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Cooking & Recipe List
______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ // // // Cooking // // // // "Cooking is like love. It should // // be entered into with abandon, or // // not at all." -Harriet van Horne // // // //___________________________________________________________________// |/ | Cooking is a very substantial part of Animal Parade. There are a variety of | kitchen utensils you can use to make a huge variety of recipes, many of | which sell for a lot of profit. But before you get started, there are some | basics to know. | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Cooking Basics / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | Cooking is a relatively simple process. You'll purchase utensils from the | General Store, then set them out like furniture onto the kitchen counter. | From there, you approach a utensil and press A to cook with it. You'll be | prompted to add ingredients from your rucksack, and then make the recipe. | After doing so, you'll be given one of the recipe you made. That's all! | | But there are a lot more subtle nuances that should be understood to cook | effectively. | |\______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Ingredient Categories \ | \ | For many recipes in the game, you'll notice that there's an '(any)' note | alongside one of the ingredients, such as 'Bread (any)', 'Herb (any)' or | 'Fish (any)'. These are categories of items: any item within the category | can be used for the recipe. | | The relevant categories are: | - Bread: Bread, Cornbread, Herb Bread or Onion Bread can be used. | - Crustacean: Shrimp, Lobsters and Crawfish can be used. | - Flour: either Flour or Soba Flour can be used. | - Flower: any flower grown on your farm can be used. | - Herb: any color herb can be used. | - Dairy Products: When Milk, Butter, Cheese, Eggs or Mayonnaise are | mentioned, they can come from any animal that produces any version of | that item. | - Fish: almost anything that is caught with your rod can be used, with | the exception of the Shellfish and Crustaceans mentioned elsewhere. | - Shellfish: Mussels, Clams and Oysters can be used. | - Vegetable: almost any crop grown on your farm can be used. There are | some that cannot, but most will. | |\____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Fish Dish Qualities \ | \ | Some dishes have an interested added element: like crops and dairy | products, some dishes have quality ratings to them. Most of them are fish | dishes: Sushi, Sashimi, Marinated Fish, Herb Fish, Bouillabaisse, and | Meuniere. The others are the Box Lunch and Hearty Lunch, but you'll never | really need to cook those. | | Each of these dishes have those same four quality ratings you're probably | tired of by now: Decent, Good, Perfect and Shining. What determines the | quality you get is the sale value of the ingredients you put into the dish. | The better the ingredients, the better the quality. | | This means that it's actually pretty difficult to make any profit off of | these items: usually you have to use around (for example) 1000G worth of | items in order to cook something that'll sell for around 1030G. Any more | than 1000G and you're actually losing money. | | In the Recipe List below, quality-based dishes will have the 'cut-off' | point noted in the notes below. | |\________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Milling \ | \ | Milling is a new feature in Animal Parade. It's essentially a method for | processing one 'raw' item down into another, usually more suitable for | cooking. | | There are seven items that can be milled: | - Buckwheat, milled into Soba Flour. | - Coffee Beans, milled into Ground Coffee. | - Corn, milled into Cornmeal. | - Rock Salt, milled into Salt. | - Spicy Pepper, milled into Curry Powder. | - Sugarcane, milled into Sugar. | - Wheat, milled into Flour. | | As you can see, many of these 'milled' items are better ingredients in | recipes. Just as importantly, they all sell better than their pre-milled | form, which is great since milling is free. | | So how do you mill an item? You simply place it into a mill, and out pops | the milled item. There are three mills in the game world: | - Waterwheel in Flute Fields: the first Waterwheel is found on the river | in Flute Fields. It can be accessed from the beginning of the game. | Note that the Flute fields Waterwheel can only mill Corn, Wheat, and | Buckwheat. | - Windmill: the Windmill is located next door to Horn Ranch. Note that | the Windmill can only mill Rock Salt, Sugarcane, Coffee Beans and Spicy | Peppers. | - Farm Waterwheel: the second Waterwheel is the most convenient milling | location: it's on your own farm, and can mill all seven mill-able | items. Unfortunately, you'll have to have the carpenters repair it | first, which costs a fortune -- 24,000G and some wood and stone lumber. | | Every milled item has a quality associated with it. By default, the quality | that's produced is the same as the quality of the item you put into it. | Except Rock Salt, every item has a quality: so, for example, a Good | Buckwheat will result in a Good Soba Flour when milled. Like their source | ingredients, higher-quality milled items sell for more and are more | appreciated as gifts. | | But wait, there's more! Under certain conditions, the mills can actually | improve the quality of the ingredient you put into the mill, depending on | the weather. For the Windmill, that means wind speed (as indicated by the | meter in the top left of the screen); for the Waterwheels, that means | precipitation. | | This principle is more beneficial at the Windmill. Among the four Windmill | items (Coffee Beans, Rock Salt, Sugarcane, Spicy Peppers), two are enhanced | by high wind and two are enhanced by low wind. Sugarcane and Coffee Beans | benefit from light wind and are penalized by heavy wind. Spicy Peppers and | Rock Salt benefit from heavy wind, but are not penalized by light wind. | | The Waterwheels are a bit tougher. All Waterwheel items (except Rock Salt) | are penalized by precipitation, but benefit from snowfall. The problem with | that is that snowfall only happens in Winter. So it's best to mill at | Waterwheels on clear or cloudy days. | |\__________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Amanda's Easy Money Trick \ | \ | Full credit goes to Amanda for submitting this idea. | | Like in most Harvest Moon games, there's a trick in this game for easy | money involving cooking. | | The item is Sashimi. Buy Goby from the Fishery for 30G, and with the | Cutting Board, make Sashimi. Sell the Sashimi for 75G. | | It's slow, but it's a great way to get free money in case you need to save | up for a particular festival item. | |\________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | List Key \ | \ | This recipe list is reasonably easy to understand, but for the sake of | thoroughness I'll explain it. | | The list is made of four columns. The first column displays multiple pieces | of information: at the top is the recipe name, the most important feature. | Indented underneath that is the utensil you use to make that particular | recipe. Most utensils are placed in your kitchen, but some (the Match Set | and Mill) are out in the world. For Match Set recipes, buy a Match Set from | the General Store and start a bonfire on one of the wood stacks to make the | recipe. For the Mill, use the specified mill from the list above. | | The first column also contains some 'notes' where relevant. Notes typically | tell you what the sale price of the ingredients must sum to in order to | create a dish of that quality, or recipes that are listed by an alternate | name on the game's recipe list than the listed item name. | | The second column is the ingredient list. These are the ingredients you | need to put into the utensil in order to make that dish. If an ingredient | is listed twice, it means you need two of them. For some recipes, like Herb | Fish, extra ingredients can be used -- that's listed in the Notes section. | When (any) is listed next to an ingredient, it means it corresponds to one | of those categories listed previously. | | The third column is the stamina restoration value of the recipe. Note that | all these values are approximate -- the actual stamina restoration may be a | bit higher or lower, but should be accurate within about 10 points either | way. If the stamina restoration is listed as 0, that typically means the | recipe cannot be eaten. | | The final column is the sale value of the recipe. This is how much you'll | receive if you ship that dish. Note that these values are also approximate | -- it could be a bit more or less, but should be accurate within about 10G | either way. | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Recipe List / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | Recipe Name, Utensil & Notes