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______________________________________________________________________ // // // Tools // // "We shall neither fail nor falter. // // We shall not weaken or tire. Give // // us the tools and we will finish the // // job." -Winston Churchill // // // //___________________________________________________________________// |/ | As with other recent Harvest Moon games, there are three types of tools | you'll use throughout the game: six main "upgradeable" tools and several | other "non-upgradeable" and "one-time use" tools. The three categories | function mostly independently, but there are just enough similar | characteristics to warrant a unified section to start us off. | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Tool Basics / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | Tools function much like any other item. They take up a spot in your | rucksack, can be moved around, and can be stored away in the toolbox or | your cabinets. When you pull a tool out, it'll appear in your hands just | like an item. Pressing A, though, will use the tool instead of giving the | item away or putting it down. | |\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Basic Tool Usage \ | \ | To equip a tool, pull it out of your rucksack. It'll appear in your hands. | Press A to use it. Usually, you can use any tool at any time -- but it'll | only have an effect if you're standing near something relevant. For | example, the milker will only really do anything if you're facing an animal | that gives milk, and the axe will only do something if you're facing a | tree, stump or twig. | | Every time you use a tool, it'll use some of your stamina. Stamina's | displayed in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. Different tools use | different amounts of stamina: a brush, for example, barely uses any, while | the hammer and axe use a fair amount. | |\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Obtaining Tools \ | \ | When you get started, you'll be given two tools: the Watering Can and the | Hoe. These are the only two tools necessary for planting and growing crops, | but you'll need others. Here's how you can obtain them: | - Sickle: Obtained the first time you talk to Hannah at Horn Ranch. | - Axe: Obtained during the Fix the Bridge event: see the Events section | by searching for [-EVENT-] without the spaces for more information. | - Hammer: Obtained the first time you talk to Owen inside the Lower | Garmon Mine. | - Fishing Rod: Obtained the first time you talk to Toby by the river in | Flute Fields. | - Camera: Obtained the first time you talk to Simon at Simon's Studio. | - Brush, Milker, Shears & Bell: These four animal-related items can be | purchased from Hannah at Horn Ranch. | - Animal Medicine & Miracle Potions: These other animal-related items are | tools, but can also only be used once. They can also be purchased from | Hannah at Horn Ranch, though certain ones won't be available until Horn | Ranch has leveled up. Search for [-STRLV-] without the dashes for more | information. | - Seeds: Seeds aren't usually thought of as tools, but really they | function the exact same way. You can purchase seeds from Marimba Farm, | Taylor's Seeds, Pineapple Inn, or several festivals. | |\______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Upgrading vs. Leveling \ | \ | The most important tools are the upgradeable tools: the Watering Can, Hoe, | Sickle, Axe, Hammer and Fishing Rod. These are the ones you'll use most | often, and they are all similar in that they can be improved in two | separate ways. | | This is surprisingly difficulty to understand, so I'm going to introduce | two terms that the game only uses loosely: Upgrade and Level. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | What Do They Mean? | | A tool's Upgrade refers simply to how many upgrades you've had done to the | tool at the Blacksmith's Shop. There are five levels above where the tool | starts out: Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold and Goddess. We'll get to how to | upgrade later, but remember: 'Upgrade' means what type of metal it is | currently made of. | | A tool's Level refers to how skilled you are with the tool. There are five | total levels, including the way the tool starts out initially. A tool's | Level increases solely through using it; but again, we'll get to that | later. | | Now, here's the change from Tree of Tranquility: in Animal Parade, Upgrade | and Level ARE related. You can upgrade your tools all you want, and they'll | use less stamina -- so for upgrades, you don't need to be concerned with | level. But, when you Level a tool, you must also Upgrade it before you can | use its 'powered-up' technique. