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Harvest Goddess



 Harvest Goddess
 Basic Info

 Birthday : N/A
 Home : Goddess Spring
 Workplace : Goddess Spring
 Day Off : None

 Plot Info

 Family : None
 Arrival : After completing the Fix the Bridge and Move the Animals events
 Meet : At the Goddess Spring, accessible through Garmon Mine District.
 Function : Directs the main plot of the game; marriage candidate

 Item Preferences

 Loves : Royal Jelly (picked from flowers on your farm with bees)
 : Honey; Shining (picked from flowers on your farm with bees)
 Likes : Moondrop Flower (grown on your farm in Fall)
 : Hibiscus (grown on your farm in Summer)
 : Pinkcat (grown on your farm in Spring)
 : Hyacinth (grown on your farm in Spring)
 : Blue Mist Flower (grown on your farm in Fall)
 Dating Info

 2-Heart Gift : (none)
 4-Heart Gift : Royal Jelly
 Date Location : No date event