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Friendship & Marriage
/ / | / Intro to Social Life / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | | When you meet a villager, they're added to your Relationship Screen. As you | talk with them, give them gifts and get to know them, their heart level | will increase. | | There are several impacts of raising a villager's heart level. For most | villagers, they'll change their dialogue when you become better friends | with them. But for some, raising their heart level will trigger different | events and scenes. | | The biggest application of heart levels are the marriage candidates. In | order to get married, you'll have to raise a bachelor or bachelorette's | heart level to the point of marriage. After marriage, your spouse will have | an additional heart meter to raise. | | ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ // // // Friendship // // // // "Life is partly what we make it, and // // partly what it is made by the friends // // we choose." -Tennessee Williams // // // //___________________________________________________________________// |/ | As in past Harvest Moon games, Tree of Tranquility operates based on a | points system for affection. Affection is basically a measure of how close | you are with each villager. Affection exists for all villagers, but plays a | special role for the player's potential spouses. But before we get to that, | let's take a look at how to earn affection. | | I should mention at this point that this section is almost entirely based | on my similar research on Tree of Tranquility. Animal Parade is built on | the same engine as Tree of Tranquility, so I'd be very surprised if there | were any fundamental changes to this; however, I'm not yet positive. | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Raising Affection / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | Below is a list of general ways to increase your affection (or friendship) | with a given villager. For more specific details on the impact of each way, | read the Affection Mechanics section below. | | - Gifts: Giving gifts is the most clear way to gain friendship. Each | villager has gifts that they love, like, dislike and hate -- see the | specific villager in the Characters section above for detailed | information for each one. Giving gifts that they love or like raises | their affection -- 'love' more than 'like', obviously -- whereas giving | gifts they dislike or hate will lower their friendship level. Gifts are | especially effective when given on birthdays: a birthday gift given on | a villager's birthday carries double the impact of the same gift given | any other day. | | - Talking: Even just talking carries an affection increase. It's lower | than gift-giving, but just speaking to a villager every day will help | you become their friend. | | - Heart Events and Festivals: for bachelor/ettes, there are several heart | events that take place that mark your progress in wooing them, as well | as several romantic festivals that you can take your beloved to. | Successfully completing these heart events and participating in these | festivals will increase your affection level, but only with the | bachelor/ette that is participating. | | - Rubbing: Rubbing appears to have a | substantial effect on affection, allowing you to raise a person's heart | level by a heart in just a week or so when combined with talking and | daily gift-giving. | | - Clothing: This one is interesting. Every villager has some clothing | that they like to see you in; if you talk to them while wearing an item | of clothing they like, their heart level will increase by more than it | would have otherwise. Experiment with different outfits to find what | different villagers like. | | Every villager's affection - or what's commonly referred to as heart level | - is measured in the same way, using the 10-heart system. Each heart is | comprised of 100 points - so, it takes 1000 affection points to raise a | villager to the maximum level. | | The actions listed above each carry a bonus of a certain number of | affection points. Performing these actions adds some points to the | villager's affection counter - the heart display in the information screen | shows the total number of points, rounded down to the nearest hundred, as a | number of hearts. | | The two most prominent ways of raising affection are Gift Giving and | Talking. Talking to a villager is worth 5 affection points - so, if you | simply talk to a villager every day, you'll raise their heart level by one | heart in 20 days. The 'talking' benefit can only be gained once per | villager per day. | | Gift-giving, however, is far faster - however, it can be a good bit more | complicated, and is detailed in the section below. If you combine talking, | rubbing and daily gift-giving, though, you can raise a villager's heart | level by a heart every week. | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Gift-Giving Mechanics / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | Gift-giving is the most effective way to raise affection, but is also a bit | more complicated. Basically, each villager will accept exactly one gift per | day. Their attitude about the gift determines how much of an affection | boost you get from it. | | There are four attitudes towards gifts: Loves, Likes, Neutral and Dislikes. | Loves, Likes and Neutral will all result in an increase in heart level, | with