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | What Do They Affect? | | A tool's Upgrade mostly impact how much stamina it consumes when you use | it. The original Hoe you get, for example, will use a lot of stamina every | time you swing it. A Gold Hoe will use much, much less. For most of the | upgradeable tools, that's the only difference: the exception is the Fishing | Rod. Upgrading the Fishing Rod will make it consume less stamina, but it | will also increase your chances of catching rare fish. But I'll explain | that more fully later. | | A tool's Level will actually affect how strong the tool is. For example, a | Level 1 Watering Can can only water one square at a time; a level 2 one can | water two at a time. That goes for the hoe, sickle and hammer as well. For | the axe, since trees are rarely adjacent, Leveling allows you to shop a | tree or stump in fewer hits. | | But, Leveling a tool will not automatically unlock its higher power. | Instead, you have to hold down A to charge the tool up every time you use | it. You'll see a little animation for every level you power up. Just | release the A button to stop powering up and use the tool at its current | powered strike. | | Additionally, as mentioned above, you must Upgrade a tool to unlock its | Leveled-up ability. So, if you Level your watering can to level 2 (where it | can water 2 spaces at a time), you'll need to Upgrade it to Iron. | Similarly, Copper is required to use a tool's level 3 skill; Silver for | level 4; and Gold for level 5. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | How Do I Level/Upgrade? | | For Upgrades, you'll have to take a trip to any of the mines and the | Blacksmith's Shop. You'll need three of a particular metal to buy the | upgrade to that level (Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold or Rare Metal for | 'Goddess' tools). After you get that from a mine, go to the Blacksmith's | Shop and talk to Ramsey. There, you'll be able to choose your tool upgrade. | Be aware, they're pretty expensive, and you have to buy all of them in | order (regular to Iron, Iron to Copper, etc. -- you can't skip straight | from Iron to Gold or anything like that). | | Fortunately, Levels are easier to come by. You'll earn levels simply | through using the tool. For most tools, simply using it no matter the area | or situation will earn a little experience, but you'll get more for | actually using the tool properly. So while you technically can just water | or till the same square over and over to level the Watering Can or Hoe, | it'll be more efficient to use them to actually water dry crops or till | plain soil. Levels are tiered such that each level is significantly harder | to reach than the previous one: only the most hardcore Harvest Moon players | will reach Level 5 on any tool. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | So What's So Special About the Fishing Rod? | | The Fishing Rod operates under some pretty specific other mechanics. | | The Level of the rod corresponds to what types of fish you're able to | catch; you simply cannot catch the rarest fish without a high-level rod. | They just won't come. | | The Upgrade of the rod won't change what fish you can catch, but it will | improve the odds of catching a rarer fish. You might get lucky and catch a | rare fish with a lower-level rod, but you'll probably need to Upgrade. | | So, with a Goddess Fishing Rod at Level 1, you won't be able to catch any | rare fish. With a regular Fishing Rod at Level 5, you could technically | catch rare fish, but it'll take a lot of luck and patience. For best | results, you'll need a combination of a high-level and high-upgrade rod. | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Upgradeable Tools / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | Upgradeable tools are the main category of tools, which function according | to the leveling and upgrading rules outlined above. If you're still unclear | on the difference between leveling and upgrading, scroll up a bit and | re-read. | |\____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Axe \ | \ | _ _ _ _ _ _ | Basic Info | | Obtained : Obtained in the Fix the Bridge event (meet Bo in Garmon Mine | : District at the beginning of the game). | Purpose : Chops down trees, cuts apart stumps and breaks up twigs to give | : you lumber for home, barn and coop upgrades. | Usage : Stand facing the tree, stump or twig, equip the axe and use it. | : For trees and stumps, it will take multiple swings. You can | : charge the tool up by holding the button while your character | : goes through a series of animations - but be sure not to try to | : charge it to a level you haven't accessed yet, or else the swing | : will fail and you'll lose some stamina. | Effect : When enough chops are used, a tree will become a stump | : surrounded by twigs. Chopping the stump will create another | : twig. Chopping the twigs will add lumber to your lumber stock. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Upgrading Info | | Iron Upgrade : Take the regular Axe, 2400G, and 3 Iron (not Iron | : Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only upgrade | : tools after you've rung the Red Bell. | Iron Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your | : tool to Level 2 once your tool has Leveled up. | Copper Upgrade : Take the Iron Axe, 6000G, and 3 Copper (not Copper | : Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only upgrade | : tools after you've rung the Red Bell. | Copper Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your | : tool to Level 3 once your tool has Leveled up. | Silver Upgrade : Take the Copper Axe, 12000G, and 3 Silver (not | : Silver Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only | : upgrade tools after you've rung the Red Bell. | Silver Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your | : tool to Level 4 once your tool has Leveled up. | Gold Upgrade : Take the Silver Axe, 24000G, and 3 Gold (not Gold | : Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only upgrade | : tools to Gold after his shop has leveled to Level | : 3. | Gold Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your | : tool to Level 5 once your tool has Leveled up. | Goddess Upgrade : Take the Gold Axe, 48000G, and 3 Rare Metal (not | : Rare Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only upgrade | : tools to Goddess after you've completed the main | : plotline. | Goddess Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your | : tool to Level 6 once your tool has Leveled up. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Leveling Info | | How to Level : The Axe is leveled every time it is swung at all. It levels | : faster when it hits trees, stumps and twigs. Don't forget: | : charges cannot be used until the corresponding upgrade is | : purchased (Iron for one charge, Copper for two, Silver for | : three, Gold for four, Goddess for five). | One-Charge : The Axe will destroy trees and stumps in half as many | : one-charge hits as no-charge hits. | Two-Charge : The Axe will destroy trees and stumps in one-third as many | : two-charge hits as no-charge hits. | Three-Charge : The Axe will destroy trees and stumps in one-sixth as many | : three-charge hits as no-charge hits. | Four-Charge : The Axe will destroy trees and stumps in one-twelfth as many | : four-charge hits as no-charge hits. | Five-Charge : The Axe will destroy any tree or stump in one five-charge | : hit. | |\____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Fishing Rod \ | \ | _ _ _ _ _ _ | Basic Info | | Obtained : Obtained from Toby the first time you meet him by the Waterwheel | : in Flute Fields. | Purpose : Catches fish from any of the various fishing spots around the | : game world. | Usage : Stand facing a body of water, equip the fishing rod and use it. | : Then, wait. When a fish is caught, you'll see an animation, hear | : a sound and feel a vibration on the controller. Then, press A as | : quickly as possible until the fish is caught. You can charge the | : tool up by holding the button while your character goes through | : a series of animations - but be sure not to try to charge it to | : a level you haven't accessed yet, or else the swing will fail | : and you'll lose some stamina. | Effect : If a fish is caught, it will replace the tool in your | : character's hand. If no fish is caught, the reel will be brought | : in and the rod will remain in your hands. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Upgrading Info | | Iron Upgrade : Take the regular Fishing Rod, 2400G, and 3 Iron | : (not Iron Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only | : upgrade tools after you've rung the Red Bell. | Iron Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, increases your odds of catching | : rarer fish, and allows you to charge your tool to | : Level 2 once your tool has Leveled up. | Copper Upgrade : Take the Iron Fishing Rod, 6000G, and 3 Copper | : (not Copper Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only | : upgrade tools after you've rung the Red Bell. | Copper Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, increases your odds of catching | : rarer fish, and allows you to charge your tool to | : Level 3 once your tool has Leveled up. | Silver Upgrade : Take the Copper Fishing Rod, 12000G, and 3 Silver | : (not Silver Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only | : upgrade tools after you've rung the Red Bell. | Silver Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, increases your odds of catching | : rarer fish, and allows you to charge your tool to | : Level 4 once your tool has Leveled up. | Gold Upgrade : Take the Silver Fishing Rod, 