Ingredients Stamina Sale Price |\__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Aging Pot Recipes \ | \ | Apple Cocktail Apple 220 350G | Aging Pot Apple | | Blackberry Cocktail Blackberry Fruit 160 125G | Aging Pot Blackberry Fruit | | Blueberry Cocktail Blueberry Fruit 160 125G | Aging Pot Blueberry Fruit | | Buckwheat Cocktail Buckwheat 160 450G | Aging Pot Buckwheat | | Coconut Cocktail Coconut 180 100G | Aging Pot Coconut | | Cranberry Cocktail Cranberry Fruit 160 125G | Aging Pot Cranberry Fruit | | Grape Cocktail Grape 200 300G | Aging Pot Grape | | Kimchi Carrot 140 675G | Aging Pot Cabbage | Spicy Pepper | | Olive Cocktail Olive 200 300G | Aging Pot Olive | | Pickled Vegetables Salt 120 325G | Aging Pot Vegetable (any) | | Raspberry Cocktail Raspberry Fruit 160 125G | Aging Pot Raspberry Fruit | | Rice Cocktail Rice 200 550G | Aging Pot Rice | | Sardine in Oil Sardine 100 275G | Aging Pot Olive Oil | | Wheat Cocktail Wheat 200 325G | Aging Pot Wheat | | Yam Cocktail Yam 180 350G | Aging Pot Yam | | Yogurt Milk (any) 140 275G | Aging Pot | |\______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Cutting Board Recipes \ | \ | Box Lunch; Decent Rice 200 10G | Cutting Board Fish (any) | Ingredient sale prices sum Vegetable (any) | to less than 400G Boiled Egg (any) | | Box Lunch; Good Rice 260 50G | Cutting Board Fish (any) | Ingredient sale prices sum Vegetable (any) | to between 400G and 600G Boiled Egg (any) | | Box Lunch; Perfect Rice 300 50G | Cutting Board Fish (any) | Ingredient sale prices sum Vegetable (any) | to between 600G and 1200G Boiled Egg (any) | | Box Lunch; Shining Rice 360 100G | Cutting Board Fish (any) | Ingredient sale prices sum Vegetable (any) | to more than 1200G Boiled Egg (any) | | Chirashi Sushi Egg (any) 300 675G | Cutting Board Rice | Conger Eel | Mushroom (any) | Crustacean (any) | | Chocolate Banana Banana 320 225G | Cutting Board Chocolate Bar | | Egg Salad Mayonnaise 120 525G | Cutting Board Boiled Egg (any) | | Egg Sandwich Mayonnaise 200 1400G | Cutting Board Bread (any) | Boiled Egg (any) | | Hearty Lunch; Decent Egg (any) 200 10G | Cutting Board Butter (any) | Ingredient sale prices sum Mayonnaise | to less than 800G Bread (any) | Vegetable (any) | | Hearty Lunch; Good Egg (any) 260 10G | Cutting Board Butter (any) | Ingredient sale prices sum Mayonnaise | to between 800G and 1000G Bread (any) | Vegetable (any) | | Hearty Lunch; Perfect Egg (any) 300 10G | Cutting Board Butter (any) | Ingredient sale prices sum Mayonnaise | to between 1000G and 1200G Bread (any) | Vegetable (any) | | Hearty Lunch; Shining Egg (any) 360 10G | Cutting Board Butter (any) | Ingredient sale prices sum Mayonnaise | to more than 1200G Bread (any) | Vegetable (any) | | Marinated Fish; Decent Onion 160 300G | Cutting Board Fish (any) | Ingredient sale prices sum Herb (any) | to less than 450G | | Marinated Fish; Good Onion 160 550G | Cutting Board Fish (any) | Ingredient sale prices sum Herb (any) | to between 450G and 700G | | Marinated Fish; Perfect Onion 180 850G | Cutting Board Fish (any) | Ingredient sale prices sum Herb (any) | to between 700G and 1400G | | Marinated Fish; Shining Onion 180 1300G | Cutting Board Fish (any) | Ingredient sale prices sum Herb (any) | to more than 1400G | | Marinated Mushroom Onion 100 325G | Cutting Board Herb (any) | Mushroom (any) | | Pie Crust Butter (any) 20 500G | Cutting Board Flour (any) | | Rice Ball Rice 180 350G | Cutting Board Laver Seaweed | | Sashimi; Decent Fish (any) 80 75G | Cutting Board | Ingredient sale prices sum | to less than 300G; up to six | fish may be used | | Sashimi; Good Fish (any) 100 400G | Cutting Board | Ingredient sale prices sum | to between 300G and 700G; up | to six fish may be used | | Sashimi; Perfect Fish (any) 120 850G | Cutting Board | Ingredient sale prices sum | to between 700G and 1400G; | up to six fish may be used | | Sashimi; Shining Fish (any) 140 1700G | Cutting Board | Ingredient sale prices sum | to more than 1400G; up to | six fish may be used | | Sobagaki Soba Flour 80 300G | Cutting Board | | Sushi; Decent Rice 180 300G | Cutting Board Fish (any) | Ingredient sale prices sum | to less than 500G; up to | five fish may be used | | Sushi; Good Rice 220 650G | Cutting Board Fish (any) | Ingredient sale prices sum | to between 500G and 800G; up | to five fish may be used | | Sushi; Perfect Rice 240 1025G | Cutting Board Fish (any) | Ingredient sale prices sum | to between 800G and 