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Game Walkthrough| Important Events|Important Items
______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ // // // Game Walkthrough // // "It is one of the most beautiful compensations // // of life, that no man can sincerely try // // to help another without helping himself." // // -Ralph Waldo Emerson // // // //___________________________________________________________________// |/ | Navigating through the plotline is only part of the game, though. You also | want to build a thriving farm and ranch, meet the townspeople, make some | friends, get married... and all the other reasons you play Harvest Moon. | | This section is to help walk you through those other game concepts. It | won't be just one big day-by-day walkthrough: the joy of Harvest Moon is | that you can play however you want. Instead, this will just be notes about | things to watch for as you go through. | | Right now, I'm planning on two major sections: an 'important items and | events' section, which is just things to keep an eye out for; and a 'game | strategy' section, which is a loose walkthrough for creating a successful | farm and ranch. | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Important Events / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | You will have access to numerous events throughout the game, but oftentimes | you can easily completely miss out on doing what you need to do to trigger | these events. In Tree of Tranquility, for example, you needed to enter the | waterfall area on a sunny Monday afternoon to trigger an event -- who's | going to do that except by accident? So this section also contains a list | of events that you might not come across on your own. | |\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Getting Started \ | \ | So it's the beginning of the game, you just loaded it up, and you really | want to make sure you're not missing out on anything. That's fine. This | section will take you through the very beginning of the game, and all you | need to start getting into a normal Harvest Moon game routine. | | After starting a new game and choosing your character (a purely aesthetic | decision), you'll be given a series of introductory questions. Most are | self-explanatory. I haven't the faintest clue what the significance of the | 'favorite food' question is, and your birthday doesn't matter all that much | either. | | Follow the scenes and Hamilton will explain to you the game basics. You'll | also find out that you actually need to pay for your ranch this time -- | 5000G total. Fortunately, you can take your sweet time paying this back. | He'll also give you your map, a Watering Can and a Hoe. | | Now this is pretty important. Animal Parade has NO tutorial segment. | Long-time fans of the series will rejoice, but if this is your first time | playing, it can be pretty intimidating. | | So, make use of the bookshelf for in-game information on the various | aspects of the game | | You'll finally get control of your character. Spend a moment familiarizing | yourself with the controls. Press Down on the D-Pad to bring up your | rucksack quick-view, and scroll through it with either the Control Stick or | D-Pad. You can pull something out by pressing A or Down, or close it | without pulling anything out by pressing Up or B. | | In your rucksack you'll find you have a Watering Can, a Hoe and 9 Turnip | seeds. Head outside and jog down to your field -- you'll find that it's | already somewhat active! There are several plants growing already, and | three Turnips ready for you to pick. Go ahead and pick them. | | Finn wants you to hurry and meet the Goddess, but it's really in your best | interest to take care of a minor chore or two first. Equip the Hoe, till | some soil, then plant your Turnip seeds and water them, along with the | plants that are already growing. You may as well go ahead and sell those | Turnips, too -- money's more valuable than anything else this early in the | game. | | Now it's time to appease Finn. Head up to the Northwest and exit the area | -- you'll enter Garmon Mines. Bo is there, lamenting the broken bridge. | This is the first step toward triggering the Fix the Bridge event. That's | the next thing you want to take care of. You | can do that in conjunction with doing other stuff listed here. | | As part of that event, you'll be asked to go around Harmonica Town and meet | everyone. While you're at it, though, do the same for Flute Fields. Both | sets of people are outlined in the event section. | | Early (hopefully the first day) one thing you'll want to do is go to the | Barn at Horn Ranch in the late afternoon (after 4:00PM or so). Enter it and | you'll