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Leia is a Mermaid who washed ashore after a typhoon and was rescued by Daryl.
She now lives in a bathtub in his basement but she worries about her Mother.
You meet her only when you have befriended Daryl to the point of raising his
FP to 100.

Birthday: 30 Summer

Show her your Cat or Dog for +1 FP.

For large fish; 'Oh, it's a big fish!! This is my favourite!! Thank you!
(+900 AP and +9 FP)

'It's beautiful!! There are things like this where humans live. Thank you!
Freyr...' (+500 +9 FP) for choker
'Thank you. I'll take good care of it,' for toiletries like lotion. (+300 AP
and +3 FP)

For medium fish: You're giving me this? Thank you. I'm happy!! (+500 AP
and +9 FP)

For small fish: 'Wow, it's a nice item. Thank you!' (+300 and +3 FP)

For bird seed: 'Are you trying to upset me? Stop it already!'