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Birthday: 16 Winter

Flora is a student of archaeology and lives with her mentor Carter in a tent
to the left of the Excavation Site. He is the resident archaeologist of Forget-
Me-Not Valley. She will be found at the Site every day but Tuesday. You can
find both Carter and Flora in their tent at 6.00 a.m. and they return to the
tent after the day's work is done. On Sunday night, when Carter visits the
Blue Bar, Flora stays alone in the tent and can be found there alone as late
as 11.30 p.m. Carter is your rival for Flora.

Likes: Most fruits and vegetables and chocolate
Hates: all grasses and accessories

Most Favourite Affection Point Gift: Rainbow Curry
Affection Point Gifts: most fruits, most vegetables, chocolate, fish, Cheese,
Milk, Yarn, wine

Although Flora obviously rather fancies Carter, she will fall in love with you
if you court her. She either is a terrible cook or Carter is extremely
ungrateful as he complains bitterly about the food she prepares for him. She
can be found at 6.00 a.m. in the tent to the left of the Excavation Site and
during the day, she can be found inside the Excavation Site. Tuesday is
her 'day off' and on that day, in sunny weather, she will walk to the Sprite
Company Tree and later stand on the bridge gazing at the river. On rainy
Tuesdays, she can be found in the lobby of the Inner Inn, where most of the
girls gravitate on rainy days.

Most Favourite Item: Rainbow Curry (+800 AP +9 FP)
Favourite Items: Diamond, Pink Diamond, Lithograph (+500 AP +9 FP)
Next Favourite Items: All Fruits, Most Vegetables, Fish, Chocolate, Wine
(+300 AP +3 FP)

Items she Dislikes: All grasses, all jewelry, sunblock, Stone, Lumber (-500
AP -3 FP)
Items she Detests: Poisonous Mushrooms, Rubbish, Fodder, Bird Feed ( -800
AP -9 FP)

Show her your Cat or Dog for +1 FP.

Secret Weapon item (most detested to drop her AP by 5000 points): Red Grass


'I'm gonna' get angry! I hate this the most. I'll give it to the
professor.' for Red Grass (-5000 AP)

'Is it alright? Yeah, I'm gonna' dig in.' for diamond (+500 AP +9 FP)

'Heh he he he. I like this you know. Thank you.' for chocolate (+300 AP
+3 FP)

'Thank you.' for bamboo shoot (+100 AP +1 FP)

'I'll have some, but I really don't care for it too much.' lumber, grasses.
Moondrop flower (-3 FP)

I'll have some, but actually I hate it. I'll give it to the professor'. for

Her conversation at the Excavation Site:

At yellow heart: Freyr~. Thanks for your hard work~. How's the work
going? I can't find antthing at all~ Well...

Recipe for Rainbow Curry:

Blue Curry
Green Curry
Red Curry
Yellow Curry
Orange Curry
Purple Curry
Indigo Curry
Curry Rice

Cook in Pot.

N.B. Each of the above individual Curries is made using Rice Ball, Curry
Powder and the Grass of that specific colour.

It is when she is at the Excavation Site that her responses depend on heart

At blue heart she says: When I'm excavating here, time flies, and sometimes I
forget to even make meals. Hee hee hee.