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Birthday: 29 Spring

Lumina is a pretty demure blonde who lives with her grandmother Romana at the
Villa. She is a talented pianist and likes to perform for other residents of
the Valley. Her best friend is Mary from Mineral Town. Lumina can be found
in her bedroom upstairs at the Villa each morning and on Monday morning after
8.00 a.m., Mary will join her there. She loves to walk to the Goddess Pond
and will be found there in good weather except on Saturdays, when she goes to
the Beach instead. She plays the piano for her grandmother and other
visitors in the late afternoons and evenings. Rock is your rival for Lumina.

Likes: all flowers and most gems

Most Favourite Item: Relax Tea (+800 AP +9 FP)
Other Favourite Items: Diamond, Pink Diamond, Perfume, Relax Tea Leaves,
Cake, Chocolate Cake, Backed Yam, Gratin, Sweet Potatoes, Strawberry Milk,
Risotto, Omelet, Omelet Rice, Rainbow Curry
Loves: all Flowers, Chocolate, all Jewelry, all Toiletries, Mystrile,
Orichalcon, Adamantite, all Gems, Ice Cream, Scrambled Eggs, Pot Sticker, Hot
Chocolate, Salad, Pudding

'I'm happy. I'll take good care of it.' for earrings
'Th---thank you very much. I like this.' for sunblock

'This is for me? Thank you very much' for toyflower, chocolate

It is interesting to note that Lumina apparently has a weakness for baby
animals. Whenever you use Miracle Animal Potion, and whenever a baby animal
is born on your farm, her heart level will increase.

Most Favourite Item: RelaxTea (+800 AP +9 FP)
Favourite Items: Diamond, Pink Diamond (+500 AP +9 FP)
Next Favourite Items: Sunblock, Bread, Chocolate, all Flowers, all Gems
(+300 AP +3 FP)

Items she Dislikes:

All grasses (-500 AP -3 FP)
Poisonous Mushroom, Golden Lumber, Bird Feed, Fodder, Rubbish (-800 AP -9 FP)

Most Hated item: Elli Leaves (-5000 AP -20 FP) (Secret Weapon Item)

Show her your Cat or Dog for +1 FP.

Actual responses:

For weed: 'I'm not feeling well...'

'...................................' for Elli Leaves (Most Hated Item) (-
5000 AP -20 FP)

Recipe for Relax Tea:

Relax Tea Leaves (purchase at Casino Window or make in your Kitchen)

Cook in Pot.