1400G; | up to five fish may be used | | Sushi; Shining Rice 280 1825G | Cutting Board Fish (any) | Ingredient sale prices sum | to more than 1400G; up to | five fish may be used | | Taco Onion 500 1575G | Cutting Board Tomato | Cheese (any) | Lettuce | Tortilla | | Tuna Sandwich Tuna 200 1125G | Cutting Board Mayonnaise | Bread (any) | | Vegetable Salad Mayonnaise 100 425G | Cutting Board Vegetable (any) | | Vegetable Sandwich Mayonnaise 180 1300G | Cutting Board Bread (any) | Vegetable (any) | |\__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Frying Pan Recipes \ | \ | Baked Potato Butter (any) 180 525G | Frying Pan Potato | | Buckwheat Pancake Egg (any) 300 775G | Frying Pan Milk (any) | Honey | Soba Flour | | Butter Steamed Clam Clam 180 375G | Frying Pan Butter (any) | | Butter Steamed Mussel Mussel 180 350G | Frying Pan Butter (any) | | Butter Steamed Oyster Oyster 180 350G | Frying Pan Butter (any) | | Cheese Omelet Egg (any) 260 675G | Frying Pan Butter (any) | Cheese (any) | | Croquette Egg (any) 180 1200G | Frying Pan Potato | Bread (any) | | Curry Bread Onion 300 1125G | Frying Pan Potato | Carrot | Flour (any) | Curry Powder | | French Fries Potato 120 475G | Frying Pan Olive Oil | | Fried Egg Egg (any) 120 125G | Frying Pan | | Fried Rice Egg (any) 320 425G | Frying Pan Rice | | Meuniere; Decent Herb (any) 180 250G | Frying Pan Fish (any) | Ingredient sale prices sum Butter (any) | to less than 300G | | Meuniere; Good Herb (any) 180 525G | Frying Pan Fish (any) | Ingredient sale prices sum Butter (any) | to between 300G and 600G | | Meuniere; Perfect Herb (any) 180 900G | Frying Pan Fish (any) | Ingredient sale prices sum Butter (any) | to between 600G and 1200G | | Meuniere; Shining Herb (any) 180 1550G | Frying Pan Fish (any) | Ingredient sale prices sum Butter (any) | to more than 1200G | | Omelet Rice Egg (any) 360 650G | Frying Pan Rice | Butter (any) | | Paella Rice 380 825G | Frying Pan Tomato | Olive Oil | Yellow Herb | Shellfish (any) | | Pancake Egg (any) 300 675G | Frying Pan Milk (any) | Honey | Flour (any) | | Pesto Spaghetti Egg (any) 560 700G | Frying Pan Salt | Olive Oil | Herb (any) | Flour (any) | | Plain Omelet Egg (any) 200 325G | Frying Pan Butter (any) | | Potato Pancake Egg (any) 300 725G | Frying Pan Milk (any) | Honey | Potato | | Pumpkin Croquette Egg (any) 180 1175G | Frying Pan Pumpkin | Bread (any) | | Salmon Fried Rice Egg (any) 440 625G | Frying Pan Rice | Salmon | | Sauteed Clam Clam 220 325G | Frying Pan Olive Oil | | Sauteed Mushroom Olive Oil 160 300G | Frying Pan Mushroom (any) | | Sauteed Mussel Mussel 220 300G | Frying Pan Olive Oil | | Sauteed Oyster Oyster 220 300G | Frying Pan Olive Oil | | Sauteed Spinach Spinach 160 500G | Frying Pan Olive Oil | | Seafood Fried Rice Egg (any) 400 525G | Frying Pan Rice | Squid | Shellfish (any) | Crustacean (any) | | Southern Fried Rice Egg (any) 380 525G | Frying Pan Rice | Laver Seaweed | Pineapple | Crustacean (any) | | Southern Omelet Egg (any) 400 700G | Frying Pan Rice | Pineapple | Spicy Pepper | Crustacean (any) | | Spaghetti Carbonara Egg (any) 460 925G | Frying Pan Salt | Milk (any) | Olive Oil | Flour (any) | | Spaghetti Napolitan Egg (any) 400 850G | Frying Pan Salt | Tomato | Olive Oil | Flour (any) | | Spaghetti Pescatore Egg (any) 320 700G | Frying Pan Salt | Olive Oil | Flour (any) | Crustacean (any) | | Squid Ink Spaghetti Egg (any) 140 700G | Frying Pan Salt | Squid | Olive Oil | Flour (any) | | Stir Fry Vegetable (any) 160 250G | Frying Pan | | Tomato Omelet Egg (any) 220 600G | Frying Pan Butter (any) | Tomato | | Tortilla Salt 20 600G | Frying Pan Cornmeal | Olive Oil | | Tortilla Chips Tortilla 340 625G | Frying Pan | |\________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Ice Cream Maker Recipes \ | \ | Apple Ice Cream Egg (any) 160 775G | Ice Cream Maker Milk (any) | Sugar | Apple | | Banana Ice Cream Egg (any) 160 650G | Ice Cream Maker Milk (any) | Sugar | Banana | | Blackberry Ice Cream Egg (any) 160 675G | Ice Cream Maker Milk (any) | Sugar | Blackberry Fruit | | Blueberry Ice Cream Egg (any) 160 675G | Ice Cream Maker Milk (any) | Sugar | Blueberry Fruit | | Carrot Ice Cream Egg (any) 160 850G | Ice Cream Maker Milk (any) | Sugar | Carrot | | Cherry Ice Cream Egg (any) 160 750G | Ice Cream Maker Milk (any) | Sugar | Cherry | | Chocolate Ice Cream Egg (any) 160 775G | Ice Cream Maker Milk (any) | Sugar | Cocoa | | Coffee Ice Cream Egg (any) 160 825G | Ice Cream Maker