24000G, and 3 Gold | : (not Gold Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only | : upgrade tools to Gold after his shop has leveled | : to Level 3. | Gold Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, increases your odds of catching | : rarer fish, and allows you to charge your tool to | : Level 5 once your tool has Leveled up. | Goddess Upgrade : Take the Gold Fishing Rod, 48000G, and 3 Rare | : Metal (not Rare Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will | : only upgrade tools to Goddess after you've | : completed the main plotline. | Goddess Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, increases your odds of catching | : rarer fish, and allows you to charge your tool to | : Level 6 once your tool has Leveled up. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Leveling Info | | How to Level : The Fishing Rod is leveled every time it is swung and hits | : the water. It levels faster when it is used to real fish in, | : based on the number of button presses it takes to reel in | : the fish. Don't forget: charges cannot be used until the | : corresponding upgrade is purchased (Iron for one charge, | : Copper for two, Silver for three, Gold for four, Goddess for | : five). | One-Charge : With one charge, the Fishing Rod will cast a bit further, | : allowing you to catch slightly rarer fish. | Two-Charge : With one charge, the Fishing Rod will cast somewhat further, | : allowing you to catch somewhat rarer fish. | Three-Charge : With one charge, the Fishing Rod will cast even further, | : allowing you to catch rarer fish. | Four-Charge : With one charge, the Fishing Rod will cast much further, | : allowing you to catch significantly rarer fish. | Five-Charge : With one charge, the Fishing Rod will cast much, much | : further, allowing you to catch much, much rarer fish. | |\______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Hammer \ | \ | _ _ _ _ _ _ | Basic Info | | Obtained : Obtained from Owen the first time you meet him inside the outer | : entrance to Garmon Mine (after completing the Fix the Bridge | : event). | Purpose : Breaks apart boulders and stone to give you stone lumber for | : home, barn and coop upgrades. | Usage : Stand facing the boulder or stone, equip the hammer and use it. | : For boulders, it will take multiple swings. You can charge the | : tool up by holding the button while your character goes through | : a series of animations - but be sure not to try to charge it to | : a level you haven't accessed yet, or else the swing will fail | : and you'll lose some stamina. | Effect : When enough swings are used, a boulder will become a collection | : of rocks. Smashing a rock will add stone lumber to your stone | : lumber stock. In the mine, smashing a rock or crystal may unveil | : Ores, Wonderfuls, items or affliction gasses. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Upgrading Info | | Iron Upgrade : Take the regular Hammer, 2400G, and 3 Iron (not | : Iron Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only upgrade | : tools after you've rung the Red Bell. | Iron Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your | : tool to Level 2 once your tool has Leveled up. | Copper Upgrade : Take the Iron Hammer, 6000G, and 3 Copper (not | : Copper Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only | : upgrade tools after you've rung the Red Bell. | Copper Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your | : tool to Level 3 once your tool has Leveled up. | Silver Upgrade : Take the Copper Hammer, 12000G, and 3 Silver (not | : Silver Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only | : upgrade tools after you've rung the Red Bell. | Silver Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your | : tool to Level 4 once your tool has Leveled up. | Gold Upgrade : Take the Silver Hammer, 24000G, and 3 Gold (not | : Gold Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only upgrade | : tools to Gold after his shop has leveled to Level | : 3. | Gold Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your | : tool to Level 5 once your tool has Leveled up. | Goddess Upgrade : Take the Gold Hammer, 48000G, and 3 Rare Metal | : (not Rare Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only | : upgrade tools to Goddess after you've completed | : the main plotline. | Goddess Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your | : tool to Level 6 once your tool has Leveled up. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Leveling Info | | How to Level : The Hammer is leveled every time it is swung at all. It | : levels faster when it hits boulders, stones, rocks or | : crystals in the mines. Don't forget: charges cannot be used | : until the corresponding upgrade is purchased (Iron for one | : charge, Copper for two, Silver for three, Gold for four, | : Goddess for five). | One-Charge : With one charge, the Hammer can hit two squares directly in | : front of you with one swing. It can also destroy boulders in | : fewer strikes. The stamina consumption will be the same as a | : regular swing. | Two-Charge : With two charges, the Hammer can hit three squares directly | : in front of you with one swing. It can also destroy boulders | : in fewer strikes. The stamina consumption will be the same | : as a regular swing. | Three-Charge : With three charges, the Hammer can hit nine squares directly | : in front of you in a 3x3 formation with one swing. It can | : also destroy boulders in fewer strikes. The stamina | : consumption will be the same as a regular swing. | Four-Charge : With four charges, the Hammer can hit twelve squares | : directly in front of you in a 3x4 formation (four squares | : out from your character) with one swing. It can also destroy | : boulders in fewer strikes. The stamina consumption will be | : the same as a regular swing. | Five-Charge : With five charges, the Hammer can hit twenty squares | : directly in front of you in a 4x5 formation (four squares | : out from your character) with one swing. It can also destroy | : boulders in fewer strikes. The stamina consumption will be | : the same as a regular swing. | |\____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Hoe \ | \ | _ _ _ _ _ _ | Basic Info | | Obtained : Obtained automatically at the beginning of the game. | Purpose : Tills soil for planting seeds. | Usage : Stand facing untilled soil, equip the hoe and use it. The soil | : in range will turn up tilled. You can charge the tool up by | : holding the button while your character goes through a series of | : animations - but be sure not to try to charge it to a level you | : haven't accessed yet, or else the swing will fail and you'll | : lose some stamina. | Effect : The untilled squares in range of the hoe will be tilled. If | : there are any seeds that have not sprouted in that range, | : they'll be dug up. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Upgrading Info | | Iron Upgrade : Take the regular Hoe, 2400G, and 3 Iron (not Iron | : Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only upgrade | : tools after you've rung the Red Bell. | Iron Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your | : tool to Level 2 once your tool has Leveled up. | Copper Upgrade : Take the Iron Hoe, 6000G, and 3 Copper (not Copper | : Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only upgrade | : tools after you've rung the Red Bell. | Copper Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your | : tool to Level 3 once your tool has Leveled up. | Silver Upgrade : Take the Copper Hoe, 12000G, and 3 Silver (not | : Silver Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only | : upgrade tools after you've rung the Red Bell. | Silver Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your | : tool to Level 4 once your tool has Leveled up. | Gold Upgrade : Take the Silver Hoe, 24000G, and 3 Gold (not Gold | : Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only upgrade | : tools to Gold after his shop has leveled to Level | : 3. | Gold Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your | : tool to Level 5 once your tool has Leveled up. | Goddess Upgrade : Take the Gold Hoe, 48000G, and 3 Rare Metal (not | : Rare Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only upgrade | : tools to Goddess after you've completed the main | : plotline. | Goddess Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your | : tool to Level 6 once your tool has Leveled up. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Leveling Info | | How to Level : The Hoe is leveled every time it is swung and strikes a | : square of soil. It levels faster if that square of soil was | : previously untilled. Don't forget: charges cannot be used | : until the corresponding upgrade is purchased (Iron for one | : charge, Copper for two, Silver for three, Gold for four, | : Goddess for five). | One-Charge : With one charge, the Hoe can hit two squares directly in | : front of you with one swing. The stamina consumption will be | : the same as a regular swing. | Two-Charge : With two charges, the Hoe can hit three squares directly in | : front of you with one swing. The stamina consumption will be | : the same as a regular swing. | Three-Charge : With three charges, the Hoe can hit nine squares directly in | : front of you in a 3x3 formation with one swing. The stamina | : consumption will be the same as a regular swing. | Four-Charge : With four charges, the Hoe can hit twelve squares directly | : in front of you in a 3x4 formation (four squares out from | : your character) with one swing. The stamina consumption will | : be the same as a regular swing. | Five-Charge : With