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Plot Walkthrough [Getting the5 Bells included]
_________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Intro to the Plot / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | Ah, the plot. In past Harvest Moon games, some people have had a tendency | to just ignore the plot. It didn't used to matter all that much. But in | recent games, it's started to play more and more of a role, and Animal | Parade is no exception. In Animal Parade, your progression through the plot | will unlock new villagers, new areas and new items. | | You'll learn this all as you play the game, but when you arrive you'll find | Harmonica Town is a relatively quiet area. It seems there was once a | supernatural tree whose growth and prosperity meant prosperity for the | entire area. That tree, however, has died, and needs something powerful to | revive it. More powerful, even, than the Harvest Goddess, who's already | available: you need to summon the Harvest King by ringing five hidden bells | simultaneously. | | To ring them, you'll have to explore the island, complete tasks and find | the bells. As you ring them, new villagers will arrive and new areas will | be opened for you. Some of the new villagers are marriage candidates, too, | so by all means, follow the plot! ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ // // // Plot Walkthrough // // "The one who says 'I can't change the // // world, but I can make a difference' // // will make a difference. The one who // // says 'I can change the world' will change // // the world." -David Joyner // //___________________________________________________________________// |/ | Many people try to play Harvest Moon without bothering with the plotline at | all. In earlier games, the plot really wasn't all that relevant. In Animal | Parade, though, the plot plays an important role. It unlocks new areas, new | characters, new abilities and several other things that have been available | from the start in other games. So, in short, pay attention to the plot. | | The plot to the game begins after you complete the Fix the Bridge and Move | the Animals events outlined under the Festivals and Events section. | | Walk down the path between the Carpenter's Shop and General Store toward | the Goddess Spring. The Goddess will appear and basically tell you what | you're going to be doing for the duration of the game. I won't spoil the | plot, but basically your objective is to call the Harvest King, and in | order to do that you have to find five rainbows -- er, five bells -- around | the island. The Goddess will give you a detailed map describing their | locations. | | Yeah, right. No, you'll have to find them yourself. Let's get started. | | In Tree of Tranquility, your goal was to find the ingredients for five | rainbows. Each rainbow was basically the same to complete -- only the | ingredients changed. In Animal Parade, however, the bells are all very | different. They'll require that you go different places, talk to different | people, complete different events, and many times simply wait. As you find | and ring the bells, you'll access new areas, new characters and new | abilities. | | Each bell has a Harvest Sprite, a color and an element. I'll mostly refer | to them by color just because I find it easier to remember. Actually, I | find the element easiest to remember, but usually you won't know what a | bell's element is until after you ring it. | | For the most part, I'll leave the plot sequence out of the following | walkthrough to avoid spoilers. The majority of the time, you either need to | go find and talk to a person or collect some items to move through the | plot. Most of it is fairly self-explanatory, but if you get stuck, lost or | confused, follow these steps. | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Bell #1: Red Bell / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | The first thing to do is figure out where the heck the bell is. For the Red | Bell, this is simple: head down to the 10th floor of the original Garmon | Mine and you'll find a hole where Owen has smashed a large boulder. Head | down the path and you'll find where the Red Bell should be, but | unfortunately it's not there. | | Talk to Ramsey, then go find Chloe by walking by the General Store. Long | story short, she'll kick it up onto the roof of the Blacksmith Shop. Little | twerp. | | Head back into the Blacksmith Shop. Long story short, you need to gather | one of each Ore: Iron, Copper, Silver and Gold. You don't have to get a | Rare Ore, fortunately. | | You should read the Mining section (search for [-MININ-] without the | dashes) for thorough information on Mining. For now, though, here's what | you need to do: head into Garmon Mine with your hammer, head down the | ladder and start smashing the rocks. Sometimes when you smash a rock (not a | crystal), something will pop out: an Ore. Continue to smash rocks until | you've gathered one Ore of each type. If you run out of rocks on one floor, | use the ladder to get down to another floor. If you run out of stamina, | head home and rest -- you don't have to find all the Ores on one trip. | | Once you have all of them, go back and talk to Ramsey while they're in your | rucksack. You'll get the Red Bell. Take it back down to the tenth floor and | equip it, then put it on the pedestal. | | The red Harvest Sprite, Alan, will appear and ring the bell. | | Ringing the Red Bell unlocks the following new areas and abilities: | - The Hot Springs on your farm and in the mines are now usable. | - Ramsey will now offer tool upgrades. | - You can travel further down the Lower Garmon Mine by using the stairs | near the pedestal. | - You can ascend to the Upper