trigger a scene with Cain where he'll give you your very own new | cow. It's just a baby, but it'll soon be an adult capable of producing milk | -- and the sooner you get it, the sooner you'll be selling dairy products. | You will, however, want to buy some fodder for the cow to use on rainy days | -- but you'll be letting it graze in the yard on sunny days. | | While you're poking around in Flute Fields, you may want to go ahead and | buy a Milk and Strawberry, as you'll need them for the Fix the Bridge | event. Between those and the fodder, you'll be almost out of money, but | that's ok. | | When you're all done, head back to the farm and take care of your new cow | by feeding it, petting it and brushing it. If you still have time, you | might be able to make it back to Garmon Mines to give Bo his toolbox, but | don't worry if you have to wait until the next day. | | As you met all the villagers, you probably noticed you got a lot of gifts. | At this stage of the game, the best thing to do with most of them is sell | them. Money's at a premium, and none of them have an immediate use. So sell | the Chars and Cookies you got. You also received some seeds -- may as well | go ahead and plant them! | | Now's also a good time to get in the habit of expending your excess stamina | each day doing something productive. It could be as simple as swinging the | hoe or axe a few times to level it, or fishing until you're about out of | stamina or it's almost midnight -- but use every resource that's available | to you! | | Aside from completing the Fix the Bridge and Move the Animals events, | you're about done with the 'Getting Started' portion of the game. You've | met all the villagers you can meet, you've gotten all the tools that are | available, you have some crops growing, and you have a calf to take care of | -- you're off to a great start, and it's only the second day! | | From here, you're on your own, but don't fret -- it's not intimidating. | Just keep taking care of your daily chores, buy new crops and plant them | when your current ones sprout, spend some time fishing (and mining, once | you've accessed it), and pay attention to the plotline. Good luck! | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Important Items / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | As you go through the game, there are many important items that will come | across your path. But oftentimes, you won't know they're important until | long after your first chance to obtain them. You don't want to get stuck in | early Summer needing an item that can only be obtained in Spring. To help | with this, included here is a list of items to watch for. When you come | across one of these items, save it! | |\__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Plot Items \ | \ | In the previous section, there is a complete walkthrough for the plot. But | like I mentioned, you're not going to be completing the plot while | neglecting your farm as a whole. You'll be farming, ranching, fishing, | mining and doing plenty of other stuff. | | So, while you're doing that stuff, you'll want to be on the look out for | some of the items that will help you later in the plot. These items | include: | - Milk & Strawberry: these are the first two items you'll need for the | Fix the Bridge event. Chances are you'll just need to buy them from | Horn Ranch and Marimba Farm, respectively, but it can't hurt to mention | them here. | - Iron, Copper, Silver and Gold Ores: these will be necessary for the Red | Bell, the first bell in the main plotline. You might not mine before | reaching this point in the plot, but you can save yourself some time if | you get these ahead of time. | - 10 Good Lettuce, Tomatoes, Pumpkins or Buckwheat, or any combination | thereof: for the Yellow Bell, you'll need to give Ruth a total of 10 of | any of these four crops. You can save yourself some time by growing | whichever is in-season. Plant them during the Red Bell portion of the | plot to make sure they're grown in time. Better-than-Good quality will | work too. | - Duck Egg: for some reason, only a duck egg will work for part of the | Blue Bell quest. You can buy a duck egg from Horn Ranch later in the | game, though. Any quality will work. | - Black Pearl: the only place you can get a Black Pearl is down in the | Watery Cave. You will have just recently unlocked it when you need it, | so chances are you'll need to go down specifically to get this. | - Hibiscus: you'll receive your first Hibiscus flower during the events | that trigger on your first visit to Toucan Island. You can also buy | seeds at Pineapple Inn and grow them, but they only grow in Summer, so | you're better off using the Hibiscus