Milk (any) | Sugar | Ground Coffee | | Cranberry Ice Cream Egg (any) 160 675G | Ice Cream Maker Milk (any) | Sugar | Cranberry Fruit | | Grape Ice Cream Egg (any) 160 750G | Ice Cream Maker Milk (any) | Sugar | Grape | | Green Tea Ice Cream Egg (any) 160 825G | Ice Cream Maker Milk (any) | Sugar | Green Tea | | Honeydew Ice Cream Egg (any) 160 975G | Ice Cream Maker Milk (any) | Sugar | Honeydew | | Mint Ice Cream Egg (any) 160 650G | Ice Cream Maker Milk (any) | Sugar | Green Herb | | Orange Ice Cream Egg (any) 160 750G | Ice Cream Maker Milk (any) | Sugar | Orange | | Raspberry Ice Cream Egg (any) 160 650G | Ice Cream Maker Milk (any) | Sugar | Raspberry Fruit | | Strawberry Ice Cream Egg (any) 160 850G | Ice Cream Maker Milk (any) | Sugar | Strawberry | | Vanilla Ice Cream Egg (any) 160 600G | Ice Cream Maker Milk (any) | Sugar | | Yam Ice Cream Egg (any) 160 775G | Ice Cream Maker Yam | Milk (any) | Sugar | |\__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Match Set Recipes \ | \ | Grilled Angler Fish Angler Fish 220 350G | Match Set | | Grilled Barracuda Barracuda 600 700G | Match Set | | Grilled Bonito Bonito 160 125G | Match Set | | Grilled Brown Trout Brown Trout 160 100G | Match Set | | Grilled Carp Carp 140 75G | Match Set | | Grilled Catfish Catfish 120 125G | Match Set | | Grilled Char Char 120 100G | Match Set | | Grilled Cod Cod 140 100G | Match Set | | Grilled Conger Eel Conger Eel 200 150G | Match Set | | Grilled Crawfish Crawfish 20 25G | Match Set | | Grilled Dorado Dorado 700 700G | Match Set | | Grilled Eel Eel 220 200G | Match Set | | Grilled Flounder Flounder 140 75G | Match Set | | Grilled Giant Arowana Giant Arowana 660 650G | Match Set | | Grilled Goby Goby 80 25G | Match Set | | Grilled Halibut Halibut 160 125G | Match Set | | Grilled Herring Pacific Herring 140 75G | Match Set | | Grilled Horse Mackerel Horse Mackerel 100 100G | Match Set | | Grilled Huchen Huchen 120 250G | Match Set | | Grilled Jellyfish Skull Jellyfish 400 675G | Match Set | | Grilled King Salmon King Salmon 770 750G | Match Set | | Grilled Lobster Lobster 160 200G | Match Set | | Grilled Mackerel Mackerel 120 100G | Match Set | | Grilled Mahi-Mahi Mahi-Mahi 100 300G | Match Set | | Grilled Manta Ray Manta Ray 140 175G | Match Set | | Grilled Masu Trout Masu Trout 120 125G | Match Set | | Grilled Nautilus Nautilus 600 850G | Match Set | | Grilled Octopus Octopus 120 75G | Match Set | | Grilled Pacific Halibut Pacific Halibut 860 750G | Match Set | | Grilled Pond Smelt Pond Smelt 80 25G | Match Set | | Grilled Prawn Freshwater Prawn 100 25G | Match Set | | Grilled Puffer Fish Puffer Fish 160 25G | Match Set | | Grilled Rainbow Trout Rainbow Trout 100 75G | Match Set | | Grilled Rock Lobster Rock Lobster 160 100G | Match Set | | Grilled Rock Trout Rock Trout 140 125G | Match Set | | Grilled Rockfish Rockfish 140 75G | Match Set | | Grilled Salmon Salmon 160 275G | Match Set | | Grilled Sardine Sardine 100 25G | Match Set | | Grilled Saury Saury 200 100G | Match Set | | Grilled Sea Bream Sea Bream 140 150G | Match Set | | Grilled Shark Shark 120 350G | Match Set | | Grilled Squid Squid 100 50G | Match Set | | Grilled Steelhead Steelhead 80 50G | Match Set | | Grilled Swordfish Swordfish 140 325G | Match Set | | Grilled Tarpon Tarpon 300 800G | Match Set | | Grilled Tuna Tuna 220 325G | Match Set | | Grilled Yellowtail Yellowtail 140 175G | Match Set | | Roasted Chestnut Chestnut 120 175G | Match Set | | Roasted Corn Corn 140 200G | Match Set | | Roasted Yam Yam 160 175G | Match Set | |\____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Mill Recipes \ | \ | Cornmeal; Decent Corn 0 200G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with either | Waterwheel | | Cornmeal; Good Corn 0 225G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with either | Waterwheel | | Cornmeal; Perfect Corn 0 275G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with either | Waterwheel | | Cornmeal; Shining Corn 0 325G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with either | Waterwheel | | Curry Powder; Decent Spicy Pepper 0 200G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with Windmill | or repaired Waterwheel | | Curry Powder; Good Spicy Pepper 0 225G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with Windmill | or repaired Waterwheel | | Curry Powder; Perfect Spicy Pepper 0 275G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with Windmill | or repaired Waterwheel | | Curry