to help find them. You can't | complete this event the first time Theodore comes to town because certain | items can only be obtained in later seasons. Don't worry, he comes back on | the 22nd of every month, and you can complete the event in stages. | | To find his animals, you'll need to do two things: | - Make a dish to feed to each animal to get it to follow you back. | - Find each animal by blowing the animal whistle that Owen gave you. | | First, go home and make the three dishes. Since you're reading this guide, | you could actually do this in advance. The three recipes are: | - Good Herb Fish: Cook any Herb and up to four fish in the Oven. The sale | value of the items you cook must be at least 250G. If you end up with a | Perfect or Shining Herb Fish, it should still work. | - Bread: Bread is also made in the oven, using Milk, Butter and Flour. | Flour might be hard to come by at your early stage of the game: it | requires wheat, one of the more expensive seeds, and the waterwheel in | Flute Fields. | - Vegetable Pizza: This one's tough. You'll need a good bit of | preparation to make a Vegetable Pizza, and it isn't sold anywhere. | First, this is important: save one of the Potatoes that grows on your | farm when you first start the game. Secondly, get some Cheese, either | from your own animal or from Horn Ranch. Third, get a Tomato, either | grown yourself in Summer or bought from a Level 2 Marimba Farm in | Summer. Fourth, get a Bell Pepper, either grown yourself in Fall or | bought from a Level 2 Marimba Farm in Fall. Last, get a Pie Crust by | putting Butter (bought or from your animals) and Wheat (from Flour, | grown or bought year-round from Level 2 Marimba Farm) together with the | Cutting Board. Then, cook the Potato, Cheese, Tomato, Bell Pepper and | Pie Crust together in the oven. | | You'll be using these dishes in order. To make this easier, before the | 22nd, cook one of each of the ones you can (odds are, only the first two in | Spring) and have it in your rucksack when you go to see Theodore. | | Theodore will tell you that three animals are missing: the Giraffe, | Elephant and Hippopotamus. You must find them in order, and you have to | return to talk to Theodore between finding each one. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Eunice the Giraffe | | Eunice the Giraffe is hiding behind the lighthouse near the ocean. Head | near the lighthouse and equip the whistle, then press A to use it. You'll | be prompted to offer the Giraffe some food: he wants the Good Herb Fish. | You might have to blow the whistle twice to be prompted to turn over the | dish. | | Once you've given the Giraffe the dish, he'll return to Theodore. You | should do the same. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Trunks the Elephant | | To find Trunks, you first have to convince Vegeta and Bulma to... wait, | wrong universe. | | Trunks the Elephant is hiding near the entrance to Fugue Forest, in Flute | Fields. Head near the forest and equip the whistle, then press A to use it. | You'll be prompted to offer the Elephant some food: he wants the Bread. You | might have to blow the whistle twice to be prompted to turn over the dish. | | Once you've given the Elephant the dish, he'll return to Theodore. You | should do the same. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Humphrey the Hippopotamus | | Humphrey the Hippopotamus is hiding in the swamp inside Fugue Forest. Head | all the way to the Witch's House and equip the whistle, then press A to use | it. You'll be prompted to offer the Hippopotamus some food: he wants the | Vegetable Pizza. You might have to blow the whistle twice to be prompted to | turn over the dish. | | Once you've given the Hippopotamus the dish, he'll return to Theodore. You | should do the same. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | The Shortcuts | | Once you've rescued all three animals, the circus will take place. Watch | the show! At the end of it, the three animals will be available as | shortcuts to some of the more difficult parts of the island. To access | these shortcuts, just blow your whistle anywhere on the island when there's | not a pet nearby, and choose where you want to go: | - Giraffe: The Giraffe will pop up and take you to Harmonica Town, | outside Town Hall. | - Elephant: The Elephant will pop up and take you to Flute Fields, at the | fork that leads to Marimba Farm and Horn Ranch. | - Hippopotamus: The Hippopotamus will take you to the Witch's House, so | you don't have to navigate that obnoxious forest anymore. | - Pig: The Pig will take you back home. | | These circus animals apparently know how to scuba dive -- they can pick you | up even if you're on Toucan Island. Note, though, that to do this, you have | to blow the whistle Owen gives you -- pressing A and B will whistle for a | livestock animal, and those won't come on Toucan Island and in some other | areas. | |\____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Harmony Day \ | \ | Harmony Day is kind of technically a festival, but it doesn't take place at | any particular location. On the 5th of Winter, all day long you'll receive | cake from any eligible bachelor or bachelorette with more than 5 hearts, so | long as you talk to them. You'll also receive an additional boost to a | person's heart level if you give them cake on this day: this applies to | every villager. | | Cakes are pretty complicated recipes: they all involve Egg, Milk, Butter | and Flour, with an alternating fifth ingredient that determines what type | of cake it is. The easier thing to do is just give away the cakes you | receive: after all, you weren't using them for anything. | |\__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Bo's Lunch \ | \ | This one's short and easy. After you've rung the Red Bell, you'll notice | that Bo spends his time chilling by the broken mine cart in Garmon Mine | District. But, like the Fix the Bridge event, he apparently can't do | anything about it with food. And he's too cheap to pay for it, so he wants | you to bring it to him. | | Once you've triggered the event, all you have to do is bring Bo an edible | gift during the day every day for around a week. Eventually, he'll say he's | fixed it. | | Once it's fixed, you can use the mine cart as a shortcut. | |\__________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Opening the Accessory Shop \ | \ | This event is reasonably self-explanatory, so there's a good chance you | should be able to complete it without reading this. | | This event is easy. When you're completing the Accessing the Goddess Spring | event, Julius will mention that the Accessory Shop won't run without Mira. | Mira is moping at the church. | | Go to the church and talk to her to get her to come re-open the shop. | There, wasn't that easy? | |\____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Toucan Island Drama \ | \ | The first time you visit Toucan Island, you'll trigger an event that | introduces Sue, Samson and Selena. | | Most of the event is just scenes: one when you first enter Pineapple Inn on | Toucan Island and one afterward outside Ocarina Inn. After that, you'll | need to head back on the ferry to Harmonica Town. | | Once you're back, you'll discover that Selena hid on the ferry and came | back with you. She'll get a job dancing at Brass Bar. Talk to her there and | she'll ask you to take a letter back to her mom on Toucan Island. | | Take the letter, buy yet another ticket, and give the letter back to Sue. | She'll thank you with a Hibiscus flower. | \____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________/