five charges, the Hoe can hit twenty squares directly | : in front of you in a 4x5 formation (four squares out from | : your character) with one swing. The stamina consumption will | : be the same as a regular swing. | |\______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Sickle \ | \ | _ _ _ _ _ _ | Basic Info | | Obtained : Obtained from Hannah the first time you meet her at the store in | : Horn Ranch. | Purpose : Cuts down weeds, crops and grass to use for fodder. | Usage : Stand facing the weed, crop or grass, equip the sickle and use | : it. Anything growing in range will be cut. You can charge the | : tool up by holding the button while your character goes through | : a series of animations - but be sure not to try to charge it to | : a level you haven't accessed yet, or else the swing will fail | : and you'll lose some stamina. | Effect : Whatever was in front of the sickle when it was used will | : disappear. If it was grass, fodder will be added to your stock. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Upgrading Info | | Iron Upgrade : Take the regular Sickle, 2400G, and 3 Iron (not | : Iron Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only upgrade | : tools after you've rung the Red Bell. | Iron Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your | : tool to Level 2 once your tool has Leveled up. | Copper Upgrade : Take the Iron Sickle, 6000G, and 3 Copper (not | : Copper Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only | : upgrade tools after you've rung the Red Bell. | Copper Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your | : tool to Level 3 once your tool has Leveled up. | Silver Upgrade : Take the Copper Sickle, 12000G, and 3 Silver (not | : Silver Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only | : upgrade tools after you've rung the Red Bell. | Silver Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your | : tool to Level 4 once your tool has Leveled up. | Gold Upgrade : Take the Silver Sickle, 24000G, and 3 Gold (not | : Gold Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only upgrade | : tools to Gold after his shop has leveled to Level | : 3. | Gold Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your | : tool to Level 5 once your tool has Leveled up. | Goddess Upgrade : Take the Gold Sickle, 48000G, and 3 Rare Metal | : (not Rare Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only | : upgrade tools to Goddess after you've completed | : the main plotline. | Goddess Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your | : tool to Level 6 once your tool has Leveled up. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Leveling Info | | How to Level : The Sickle is leveled every time it is used in any way. It | : levels faster if it hits some weeds, crops or grass. Don't | : forget: charges cannot be used until the corresponding | : upgrade is purchased (Iron for one charge, Copper for two, | : Silver for three, Gold for four, Goddess for five). | One-Charge : With one charge, the Sickle can hit two squares directly in | : front of you with one swing. The stamina consumption will be | : the same as a regular swing. | Two-Charge : With two charges, the Sickle can hit three squares directly | : in front of you with one swing. The stamina consumption will | : be the same as a regular swing. | Three-Charge : With three charges, the Sickle can hit nine squares directly | : in front of you in a 3x3 formation with one swing. The | : stamina consumption will be the same as a regular swing. | Four-Charge : With four charges, the Sickle can hit twelve squares | : directly in front of you in a 3x4 formation (four squares | : out from your character) with one swing. The stamina | : consumption will be the same as a regular swing. | Five-Charge : With five charges, the Sickle can hit twenty squares | : directly in front of you in a 4x5 formation (four squares | : out from your character) with one swing. The stamina | : consumption will be the same as a regular swing. | |\____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Watering Can \ | \ | _ _ _ _ _ _ | Basic Info | | Obtained : Obtained automatically at the beginning of the game. | Purpose : Waters crops and puts out bonfires created with match sets. | Usage : Stand facing the seeds or crops, equip the watering can and use | : it. It will water any seeds or crops in range. Note that you | : don't need to water seeds and crops on rainy days, but you do | : need to keep watering flowers after they grow to keep them alive | : before picking them. You never need to water trees. You can | : charge the tool up by holding the button while your character | : goes through a series of animations - but be sure not to try to | : charge it to a level you haven't accessed yet, or else the swing | : will fail and you'll lose some stamina. | Effect : The crops in range of the watering can will be watered for the | : day. If used on a bonfire, the bonfire will be put out. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Upgrading Info | | Iron Upgrade : Take the regular Watering Can, 2400G, and 3 Iron | : (not Iron Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only | : upgrade tools after you've rung the Red Bell. | Iron Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your | : tool to Level 2 once your tool has Leveled up. | Copper Upgrade : Take the Iron Watering Can, 6000G, and 3 Copper | : (not Copper Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only | : upgrade tools after you've rung the Red Bell. | Copper Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your | : tool to Level 3 once your tool has Leveled up. | Silver Upgrade : Take the Copper Watering Can, 12000G, and 3 Silver | : (not Silver Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only | : upgrade tools after you've rung the Red Bell. | Silver Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your | : tool to Level 4 once your tool has Leveled up. | Gold Upgrade : Take the Silver Watering Can, 24000G, and 3 Gold | : (not Gold Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only | : upgrade tools to Gold after his shop has leveled | : to Level 3. | Gold Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your | : tool to Level 5 once your tool has Leveled up. | Goddess Upgrade : Take the Gold Watering Can, 48000G, and 3 Rare | : Metal (not Rare Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will | : only upgrade tools to Goddess after you've | : completed the main plotline. | Goddess Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your | : tool to Level 6 once your tool has Leveled up. | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Leveling Info | | How to Level : The Watering Can is leveled every time it sprinkles any | : water. It levels faster when it is used to water actual | : crops. It does not level when used while empty. Don't | : forget: charges cannot be used until the corresponding | : upgrade is purchased (Iron for one charge, Copper for two, | : Silver for three, Gold for four, Goddess for five). | One-Charge : With one charge, the Watering Can can hit two squares | : directly in front of you with one swing. The stamina | : consumption will be the same as a regular swing. | Two-Charge : With two charges, the Watering Can can hit three squares | : directly in front of you with one swing. The stamina | : consumption will be the same as a regular swing. | Three-Charge : With three charges, the Watering Can can hit nine squares | : directly in front of you in a 3x3 formation with one swing. | : The stamina consumption will be the same as a regular swing. | Four-Charge : With four charges, the Watering Can can hit twelve squares | : directly in front of you in a 3x4 formation (four squares | : out from your character) with one swing. The stamina | : consumption will be the same as a regular swing. | Five-Charge : With five charges, the Watering Can can hit twenty squares | : directly in front of you in a 4x5 formation (four squares | : out from your character) with one swing. The stamina | : consumption will be the same as a regular swing. | | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / Non-Upgradeable Tools / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | Non-upgradeable tools tend to be used for animal caretaking, like the | Milker, Shears, Brush and Bell. | |\____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Bell \ | \ | Obtained : Purchased from Horn Ranch. | Purpose : Calls animals toward you. | Usage : Stand in the field while the animals are outside, equip the bell | : and use it. | Effect : Animals will begin walking toward you. No, it's not really | : important at all. You'll probably never use it. | |\______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Brush \ | \ | Obtained : Purchased from Horn Ranch. | Purpose : Raises the heart level of livestock animals. | Usage : Stand alongside the Cow, Sheep, Horse or Goat, equip the Brush | : and use it while facing the animal. | Effect : The animal will gain a few affection points. Note that this only | : works once per day. | |\______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Camera \ | \ | Obtained : Obtained from Simon the first time you meet him at the | : Photography Shop. | Purpose : Allows you to take pictures to share with friends or decorate | : your house. | Usage : Equip the camera, then use it to bring up the viewfinder. Use it | : again to take a snapshot. | Effect : The snapshot will be stored for future use. | | |\______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Milker \ | \ | Obtained : Purchased from Horn Ranch. | Purpose : Retrieves Milk from