Powder; Shining Spicy Pepper 0 325G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with Windmill | or repaired Waterwheel | | Ground Coffee; Decent Coffee Bean 0 200G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with Windmill | or repaired Waterwheel | | Ground Coffee; Good Coffee Bean 0 225G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with Windmill | or repaired Waterwheel | | Ground Coffee; Perfect Coffee Bean 0 275G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with Windmill | or repaired Waterwheel | | Ground Coffee; Shining Coffee Bean 0 325G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with Windmill | or repaired Waterwheel | | Salt; Decent Rock Salt 0 100G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with Windmill | or repaired Waterwheel | | Salt; Good Rock Salt 0 100G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with Windmill | or repaired Waterwheel | | Salt; Perfect Rock Salt 0 125G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with Windmill | or repaired Waterwheel | | Soba Flour; Decent Buckwheat 0 225G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with either | Waterwheel | | Soba Flour; Good Buckwheat 0 250G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with either | Waterwheel | | Soba Flour; Perfect Buckwheat 0 300G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with either | Waterwheel | | Soba Flour; Shining Buckwheat 0 400G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with either | Waterwheel | | Sugar; Decent Sugarcane 0 200G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with Windmill | or repaired Waterwheel | | Sugar; Good Sugarcane 0 225G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with Windmill | or repaired Waterwheel | | Sugar; Perfect Sugarcane 0 275G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with Windmill | or repaired Waterwheel | | Sugar; Shining Sugarcane 0 325G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with Windmill | or repaired Waterwheel | | Wheat Flour; Decent Wheat 0 150G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with either | Waterwheel | | Wheat Flour; Good Wheat 0 175G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with either | Waterwheel | | Wheat Flour; Perfect Wheat 0 200G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with either | Waterwheel | | Wheat Flour; Shining Wheat 0 275G | Mill | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | according to Milling | section; made with either | Waterwheel | |\______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Mixer Recipes \ | \ | Apple Juice Apple 180 175G | Mixer | | Banana Milk Milk (any) 260 325G | Mixer Banana | | Blackberry Juice Blackberry Fruit 80 75G | Mixer | | Blue Perfume Blue Mist Flower 0 1600G | Mixer Blue Mist Flower | Blue Mist Flower | Blue Mist Flower | | Blueberry Juice Blueberry Fruit 80 75G | Mixer | | Bodigizer Honey 300 275G | Mixer Red Herb | Pontata Root | | Bodigizer XL Egg (any) 800 225G | Mixer Honey | Pontata Root | Purple Herb | | Carrot Juice Carrot 100 250G | Mixer | | Coconut Juice Coconut 100 50G | Mixer | | Cold Medicine Royal Jelly 20 125G | Mixer Pontata Root | Mushroom (any) | | Cranberry Juice Cranberry Fruit 80 75G | Mixer | | Decent Perfume Flower (any) 0 400G | Mixer Flower (any) | | Grape Juice Grape 160 150G | Mixer | | Green Perfume Green Bell Flower 0 475G | Mixer Green Bell Flower | Green Bell Flower | Green Bell Flower | | Honeydew Juice Honeydew 220 375G | Mixer | | Honeydew Milk Milk (any) 280 650G | Mixer Honeydew | | Olive Oil; Decent Olive 0 125G | Mixer | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | | Olive Oil; Good Olive 0 150G | Mixer | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | | Olive Oil; Perfect Olive 0 175G | Mixer | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | | Olive Oil; Shining Olive 0 275G | Mixer | Quality will match | ingredient's quality | | Orange Juice Orange 100 150G | Mixer | | Pineapple Juice Pineapple 160 75G | Mixer | | Purple Perfume Lavender 0 425G | Mixer Lavender | Lavender | Lavender | | Raspberry Juice Raspberry Fruit 80 50G | Mixer | | Red Perfume Rose 0 900G | Mixer Rose | Rose | Rose | | Remedy Pontata Root 20 100G | Mixer Royal Jelly | | Shining Perfume Flower (any) 0 1700G | Mixer Flower (any) | Flower (any) | Flower (any) | Flower (any) | | Stay Awake Milk (any) 20 525G | Mixer Spicy Pepper | Pontata Root | | Strawberry Milk Milk (any) 260 525G | Mixer