Garmon Mine by using the pathway to the | right of the Lower Garmon Mine's entrance. | - You can find Phoebe in the Upper Garmon Mine. | - Wind will start blowing, so you can now use the windmill by Horn Ranch. | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Bell #2: Yellow Bell / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | The Yellow Bell is even easier to find. Head to the south-east side of The | Farmlands on the beach (through an opening in the fence when the camera is | in that awful overhead position, heading towards Flute Fields) and you'll | find it lying on the ground. Take the bell to the Goddess Spring, where | you'll learn that you have to take the bell to three specific spots on the | island at night to restore its power. To restore some power, equip the bell | and press A while standing on one of the spots. | | The three spots are: | - On the roof of the buildings nearest the entrance to Garmon Mine, up | the stairs just past the Blacksmith's Shop. | - Near Horn Ranch, on the right as you head down the path toward the | buildings. | - By the lighthouse, down the little path below it. | | Note that you'll meet Calvin at whichever one you visit first. He won't | start living in the village until after you ring the Yellow Bell, though. | When he does move in, give him back the Tablet -- he'll get annoyed if you | get rid of it any other way, and it's annoying to have it take up some | space in your storage. | | Like the Red Bell, you also have to return the Yellow Bell to its pedestal | before you can ring it. But naturally, the gate to the pedestal is locked. | Talk to Ruth and Craig at Marimba Farm to learn that they can unlock it, | but only if you ship some stuff. | | Basically, you have to grow 10 Good+-quality crops to get them to unlock | the gate. You can't just grow 10 of any crop, though; there's one crop per | season that you can choose: Lettuce for Spring, Tomato for Summer, Pumpkin | for Fall and Buckwheat for Winter. You only have to choose one, so just | plant some of whatever is currently in-season. Note that when I say | "Good+-quality", that means Good, Perfect or Shining -- anything but | Decent. It's also worth noting that you can have any combination of those | four crops, which can be good if you're near the end of a season, or have | already grown some of them. You just need 10 total. | | Once you've grown 10 Good+-quality Lettuce, Tomatoes, Pumpkins or | Buckwheat, bring them to Ruth -- do NOT ship them. You might have to save | some in your rucksack between harvests to get all 10. Talk to Ruth while | they're in your rucksack and she'll unlock the gate. | | Take the Yellow Bell to the pedestal to ring it. | | Ringing the Yellow Bell unlocks the following new areas and abilities: | - Anissa and Taylor will return the next day. When you meet Anissa, | she'll give you some Tomato seeds. | - Calvin will move in permanently. Give him back the tablet to get rid of | it. | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Bell #3: Green Bell, Pt. 1 / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | If you thought the previous two bells were wild goose chases, you haven't | seen anything yet. Note that for this one, you may have inadvertently | already completed some of these steps, like talking to Hannah at Horn | Ranch. That's ok -- just move along with the steps. | | The next bell you'll ring is actually the Blue Bell. However, in order to | get to the Blue Bell, you first have to go through the first few steps to | get the Green Bell. | | So, to get started on the Green Bell, go through these steps: | - Go to the Windmill on Horn Ranch and go upstairs. You'll find the Green | Bell's pedestal, but don't worry -- you're still working on the Blue | Bell. | - Go to the Fugue Forest entrance in Flute Fields. | - Talk to Hannah at Horn Ranch. | - Go back to the Fugue Forest entrance and talk to Cain. | - Talk to Dale at the Carpenter's Shop. | - Go back to the Fugue Forest entrance and unlock the gate. | - Navigate to the end of Fugue Forest. | You'll also meet Luke in the process | of this step. | - Enter the Witch's House and talk to the pink frog sitting on the table. | Yes, you read that right. | - Exit Fugue Forest and talk to the Wizard at his house in Harmonica | Town. | | At this point, the bell you're looking for will shift. In order to find and | ring the Green Bell, you have to have a Hibiscus flower. But the Hibiscus | flower is only available on Toucan Island, which is only accessible by a | boat that isn't running right now. The only way to get the boat to run is | to ring the Blue Bell. | | Note that although you've met the Wizard, you can't give him gifts until | you ring the Green Bell. | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Bell #4: Blue Bell / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | After going through the above steps, go talk to Ozzie. Long story short, | the boat isn't running and you need to ring the Blue Bell. | | After talking to Ozzie at the Fishery, follow these steps: | - Talk to Paolo at the lighthouse. | - Unlock the gate to the Watery Cave, located in Harmonica Town by Choral | Clinic. | - Enter the Watery Cave and talk to Ben. | - Return to the Goddess Spring and talk to the Goddess. | - Go back to the lighthouse and talk to Paolo. | | Now, finally, the plot will ask you to do something besides go somewhere | and talk to someone. Next you need to collect the following three items: | - Black Pearl: Black Pearls can be found in the Watery Cave only. The | further you go, the better your chance of encountering a Black Pearl. | - Duck Egg: Unfortunately, the only way to get duck eggs is to actually | have a duck. If you don't already have one, buy one from Horn Ranch. | It'll