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Lives with Vesta and Martin on Vesta's Farm
Birthday: 6 Spring

Celia is a pretty rather shy dark-haired girl who lives with Marlin and Vesta
and helps on the farm. Her health always has been rather delicate and she was
sent to the countryside in the hope that the fresh air would improve her
strength. Her best friend is Karen from Mineral Town who visits her each
Tuesday. You will find Celia in her bedroom at 6.00 a.m. each morning and
Karen will visit her there later on Tuesday mornings. Marlin is your rival
for Celia.

Likes: Yarn, Perfume, Diamond, Pink Diamond
Moondrop Flower, Toy Flower, Pink Cat Flower, MagicGrass FLower
All Juices and Flowers and Lattes basically

'I'm happy. Thank you.' for toyflower, pudding

Most Favourite Affection Point Gift: Cake
Affection Point Gifts: Diamond, Pink Diamond, Perfume, Yarn, all Flowers,
almost all Fruits

Most Favourite Item: Cake (+800 AP +9 FP)
Favourite Items: Yarn, Diamond, Pink Diamond (+500 AP +9 FP)
Next Favourite Items: All Flowers, All Jewelry, Sunblock, Grapes, Apples,
Peaches, Milk (+300 AP +3 FP)

Items she dislikes: All grasses, Fodder, Bird Feed (-500 AP -3 FP)
Items she detests: Poisonous Mushroom, All Ores, Rubbish (-800 AP -9 FP)

Show her your Cat or Dog for +1 FP.

Most Hated Item (Secret Weapon item): Pickled Cucumber (-5000 AP -20 FP)

Her responses:

'Huh, a present? Thank you. I love this.' for diamond, yarn (+500 +9FP)

'It's really pretty. Huh... you're giving it to me? Th... thank you.' for
earrings (+300 AP and +3 FP) (+1 FP as second gift)

'I've only seen it in town. I'll take good care of it.' for sunblock (+300
AP and +3 FP) (+1 FP as second gift)

'I'm happy. Thank you.' for Toy Flower (+300 AP and +3 FP) (+1 FP as
second gift)

'Thank you' for chocolate, egg (+100 AP and +1 FP)

'Thank you,' for fish, rice ball (no effect)

'I hate this the most in the entire world! You're awful!!' if you give her
pickled cucumber! (Secret Weapon to lower her heart level quickly) (-5000 AP -
20 FP)

Recipe for Cake:

Fruit (one Fruit: can use a Strawberry)
Cook in Oven.
N.B. Butter is made by placing Milk in a Mixer