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 Basic Info

 Birthday : Fall 24
 Home : Inn
 Workplace : Inn
 Day Off : Sunday

 Plot Info

 Family : Jake (father), Colleen (mother), Yolanda (grandmother)
 Arrival : Initially resides on the island
 Meet : Meet at the Inn any time after the game starts.
 Function : Marriage Candidate

 Item Preferences

 Loves : Roasted Yam (see Match Set recipe)
 : Yam Stew (see Pot recipe)
 : Chocolate Banana (460G from Lv.2 Pineapple Inn)
 : Chestnut Rice (see Pot recipe)
 : Roasted Yam (360G from Harvest Festival)
 Likes : Cranberry Fruit (foraged Fall through Winter)
 : Raspberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
 : Boiled Egg (see Pot recipe)
 : Sea Urchin (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
 : Blueberry Fruit (foraged Fall through Spring)
 Dating Info

 2-Heart Gift : Chestnut (Good)
 4-Heart Gift : Sweet Potato
 Date Location : at the Bar, late in the afternoon (before 6PM)

 Rival Dating Info

 Rival : Chase
 First Event Location : Once you have Maya raised to 4 hearts, the event
 : will trigger when you enter the Inn, if you are a
 : girl. If you are a guy, it will trigger when you
 : have 4 hearts with Chase.
 Second Event Location : Once you have Maya raised to 7 hearts and have seen
 : the 4-heart event, the event will trigger when you
 : enter Chase's house, if you are a girl. If you are
 : a guy, it will trigger when you have 7 hearts with
 : Chase.
 Wedding : After witnessing the 7-heart event, you will
 : receive a wedding invitation in your mailbox. Go to
 : the church on the date on the invitation before
 : noon to witness the wedding.
 Rival Kid : Dakota
 Birth Event : Visit the couple's post-marriage home (Chase's
 : house) a month after the wedding. Then, visit again
 : a month later to meet the grown-up child (Dakota).