only take a week for it to mature and start producing eggs. | - Fish: five of them, to be exact. It doesn't matter what five fish you catch, though | they do have to be fish and not crustaceans (shrimp, lobsters, etc.) or | shellfish (oysters, etc. | | Once you have those three items, you have to wait for a windy day. The | forecast on TV will tell you the wind level, but the windmill in the top | left will also tell you how windy it is. All you need is any wind | whatsoever, so you won't have to wait long if at all. Plus, if you talk to | Paolo to set it up on a non-windy day, I believe he won't even allow it. | I'm not positive on that, though. | | So, take the three items and talk to Paolo on a windy day. Next you need to | set up a Rube Goldberg machine (props if you get the reference). Time will | stop while you complete these steps, so don't worry about hurrying. | There'll also be arrows pointing to where you're supposed to put things. | The items need to go in the following places: | - Put the duck egg on top of the roof to the Mayor's house. | - Put the fish (all five of them, one at a time) in the random pond on | the top floor of Ocarina Inn. | - Put the Black Pearl on the scale by the entrance to Ocarina Inn. | | Go back and talk to Paolo and watch the scene. Then, return to the Watery | Cave and ring the bell. | | Ringing the Blue Bell will unlock the following new areas and abilities: | - The Mayor's son, Gill, will arrive the next day. You'll meet him | automatically. He won't move in permanently until after you ring the | Green Bell, though. | - Candace's sister and Shelly's other granddaughter, Luna, can now be | found at Sonata Tailoring. | - Jin, the doctor at Choral Clinic, will finally return. Meet him at | Choral Clinic. | - Toucan Island is now accessible via the ferry at the Fishery. | - Selena, Sue and Samson, who live on Toucan Island, are now accessible. | - You can now descend the Watery Cave mine. | - Brass Bar will re-open. | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Bell #3: Green Bell, Pt. 2 / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | You can get to Toucan Island now, so all of those ingredients you need to | find for the Green Bell are now accessible. They are: | - Hibiscus Flower: the Hibiscus flower requires you to complete the | Toucan Island Drama event. \ | The Hibiscus flower is | actually your reward for the event, but if somehow you lost the flower | after receiving it, you can also buy and grow the Hibiscus seeds from | the shop on the island. | - Perfect-or-better Butter: by the time you get this far in the game, | chances are that cow you got from Cain at the beginning will be | producing Perfect Milk. Buy the butter maker from the General Store -- | a whopping 3800G -- and put some Perfect Milk in it. Perfect Butter | will come out. Note that if you have other milk-producing animals like | Sheep or Goats, Perfect Butter from them should work too. | - Good-or-better Cornmeal: To get Cornmeal, you need two things: Corn and | the Waterwheel. To get Corn, you have several options. You can buy and | grow the seeds from either Marimba Farm or Taylor's Seeds, or you can | buy a Good Corn from Marimba Farm if the farm's level is level 3 or 4. | After getting the Corn, take it to the Waterwheel in Flute Fields, | unless you have the Waterwheel fixed on your own farm. Enter through | the door and put the Corn in the bucket to get Cornmeal. The Cornmeal | will match the quality of the Corn you put in as long as it's not | raining. | | Once you have the three items, go back to the Wizard's house in Harmonica | Town with them in your rucksack. Talk to him, and the next thing you know, | the Witch is back and isn't happy. Go back and talk to her and she'll | produce the Green Bell. | | Take the Green Bell to the top floor of the Windmill on Horn Ranch and ring | it. | | Ringing the Green Bell will unlock the following new stuff: | - Gill, the Mayor's son, will move in permanently. | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Bell #5: Purple Bell / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | Only one more bell to go! | | Talk to Perry at the Celesta Church, then return around 2:00AM and you'll | trigger a scene. Talk to Perry there, then examine the little door by the | altar inside the church. After a long scene, go talk to the Goddess. | | After the series of scenes, you'll find your task for the fifth bell: | fulfill ten people's wishes. What the heck does that mean? Almost every | villager in the game has a "wish": basically a request they'll tell you | when they get above three hearts. | | You don't have to complete the requests: you just have to hear them. Every | time you hear one, return to the fresco during the day, press A to examine | in and then select the person whose wish you've heard. Once you've done | this for ten villagers, the fresco will be complete and Edge will ring the | Purple Bell. | | Ringing the Purple Bell will unlock the following new areas and abilities: | - You can now pursue the Wish Trophy, which is obtained by hearing every | villager's wish and telling it to the fresco. You have to hear every | current villager's at any time, including rival couple's kids. | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Calling the King / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | Surely you didn't think you were actually done, did you? Hardly. | | After ringing the Purple Bell, return to the Goddess Spring. Long story | short, it turns out you have to become a "Hero" in one of the game | categories in order to complete the plot and call the Harvest King. | | Generally speaking though, at | the end of every month, the amount of goods you've sold in each major | category (Farming, Ranching, Mining, Fishing) is tallied and you're given a | title for one of those categories for the season. Hero is one of those | titles. So, odds are you'll need to start working on this task near the | beginning of the month. | | You're aiming for one of the following four plateaus -- I recommend aiming | for animal products or crops, since they're easier to plan out: | - 100,000G worth of crops shipped in a month. | - 60,000G worth of animal products shipped in a month. | - 40,000G worth of fish shipped in a month. | - 250,000G worth of mine products shipped in a month. | | Your title only lasts a month, so there's no use in trying to get a Hero | rank earlier so that you're ready for this event, except maybe the month | before. However, if you're really good, you'll find yourself achieving a | Hero rank in one of the categories without putting forth any specific | effort. | | Once you've become a Hero in something, go to the Upper Garmon Mine and | ascend through all the levels. You'll reach the summit of the mountain in | all its epic glory. | | You don't have to do anything else. Watch the scene, give yourself a pat on | the back. You get to keep playing afterward. | | Note also that the Harvest Goddess and Harvest King are eligible for | marriage. It's hard to woo them and they won't move in, but just think how | awesome it would be to have the daughter of the Harvest Goddess or son of | the Harvest King. | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Child's Journey / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | But wait, there's more! Act now and we'll throw in a whole new game at no | additional charge! | | Once you've finished the main plotline, there's one more major plot | sequence that can be undertaken. In order to do this, not only do you have | to complete the plotline, but you must also have a fully-grown child. | | After you have a fully-grown child and have completed all of the above | stuff, visit the Harvest King, either by scaling Upper Garmon Mine or using | the portal. Talk to him and he'll ask you to bring someone with a "pure | heart" to him. | | Who could he be thinking of? Your child, that's who! So, in the morning (to | give yourself plenty of time to get there), take a walk with your kid and | bring them to the Harvest King. | | After that, head home and head to bed. Shortly thereafter, you'll get | another scene. Go to the Goddess Spring after that. You'll get a list of | five ingredients that you need to obtain to make a rainbo... er, to do | something involving your kid. Point being, you need to bring five things to | the Harvest King in order to get your child going on their journey. | | The five items are: | - Diamond: get some white Wonderfuls from the mines and take them to Mira | to refine. One of them will, hopefully, be a Diamond. | - King Salmon: not just a large salmon, but a specific type of fish. Try | fishing at night by the Flute Fields Waterwheel. Note that it's only | available in Summer and Fall, as far as I know. | - Shining Honeydew: the only way to get this is to grow it on your farm. | Honeydews grow in Summer. For best results, raise the crop quality to | maximum using some Shining Fertilizer. | - Cheesecake: mmm, cheesecake. Cheesecake is cooked in the oven with | Flour, an Egg, Butter, Milk and Cheese. | - Shining Hearty Lunch: you might receive this randomly from your spouse, | but odds are you'll have to make it. Take some Bread, Butter, | Mayonnaise, Egg and a Vegetable and use the Cutting Board. If you have | trouble getting a Shining one, use higher-quality ingredients: Shining | Butter, Mayonnaise, Egg and any Shining Vegetable should guarantee a | Shining Hearty Lunch. | | Once you have all five ingredients, take them to the Harvest King. He'll | give you a Goddess Tree Seed. You'd think that would've been important | earlier, wouldn't you? | | Take the seed and your child to the Goddess Spring and you'll receive a | seed. Long story short, you'll plant the seed, and you need to return to | water it every day. The annoying part about this is that you also need to | take your child with you, so ask your child to follow you on a walk and | talk him or her to the Goddess Spring every day until the Goddess tells you | to stop. | | Once that's done, you're about finished. Head to the Harvest King with the | seedling and your child, then head to the Goddess Spring with your child | the next day. That'll set into motion the sequence of events that will set | up the New Game+, a new journey for your child. | | Just as the child is leaving, you'll have the chance to give them one final | item. That would be awesome if there was any really good single item, but | there isn't really. Give them whatever you want. | | Finally, the New Game+ will start. TAKE NOTE OF THIS! If you save the New | Game+ over your regular save file, your game and your original character | are lost forever. You cannot go back and play on your original game. | Instead, you can save your New Game+ in a new slot -- but, your child will | still be present in the old game file. | | Here, let me demonstrate. Let's say that this line (picture a line) | represents time. Obviously, somewhere in the past the timeline skewed down | into this tangent (picture a tangent), creating an alternate time. I really | wanted to continue this reference, but the phrasing just didn't work out as | well as I'd hoped. Alas. | | The New Game+ has some advantages over your original game besides just that | item, though. You start out with maximum stamina, maximum tool levels (both | upgrades and levels), and more money. Other than that, though, it's the | same exact game all over again. | \____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________/