Strawberry | | Super Stay Awake Milk (any) 200 575G | Mixer Spicy Pepper | Red Herb | Pontata Root | | Tomato Juice Tomato 100 200G | Mixer | | Vegetable Juice Spinach 300 675G | Mixer Cabbage | Bell Pepper | | Yellow Perfume Moondrop Flower 0 500G | Mixer Moondrop Flower | Moondrop Flower | Moondrop Flower | | Yogurt Drink Honey 260 400G | Mixer Yogurt | |\____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Oven Recipes \ | \ | Apple Pie Egg (any) 360 750G | Oven Apple | Pie Crust | | Baked Yam Yam 300 775G | Oven Butter (any) | Egg (any) | Milk (any) | | Banana Pudding Egg (any) 320 425G | Oven Milk (any) | Banana | | Blackberry Pie Egg (any) 360 650G | Oven Pie Crust | Blackberry Fruit | | Blueberry Pie Egg (any) 360 650G | Oven Pie Crust | Blueberry Fruit | | Bread Milk (any) 260 775G | Oven Butter (any) | Flour (any) | | Carrot Cake Egg (any) 320 1100G | Oven Milk (any) | Butter (any) | Carrot | Flour (any) | | Cheesecake Egg (any) 360 1150G | Oven Milk (any) | Butter (any) | Cheese (any) | Flour (any) | | Cherry Pie Egg (any) 360 725G | Oven Cherry | Pie Crust | | Chestnut Pie Egg (any) 380 750G | Oven Chestnut | Pie Crust | | Chocolate Cake Egg (any) 360 1025G | Oven Milk (any) | Cocoa | Butter (any) | Flour (any) | | Chocolate Cookies Egg (any) 340 750G | Oven Cocoa | Butter (any) | Flour (any) | | Chocolate Pie Egg (any) 360 750G | Oven Cocoa | Pie Crust | | Chocolate Pudding Egg (any) 300 525G | Oven Milk (any) | Cocoa | | Cookies Egg (any) 300 575G | Oven Butter (any) | Flour (any) | | Cornbread Milk (any) 300 975G | Oven Corn | Butter (any) | Flour (any) | | Doria Rice 300 900G | Oven Milk (any) | Cheese (any) | Mushroom (any) | | Herb Bread Milk (any) 300 800G | Oven Butter (any) | Herb (any) | Flour (any) | | Herb Cookies Egg (any) 320 625G | Oven Butter (any) | Herb (any) | Flour (any) | | Herb Fish; Decent Herb (any) 280 100G | Oven Fish (any) | Ingredient sale prices sum | to less than 250G; up to | five fish may be used | | Herb Fish; Good Herb (any) 280 325G | Oven Fish (any) | Ingredient sale prices sum | to between 250G and 500G; up | to five fish may be used | | Herb Fish; Perfect Herb (any) 280 600G | Oven Fish (any) | Ingredient sale prices sum | to between 500G and 1000G; | up to five fish may be used | | Herb Fish; Shining Herb (any) 280 1150G | Oven Fish (any) | Ingredient sale prices sum | to more than 1000G; up to | five fish may be used | | Mashed Potatoes Milk (any) 280 800G | Oven Potato | Butter (any) | | Mont Blanc Cake Egg (any) 380 1000G | Oven Milk (any) | Butter (any) | Chestnut | Flour (any) | | Mushroom Gratin Milk (any) 280 925G | Oven Butter (any) | Cheese (any) | Mushroom (any) | | Onion Bread Milk (any) 300 975G | Oven Onion | Butter (any) | Flour (any) | | Orange Cake Egg (any) 320 1000G | Oven Milk (any) | Butter (any) | Orange | Flour (any) | | Orange Cookies Egg (any) 340 725G | Oven Butter (any) | Orange | Flour (any) | | Orange Pie Egg (any) 360 725G | Oven Orange | Pie Crust | | Pizza Cheese (any) 500 800G | Oven Pie Crust | | Potato Gratin Milk (any) 400 1100G | Oven Butter (any) | Cheese (any) | Potato | | Pudding Egg (any) 260 375G | Oven Milk (any) | | Pumpkin Cake Egg (any) 320 1050G | Oven Milk (any) | Butter (any) | Pumpkin | Flour (any) | | Pumpkin Pie Egg (any) 380 775G | Oven Pumpkin | Pie Crust | | Pumpkin Pudding Egg (any) 360 550G | Oven Milk (any) | Pumpkin | | Raspberry Pie Egg (any) 360 625G | Oven Pie Crust | Raspberry Fruit | | Seafood Doria Rice 320 975G | Oven Milk (any) | Clam | Cheese (any) | Crustacean (any) | | Seafood Gratin Milk (any) 380 975G | Oven Squid | Butter (any) | Cheese (any) | Crustacean (any) | | Seafood Pizza Squid 500 900G | Oven Cheese (any) | Pie Crust | Crustacean (any) | | Shortcake Egg (any) 360 1100G | Oven Milk (any) | Butter (any) | Strawberry | Flour (any) | | Spinach Cake Egg (any) 320 1100G | Oven Milk (any) | Butter (any) | Spinach | Flour (any) | | Vegetable Pizza Cheese (any) 520 1425G | Oven Tomato | Pie Crust | Bell Pepper | Potato | | Yam Cake Egg (any) 320 1025G | Oven Yam | Milk (any) | Butter (any) | Flour (any) | |\____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Pot Recipes \ | \ | Apple Candy Apple 160 425G | Pot Sugar | | Apple Jam Apple 200 350G | Pot Apple | | Banana Candy Sugar 160 300G | Pot Banana | | Blackberry Candy Sugar 160 300G | Pot Blackberry Fruit | | Blackberry Jam Blackberry Fruit 160 125G | Pot Blackberry Fruit | | Blueberry Candy Sugar 160 300G | Pot Blueberry