adult Cows, Sheep and Goats. | Usage : Stand alongside the Cow, Sheep or Goat, equip the Milker and use | : it while facing the animal. | Effect : A bottle of milk will replace the tool in your character's | : hands, and the animal will gain a few affection points. If the | : animal did not eat the previous day, is sick, is not an adult, | : is pregnant, or has already been milked for the day, it will act | : confused and not gain any affection points. | |\______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Shears \ | \ | Obtained : Purchased from Horn Ranch. | Purpose : Retrieves Wool from adult Sheep. | Usage : Stand alongside the Sheep, equip the Shears and use it while | : facing the animal. | Effect : A bundle of wool will replace the tool in your character's | : hands, and the Sheep will gain a few affection points. Note that | : you can only use the Shears on an adult Sheep that has wool. If | : it does not have wool, it won't gain any affection points. | | | _________________________________________________________________________ | / / | / One-Time Use Tools / | / / |/_________________________________________________________________________/ | | One-time use tools are also typically used for ranching or farming, but in | these instances the quantity is significant: you must purchase one for each | time you plan to use it. | |\________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Animal Medicine \ | \ | Obtained : Purchased from Horn Ranch. | Purpose : Heals illness for one livestock animal. | Usage : Stand on any side of the Cow, Sheep, Horse or Goat, equip the | : Animal Medicine and use it while facing the animal. | Effect : The animal will be healed of illness. If the animal wasn't ill, | : it won't have any effect, but you'll lose the Animal Medicine | : anyway. | | |\__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Cow Miracle Potion \ | \ | Obtained : Purchased from Horn Ranch. | Purpose : Gets one adult Cow pregnant. | Usage : Stand on any side of the Cow, equip the Miracle Potion and use | : it. | Effect : The cow will moo, and the next day you'll find that it has | : become pregnant. | |\__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Crop Seeds \ | \ | Obtained : Purchased from Marimba Farm, Taylor's Seeds, Pineapple Inn or | : various festivals. | Purpose : Plants seeds in squares of tilled soil. | Usage : Stand facing at least one tilled square, equip the seeds you | : want to plant and use them. By default, you'll plant one at a | : time. If you have 9 seeds of the same type or more, you can hold | : down the button and plant an entire 3x3 square of the seed at | : the same time. Just make sure that the entire 3x3 square is | : tilled. | Effect : The seeds will be scattered in the tilled squares and ready to | : water. If you want to unplant them, use the hoe while they're | : still seeds, or the sickle once they sprout into plants. | |\____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Goat Miracle Potion \ | \ | Obtained : Purchased from Horn Ranch. | Purpose : Gets one adult Goat pregnant. | Usage : Stand on any side of the Goat, equip the Miracle Potion and use | : it. | Effect : The goat will bleat, and the next day you'll find that it has | : become pregnant. | |\____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Horse Miracle Potion \ | \ | Obtained : Purchased from Horn Ranch. | Purpose : Gets one adult Horse pregnant. | Usage : Stand on any side of the Horse, equip the Miracle Potion and use | : it. | Effect : The horse will whinny, and the next day you'll find that it has | : become pregnant. | |\____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Sheep Miracle Potion \ | \ | Obtained : Purchased from Horn Ranch. | Purpose : Gets one adult Sheep pregnant. | Usage : Stand on any side of the Sheep, equip the Miracle Potion and use | : it. | Effect : The sheep will make sheep sounds, and the next day you'll find | : that it has become pregnant. | | |\______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Tree Seedlings \ | \ | Obtained : Purchased from Marimba Farm or Taylor's Seeds. | Purpose : Plants a tree seedling in a tilled square of soil. | Usage : Stand facing one tilled square, equip the seedling and use it. | : Note that to grow, the square must be surrounded by a 3x3 square | : of space with no weeds, crops, other trees, or land boundaries. | : To make sure the square will work, till a 3x3 square and plant | : the seedling in the middle. Trees can share empty adjacent | : spaces, as long as each tree has nothing in its own 3x3 | : surrounding square. | Effect : The seedling will be planted in the ground. If you want to get | : rid of it, use the axe. Note that seedlings do not need to be | : watered. | | \____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________/