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Girls Portal - Maria


Birthday: Winter 11


Maria is the daughter of the mayor who is very popular in the town. Maria is nowhere near that. She is very shy. Instead of saying thank you she will say th-thankyou. The only person who really loves her is Harris and he will lose your mail if your going for her

Competition: Harris

Special Likes: Music Boxes, cabbage, bugs

Likes: Anything but poisonous mushrooms and weeds

Hates: Poisonous Mushrooms

Basic Strategy: She is one of the easiest persons to woo. She likes nearly anything. If you give her one music box plus anything daily she will be at a pink heart by summer.

Locations:(credit to kirbyarm for the research)

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: 9:00 am - 4:59 pm. (Library, even when it is not sunny)

Monday: 8:00 am - 2:59 pm In front of the church. (She disappears into the unknown after 3 pm, she's not even at her house) 10:00 am - 4:59 pm Fisherman's tent area. OR 9:00 am - 4:59 pm when it is not sunny. (She's at home, strangely enough, the house is open at 8:00 am, but she is neither there or in front of the church, she shows up in her house at 9 am instead)

All weekdays from Summer 1st to Summer 10th: 9:00 am - 4:59 pm. (Carpenter's house area or goddess pond area) OR 9:00 am - 4:59 pm when it is not sunny.

All weekdays from Winter 1st to Winter 10th: 9:00 am - 4:59 pm. (Carpetner's house are or goddess pond area) OR 9:00 am - 4:59 pm when it is not sunny. (In her house or in church playing organ)

Photo: Firefly night- be at home at six o'clock on either the 2nd or 3rd of summer and if she has a pink heart she will come and ask you to go somewhere agree and you get the photo.


Sprains Ankle: In the library


"Thank you for showing me..." ...An old fairy tale book...? "When will you come next time?" "We'll visit again next summer. Right, [name]?" "Really? Will you really come again?" ...The girl is about to cry... "What? For me? Is that OK? Thank you, I'll take care of it." "Come on... say goodbye to little..." ...The girl was waving for a long time... ...That was...

Simply go to the library pick up the book and give it to her. Then tell her that it was you that gave her the book as a child.

Special Event Places:
Fireworks: Town square
Starry Night: Church
New Years: Church