Fruit | | Blueberry Jam Blueberry Fruit 180 125G | Pot Blueberry Fruit | | Boiled Corn Corn 100 225G | Pot | | Boiled Duck Egg Duck Egg 100 175G | Pot | | Boiled Egg Chicken Egg 100 125G | Pot | | Boiled Ostrich Egg Ostrich Egg 100 650G | Pot | | Boiled Spinach Spinach 120 275G | Pot | | Bouillabaisse; Decent Onion 280 525G | Pot Tomato | Ingredient sale prices sum Red Herb | to less than 1000G Fish (any) | Shellfish (any) | | Bouillabaisse; Good Onion 280 1100G | Pot Tomato | Ingredient sale prices sum Red Herb | to between 1000G and 1250G Fish (any) | Shellfish (any) | | Bouillabaisse; Perfect Onion 280 1350G | Pot Tomato | Ingredient sale prices sum Red Herb | to between 1250G and 1700G Fish (any) | Shellfish (any) | | Bouillabaisse; Shining Onion 280 1850G | Pot Tomato | Ingredient sale prices sum Red Herb | to more than 1700G Fish (any) | Shellfish (any) | | Cafe au Lait Milk (any) 140 475G | Pot Ground Coffee | | Cheese Fondue Cheese (any) 240 1475G | Pot Bread (any) | Grape Cocktail | | Cheese Risotto Rice 260 775G | Pot Onion | Cheese (any) | | Cherry Candy Sugar 160 400G | Pot Cherry | | Cherry Jam Cherry 200 300G | Pot Cherry | | Chestnut Rice Rice 200 425G | Pot Chestnut | | Chocolate Bar Cocoa 300 175G | Pot | | Chocolate Fondue Milk (any) 240 1325G | Pot Bread (any) | Chocolate Bar | | Clam Soup Clam 160 75G | Pot | | Coffee Candy Sugar 160 450G | Pot Ground Coffee | | Conger Eel Bowl Rice 260 400G | Pot Conger Eel | | Corn Soup Corn 160 475G | Pot Milk (any) | | Cranberry Candy Sugar 160 300G | Pot Cranberry Fruit | | Curry Soba Onion 400 750G | Pot Curry Powder | Soba Flour | | Eel Bowl Eel 360 475G | Pot Rice | | Egg Rice Egg (any) 140 350G | Pot Rice | | Egg Soup Egg (any) 120 375G | Pot Milk (any) | | Fish Soup Sea Bream 180 150G | Pot | | Grape Candy Grape 160 400G | Pot Sugar | | Green Tea Tea Leaves 80 225G | Pot | | Herbal Tea Herb (any) 80 50G | Pot | | Honeydew Candy Honeydew 160 625G | Pot Sugar | | Hot Cocoa Milk (any) 160 450G | Pot Cocoa | | Hot Coffee Ground Coffee 160 225G | Pot | | Hot Milk Milk (any) 140 275G | Pot | | Marmalade Orange 220 300G | Pot Orange | | Milk Candy Milk (any) 160 525G | Pot Sugar | | Milk Tea Milk (any) 100 325G | Pot Herb (any) | | Mint Candy Sugar 160 275G | Pot Green Herb | | Mushroom Rice Rice 160 325G | Pot Mushroom (any) | | Mushroom Soup Milk (any) 160 325G | Pot Mushroom (any) | | Orange Candy Sugar 160 400G | Pot Orange | | Potato Stew Potato 100 250G | Pot | | Pot-au-Feu Onion 320 1125G | Pot Potato | Carrot | Turnip | Cabbage | | Pumpkin Stew Pumpkin 100 225G | Pot | | Raspberry Candy Sugar 160 300G | Pot Raspberry Fruit | | Raspberry Jam Raspberry Fruit 160 100G | Pot Raspberry Fruit | | Ratatoullie Onion 280 775G | Pot Tomato | Eggplant | Bell Pepper | | Salmon Cream Stew Milk (any) 300 1300G | Pot Onion | Butter (any) | Salmon | Carrot | | Sardine Tomato Stew Tomato 180 225G | Pot Sardine | | Saury Tomato Stew Saury 180 300G | Pot Tomato | | Seafood Curry Rice 300 700G | Pot Squid | Curry Powder | Shellfish (any) | Crustacean (any) | | Seafood Risotto Rice 300 650G | Pot Squid | Onion | Shellfish (any) | Crustacean (any) | | Seafood Stew Milk (any) 360 950G | Pot Butter (any) | Fish (any) | Shellfish (any) | Crustacean (any) | | Shark Fin Soup Shark 260 500G | Pot Spinach | | Shark Fin Stew Shark 180 600G | Pot Herb (any) | Salt | | Spicy Seafood Stew Onion 260 675G | Pot Tomato | Spicy Pepper | Crustacean (any) | | Spicy Stew Milk (any) 300 1175G | Pot Onion | Carrot | Potato | Spicy Pepper | | Spinach Risotto Rice 180 725G | Pot Onion | Spinach | | Squid Tomato Stew Squid 160 250G | Pot Tomato | | Steamed Egg Egg (any) 200 650G | Pot Spinach | Mushroom (any) | Crustacean (any) | | Steamed Turnip Turnip 160 375G | Pot Sea Bream | | Stew Milk (any) 320 1250G | Pot Onion | Butter (any) | Carrot | Potato | | Strawberry Candy Sugar 160 500G | Pot Strawberry | | Strawberry Jam Strawberry 260 500G | Pot Strawberry | | Tempura Soba Eggplant 560 500G | Pot Soba Flour | Crustacean (any) | | Tomato Risotto Rice 200 675G | Pot Onion | Tomato | | Tomato Soup Milk (any) 160 475G | Pot Tomato | | Tsukimi Soba Egg (any) 460 375G | Pot Soba Flour | | Tuna Bowl Rice 320 575G | Pot Tuna | | Vegetable Curry Rice 300 1200G | Pot Onion | Carrot | Potato | Curry Powder | | Yam Rice Yam 200 450G | Pot Rice | | Yam Stew Yam 100 200G | Pot | | Zaru Soba Soba Flour 400 300G | Pot | | \____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________/