Loves giving more of an increase than Likes and Likes giving more of | an increase than Neutral. Giving a Disliked gift will actually decrease | your friendship with that villager. | | Birthdays double both the heart points gained from a gift - so, on a | person's birthday, each gift counts for twice as many points. | | Because you can only give one gift per villager per day, it becomes much | more important to know what good gives are to give. \____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________/ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ // // // Dating and Marriage // // // // "Each moment of a happy lover's // // hour is worth an age of dull and // // common life." -Aphra Behn // // // //___________________________________________________________________// |/ | One of the most popular elements of the Harvest Moon series is marriage. | For each gender, there are ten possible bachelors or bachelorettes that you | can marry. Eight of these will marry someone else if you don't marry them. | |\______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Dating \ | \ | In this section, I'll usually talk as if you've already chosen who you want | to marry. There's absolutely no reason to do that, though. You can | separately woo all ten potential spouses at once and choose who to marry | later (although doing so will lower the heart level of each other bachelor | or bachelorette). I'm just phrasing it this way for simplicity. | | The first step to marrying your beloved is simply to befriend them. This | follows the same exact principles described in the above Friendship | section. Talk to them as often as you can and give them gifts they like and | you'll be well on your way. | | As you begin to befriend them, you'll encounter several "heart events". | Heart events occur when the person reaches a certain heart level and mark | your developing relationship with that person. In order to marry someone, | you need to experience all their heart events. | | The events are: | - Two gift-giving events: most bachelors and bachelorettes have two | gift-giving events, when your heart level with them reaches 2 hearts | and 4 hearts. They'll stop by your house in the morning and give you | your gift. If Animal Parade is anything like past Harvest Moon games, | you might have to enter and exit your house at around 8:00AM to get | these events to trigger. Note that the Witch, Wizard, Harvest King and | Harvest Goddess each only have one gift-giving event, at 4 hearts. For | the King and Goddess, you'll have to go get your gift -- they won't | show up to give it to you. | | - The letter: there's nothing you need to do for this one. You'll get a | letter in your mailbox from the bachelor or bachelorette, after raising | them to 6 hearts. | | - The date event: most bachelors and bachelorettes -- not the Harvest | King or Goddess, though -- have a date event. The date event is | triggered when you talk to a bachelor or bachelorette with more than 5 | hearts on a sunny non-festival morning. They'll ask you out to a date | later in the day, specifying a location and time. Show up at the | location at that time to see the event. During the event, you'll be | asked a question -- one of the responses will raise the other person's | affection points, while the other will lower them. The question differs | from character to character, but generally the response you want is the | one that resembles 'Yes.' If you miss the event, they'll lose some | affection points, and you'll have to raise them again to trigger the | date event again. | | - The confession: the confession event is very similar to the date event. | It occurs when you talk to a bachelor or bachelorette with more than 7 | hearts on a sunny non-festival day. Just like the date event, the | bachelor or bachelorette will ask you to meet them later: everyone will | specify the beach by the lighthouse in the later afternoon, before | 6:00PM. During the event, you'll be asked whether you like them or not | -- the impact of the responses are obvious. If you miss the event, the | person will lose a lot of affection points and you'll have to raise | their heart level to trigger the confession again. | | Note that each time you experience a 7-heart event with a bachelor or | bachelorette, the heart levels of the others will drop a bit. You can still | raise them all, though; you'll just have to make up for that little bit of | lost ground. Note also that the King and Goddess don't have 5-heart dates, | and they'll just show up at your house for the 7-heart date. | | Every heart event also boosts that bachelor or bachelorette's heart level. | You'll find that once you get them up to 2 hearts, it's much quicker to | move through the other levels. | | Aside from talking, gift-giving and heart events, there's one other thing | that will help: romantic festivals. Half the festivals let you ask an | eligible bachelor or bachelorette to them the previous day. If you do and | show up, you'll get a pretty significant heart bonus. | | It won't take more than three to four months to raise a bachelor or | bachelorette's heart level to 7 after meeting them, though many of the | potential spouses won't be available until much later. If you can give a | Loved gift every day, it'll go even faster. | | Once you've experienced all the heart events, you're almost ready for | marriage: almost. | |\________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Marriage \ | \ | There are three requirements to get married: | - You must have experienced all the bachelor or bachelorette's heart | events. They're listed in the previous section. | - You must have upgraded your house at least to Level 2 to get a | Queen-size bed. | - You must have the Blue Feather, which requires you to have access to | the Upper Garmon Mine. Chances are you will anyway, but if you don't, | check the Plot section under [-PLOTW-] without the dashes. | | Once you've raised a bachelor or bachelorette to 9 hearts, Mira will come | by and mention she saw a blue bird. Scale the Upper Garmon Mine to the peak | late in the afternoon, specifically between 7:00PM and 9:00PM (19:00 and | 21:00). Note that you have to get there in the later afternoon, so you'll | want to start much earlier. You can always wait on the second-to-last floor | for a while, so get an early start. | | In order to get the Blue Feather, you must raise a bachelor or bachelorette | to at least 9 hearts. Note, however, that once you have the Blue Feather, | you can use it on any bachelor or bachelorette for whom you've seen all the | heart events. So, you could raise Phoebe to 9 hearts, then use the Blue | Feather on Anissa even if Anissa has only 7 hearts, as long as you've seen | all of Anissa's heart events. This can be useful for marrying one of the | potential spouses that isn't available until later in the game. | | Once you've met those requirements, it's time to propose. Pull out the Blue | Feather and present it to your desired spouse. If you've followed these | steps, he or she will accept after a scene. You'll be given some choices to | make, but they don't really matter. | | Next is the wedding, which will be scheduled by Hamilton. It will be within | one week of your proposal. On that day, there'll be a series of scenes. | You'll be given an occasional choice, but it doesn't matter what you | choose. The only exception is when you're asked what your nickname should | be. Your spouse will refer to you by this nickname most of the time from | now on. | | Lastly there's the honeymoon. Over the course of the marriage events, | Hamilton will present you with a special ticket. Take it to Pascal on a | sunny morning (take care of your animals first, as you'll be gone until | late at night) and you'll go on a day-long honeymoon to Toucan Island with | your spouse. You'll return that night, though, which would seem to prevent | the primary purpose of a honeymoon. | \____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________/ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ // // // Family Life // // "One of life's greatest mysteries is how // // the boy who wasn't good enough to marry your // // daughter can be the father of the smartest // // grandchild in the world." -Unknown // // // //___________________________________________________________________// |/ | So you're married. Woo! Congratulations. Your spouse has moved in with you | and you're settling into your completely otherwise-unchanged life. Unless | you married the Harvest Goddess or Harvest King, in which case it's a | completely-unchanged life. No, really -- there's absolutely no change to | your home life if you marry them. Not at this point, anyway. | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / After Marriage / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | Like Tree of Tranquility, your spouse will pack you some food every | morning, assuming you wake up at the house and there's not another event | waiting to occur (for example, an animal death). The lunch will restore | stamina when eaten, but by the time you're married, chances are stamina | isn't a huge issue, so you might just want to sell them. | | The first new ability after marriage is that you can go on walks with your | spouse. Simply talk to them before 7:00AM and you'll be presented with the | option to have them join you for some time -- if you do, they'll follow you | around. This is how you can take them to some festivals, or even trigger | some little cutscenes. This also increases their heart level, which is | important. You can take pets and your children on walks this same way, up | to three at once. | | Other than that, your spouse does more than just sit on their hands. You | can actually ask them to help out with the farm. When you talk to them | first thing in the morning, they'll give you a number of choices. Besides | walking with you, they can: | - Collect crops. | - Collect barn products (milking and shearing). | - Collect coop products (eggs and cocoons). | - Water crops. | - Pick weeds. | - Forage. | - Brush animals. | - Head to the mine. | - Go fishing. | | Note, however, that if you have your spouse collect any kind of shippable | item, it won't appear in the shipping bin. You'll never get the chance to | actually keep the items -- they'll just automatically be shipped. So, don't | have your spouse do anything with any goods that you wanted to keep or | process before shipping. | | Now, they won't do any of these tasks perfectly at first, but they'll get | better with practice, so it's beneficial to give them the same tasks over | and over. | | Getting married also creates festivals for your birthday, your spouse's | birthday and your anniversary. Check out the Festivals section for more on | that. | |\______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Marriage Heart Levels \ | \ | In Animal Parade, there's an additional element to