you receive. Just don't sell it or | give it away -- you'll need it for the Blue Bell. | - Good Cornmeal: Cornmeal is made by placing Corn into either Waterwheel | To ensure Good quality, use Good Corn and | make sure it isn't raining. Corn grows in Summer, and you'll need it | for the Blue Bell quest. Better-than-Good Cornmeal will work too. | - Perfect Butter: the Perfect Butter for the Blue Bell quest can be made | from Cow, Goat or Sheep Milk. To be safe, save your first Perfect Milk. | You can always turn it into butter later. Shining Butter will work too. | | That's all the items you'll need to complete the main plot line. There are, | however, a few items you'll need as well to complete the Child's Journey | epilogue. | |\______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Child's Journey Items \ | \ | There are five items you'll need to kick off your Child's Journey. They're | all somewhat rare, so you'll want to be on the lookout for them ahead of | time. | | - Diamond: the rarest mine item comes in White Wonderfuls. You get it the | same way you get all other gems: dig up the wonderful and have Mira | refine it. The Diamond is the rarest mine item, though, so save one | when you find it. | - King Salmon: the King Salmon can only be caught in Summer and Fall, and | it's still really rare then. You'll have to catch it in the river | running through Flute Fields. | - Shining Honeydew: Honeydew is a Summer crop. You can't buy a Shining | one from Marimba Farm, so you'll have to grow it. Plant a bunch and use | fertilizer to ensure maximum soil quality. | - Cheesecake: the easiest item for the Child's Journey is the Cheesecake. | All the ingredients are farm ingredients: any Egg, any Milk, any | Butter, any Cheese and Flour. Toss them together in the Oven and you'll | get a Cheesecake. | - Shining Hearty Lunch: your spouse will give you Hearty Lunches, but to | get a Shining one you'll have to make it yourself. Fortunately, it's | pretty easy too: any Egg, any Butter, any Mayonnaise, any Bread and any | Vegetable, put together with the Cutting Board. | |\______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Contest Items \ | \ | There are various contests throughout the year at the social festivals, and | lots of them have really great prizes. You'll want to save some | high-quality items that have a great chance of winning to enter in the | contest, and many of them are hard to come by -- so save them when you get | them! | | - Crop Contest: the crop contest happens at the Harvest Festival. Any | Shining crop is good, but if you have the luxury of choosing, go for | Strawberries, Eggplant, Pumpkins and Spinach are all great options. | - Fruit Contest: the fruit contest also happens at the Harvest Festival. | Shining is always better, but Shining Apple is your best option. | - Flower Contest: the flower contest also happens at the Harvest | Festival. a Blue Mist flower is nearly a guaranteed victory. Roses and | Crysanthemums are good too, and all grow in Fall. | - Cooking Contest: you can technically make this dish any time, but it | may require some preparation. Your best bets are any Shining fish dish. | - Gem Contest: the Gem Contest happens at the New Year's Eve festival. | Diamonds are the best for this, followed by Rubies, Emeralds and | Sapphires. | - Fashion Contest: for this, you just want to be wearing the most | expensive stuff you can. Focus on buying a really expensive item for | each category. | |\______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Other Important Items \ | \ | Aside from those items, there are various other somewhat rare items that | can be used for events, rucksack upgrades or other tasks. | | - Wool: you'll need two of these -- for the first, any quality will do, | and for the second, it must be Perfect or Shining. You can buy both | from Horn Ranch once it's leveled up a bit. The any-quality one is for | the first rucksack upgrade, the Perfect or Shining one is for the | second. | - 10 Green Herbs: go figure why, but she'll also need 10 Green Herbs to | make the first rucksack upgrade. Green Herbs can be found anywhere, so | you might be tempted just to sell them -- save at least 10 for the | first rucksack upgrade. | - Honey: you'll need some Honey for the second rucksack upgrade. You can | only get this by growing some flowers on your farm, then waiting for a | bee to buzz around some to pick it. | | - Vegetable Pizza: there are three items required for Theodore's Circus | Event. The first two have no seasonal ingredients, but the third does. | Make sure to get a Potato in Spring (there are some growing on your | farm when you start -- save one), a Tomato in Summer, and a Bell Pepper | in Fall.