marriage. Once you're | married, you'll notice your spouse's heart meter has an additional set of | 10 red hearts about their standard hearts. These are their post-marriage | hearts. I'm not sure if you have to fill up their regular hearts before | these other hearts will start filling or not, but these hearts will mark | your marriage relationship. | | They're not just for show -- events like having kids will be based on this | heart meter. You actually need to pay attention to your marriage | relationship this time around. Talking to them every day will fill the | meter slowly, but you'll want to give your spouse gifts, take them to | festivals, and remember birthdays to raise it faster. | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Your Children / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | For us Harvest Moon fans, the children system has always felt quite | tacked-on and rudimentary. Well, good news, Harvest Moon fans. It's been | completely revamped. | |\______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Requirements for Kids \ | \ | In order to have kids, you have to meet three requirements: | - First of all, you've got to be married. I know, boys and girls, it's | shocking -- but back in the old days, marriage came BEFORE kids. | Shocking! | - Secondly, you need a Level 3 house. When your house reaches Level 3, | you get a second room -- that becomes the kids' room. | - Finally, your spouse has to ask you if you want kids. This happens | after you raise their marriage heart meter to 4 or 5 hearts. Obviously, | you should say yes. | | After saying yes, you'll get the chance to choose the gender. If you let | your spouse decide, it will be randomly determined. | | Then, it's a waiting game. The time you have to wait isn't preset, but | you'll notice what your spouse says changes. Then, eventually, you'll find | yourself taken to Choral Clinic for the birth and naming. Woo! You've got a | child! | | Your child's appearance is a combination of yours and your spouse's, but in | a different way from Tree of Tranquility. The child's facial structure will | take after your own, but their hair color will come from your spouse. Yes, | Phoebe's kids have green hair, pink for Luna's, and blue for Luke's. | | In Animal Parade, though, you can have two different kids. Obviously to | have a second, you've already met all the requirements for the first, so | it's just a waiting game until your spouse asks if you want another one. | The second won't come until after the first one is fully grown, though. | |\__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Kid Chores \ | \ | Once your child has grown up fully, you'll have the option of assigning | them chores in the morning, just like your spouse. The chores you can | choose from are: | - Collect crops. | - Collect barn products (milking and shearing). | - Collect coop products (eggs and cocoons). | - Water crops. | - Pick weeds. | - Forage. | - Brush animals. | - Head to the mine. | - Go fishing. | | Note, however, that if you have your child collect any kind of shippable | item, it won't appear in the shipping bin. You'll never get the chance to | actually keep the items -- they'll just automatically be shipped. So, don't | have your spouse do anything with any goods that you wanted to keep or | process before shipping. | | Initially the kids won't be very good at any chore -- but as they do the | chore more often, and as you increase in your friendship with them, they'll | get better. | | You can also walk with your kids the same way you walk with your spouse or | pets -- talk to them before 7:00AM. They'll follow you around and gain | heart points with time. You can have up to three things follow you. | |\__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Kid Personalities \ | \ | There are four different possible child personalities, which I'm referring | to as Sweet, Active, Smart and Artistic. Each particular potential spouse | has three possible child personalities associated with them, so your | options are limited first of all by who you married. | | So how do you push your child toward one personality type? Well, over the | course of your child's upbringing, you'll be given several questions by | your spouse about how you want your child to end up. Your choices will | impact what they end up as. | | | Your child will go through four stages of maturation. Once they're fully | grown, you can ask them for help on your farm as well, just like your | spouse. You can also take walks with them, and even change their outfits | with ones you buy at Sonata Tailoring and Accessory Shop by accessing your | dresser. Having kids also opens up the child's birthday festival, which you | can find in the Festivals section. You can also take your kids with you to | Theodore's Circus to watch them play with the animals (after you've rescued | them all). | | Your first and second kids will look different even if they're the same | gender: one will look older, the other young. They'll take the same amount | of time to reach their "final" stage though. | |\____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Your Child's Journey \ | \ | When you've completed the main plotline and have a full-grown child, you'll | also have the opportunity to send them out on a journey of their own. This | plays more into the plot than into the child-rearing element of the game. | | \____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________/